TUFF situation .. How can I convince this girl ? *DJ*


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2007
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Hello Fella,

I'm new here. I lost my old account that has quite a few posting back then. Now I just came back not so long ago. I just got out of a long term relationship a month ago and looking to see what is other there. I came across this Hb8.0 that is single as well. Her and her EX broke up almost four months ago, but his EX is a huge AFC that is still trying to win her back. He fill her head with the “remember back then the good ol days” mobo jumbo. She doesn’t want to be with him anymore because he a jackass. But deep inside she is still not over him, because they been together for almost three years. Her ex is the extreme jealous type, when he see her with another guy that he doesn’t know he turn into the HULK.
I am really into this girl, but I don’t want to pursue farther because her EX is still trying to get back with her. And I don’t want drama to occur. But this girl is definitely a bring home material girl, good looking, have a kick ass personality, and is caring. What should I do fella? We kino a lot and she definitely show iuterest, but the thing standing in my way is her EX boyfriend. And I am not going to fight him over for a girl, because I believe that is immature.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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im in the same boat. met a chick that just got out of a 4 year, about 2 months ago. shes still in some sort of "im confused" phase, so I just cut all contact. We went out a few times, and had a lot of fun, and she even said to me at the end of our 2nd date that she wanted to see me again soon, but 4 days later called me to tell me that she was confused and needed some space and time to work stuff out. Best bet, cut all contact, meet new girls, and if she comes around she comes around. Dont waste any more time on her.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2007
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The thing is she love to play hard to get, she never the one contacting me first. But she is a huge flirt and a huge tease around me. I just don't want to get into a huge mess with her EX-BF, but yet have fun with her. She definitely is a bring home material kinda girl and I don't want to regret not doing anything and let this opportunity slip away.


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2007
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You need to be very careful with girls who have just gotten out of relationships. Even if she broke-up with him (and I assume it was her doing the breaking up?), judging by what you said, it seems like he is still in the picture somewhat.

I'd need some more information before I give any solid advice. Like, how old is the girl? What's her background, etc? We'd need to know a little more about the girl and the situation before giving out more advice. But my gut feeling is that she's just looking for a bit of fun after getting out of a (by the sounds of it) quite claustophobic relationship with this guy. I've come across girls like this before, and if the guy's still in the picture, the situation is even worse, my friend. I'd cut this one loose before you get too involved in a potentially messed up situation.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2007
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This girl is 19 years old. AND she just got back with her EX, after 3 months of breakup. WOW JUST WOW.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Happens every day. Best bet is to walk away and find others. Tons of girls are out there man. She might come around one day, or might end up marrying the dude to never be seen again.

Some girls figure its easier to mend the things with their ex's, than it is to start a whole new relationship with a new guy. Its a retarded idea, but its the truth. Even if you are the better man, lots of times the girl will pick the ex, because it makes her life a lot more simple. Besides the fact that girls want a challenge, and would rather pick the ex because she can "fix" him. Good luck bro.