So another girl who I met for like 10 minutes and flaked on me I re-connected with through a set up (long story not important) She is attractive but in her early 40s and been divorced with no kids. I usually don't go for women this old but she is a hot cougar who I'd like to bang.
So anyway she told my friend before setting it up that she was seeing someone and wanted to see where it went. My friend told her it wouldn't hurt to get to know me so she texted me and we were making conversation etc... a few days ago after we exchanged pics (I used one that wasn't very clear) I said we should meet up... Here is how the convo went:
Her: So I have to be honest. When your friend told me to contact you, I had just started talking to someone. I told your friend that I wanted to wait to see how that worked out before
messaging you but he urged me to message anyway to at least talk and see if anything was there. Well since then things have progressed between this guy and I and i'd really like to give it and him the respect of seeing it through. I was kind of hoping you wouldn't be attractive so I wouldn't be interested but that's not the case haha
So anyway would you mind if I were to keep your number and if things don't work out with him, I'll reach out for us to meet?
Me: I respect what you're saying. Honestly if you were engaged or married we shouldn't be talking. But I think we've been around the block to know we shouldn't miss opportunities. We could always meet as friends.
Her: I appreciate what you're saying but how would you feel if you and I had a strong connection and I did that to you or us? I hope you can respect my decision and at least know that if you and I were to ever be together you could trust me.
Me: Of course I respect you that's why I'm saying you could be friends.
You seem like a very interesting person, wouldn't want to miss a chance to get to know you better
Her: Well thank you. I appreciate the kind words. I'm open to being friends and we can text but I don't think meeting would be appropriate. If you're open to that, then I'm willing.
Me: I really hope things work out with this guy whoever he is.
Her: Does that mean I shouldn't bother reaching out if things don't work out?
Me: It means there's nothing wrong with friends hanging out.
I then made some small bs talk about sports etc...
Then this morning I texted her
Me: So if you change your mind about meeting up one day let me know. Like I said I don't think there is an issue with friends hanging out. But I never have nor will be a contingency plan
Her: haha sweetie, first I don't need contingency plans in my dating life. Second, you're a person with feelings. I would never make someone a contingency plan. Like I said, I wasn't even going to contact you but at the time things were in the infancy stage with the guy I am seeing. I'd like to meet you but wouldn't respect myself for it.
Her: I will say this, you have my intrigued but not respecting me wanting to see this through makes me wonder if you'd do the same to me if we had a connection.
Thoughts? I'm thinking with some game I could probably get this girl to meet but if she feels strongly about this other dude I'd probably be wasting my time and money. Still I'm all about the experiment and learning.... I was thinking I'd respond back later about being friends or some bs.