You made the cardinal mistake and once again got sucked into her
text games. You completely ignored my advice from earlier and look where it got you. I think you need to go back and re read the thread and listen closely to the advice you were given, the advice you took, look at what worked and look at where you screwed up.
MacAvoy said:
Ok heres what I would do. I would continue to ignore the text messages and go with phone calls. There is a reason why women are using the texts, because you can't call them out, its safe for them. They don't like confrontation and they are scared to call, thats why they use texts.
When Carmen calls, just tell her you were busy and didn't get a chance to call her back. Tell her that you didn't call her back cuz she never left a msg so you assumed it wasn't important. If and when she does call, ask her whats up, "what can I do for you", if she says I'm just callin to see if your ok or along that lines, say your fine but your busy and you have to go.
If she wants to be in your life, she has to want to spend time with you, not sucking you into her life on the phone.
You made the mistake of allowing her to suck you into her drama.
To repeat,
1. I said the only method of contact should be the phone.
2. If she isn't calling to ask you out, then immediately end the call by saying your busy.
3. Continue to ignore all txt/communication except phone calls.
4. When she does call, repeat #2 until she asks you out.
Its that simple. Now you've given her validiation by responding to her txts. You've also given her validation by refusing to take down her pics, aka this translates to her, your not willing to move on and need to keep her in your life.
Now I don't know about myspace, but this is exactly why I don't join facebook. I don't want everyone to know who I'm shaggin, or who I'm out partying with. With tagging and stuff like that, if your out on the dating / party scene, sure you can get social proof from it, but it can hamper your game just as much by making you look like a playa.
I would stop going on myspace or block her or something, stop communicating with her that way. These tools give women control, they can dictate how the conversation goes, if they don't like the way its going, they just sign out. However they can't do the same on the phone cuz society deems that rude and unacceptable, however on the net, its normal.
I'm going to post another quote from Kontroller who also spoke on this topic but you keep ignoring. Text plays right into her validation, get that through your thick skull, NEVER NEVER use texts to communicate with women.
KontrollerX said:
Dude didn't you say that before this contact she had deleted you from Myspace and you thought for sure she was gone for good and that you'd fvcked up majorly?
Bottom line is she deleted you after you gave her what she wanted ie the lovey dovey sex talking to via text messaging, she got her validation.
Yay yippee skippy hooray he still wants me time to move on!!!!!
Oh wait a second the validation didn't last I ummm actually have feelings for this guy still that I need to get over, I think I'll accuse him of making a bunch of calls to me to not only humiliate him as though he was that obsessed with me so I can then laugh at his denials of having done that and get even more validation but I get to hear his pathetic whimpering voice acting brave when I know he only wants me to take him back and umm I miss his voice a little bit but whatever the more pathetic I can make him out to be in my mind with my little games the easier I can get over him by placing him in the friend box or the non issue box.
Yay I win!!!
Oh wait he's not falling for it this time...could it be...could it can't be...he's not over me is he???
*Time passes you don't call*
Oh I actually do miss him, I miss our relationship, he loved me so much and I loved him.
Maybe I will call him now finally, not that he would ever want to talk to me after how I've acted but maybe there's hope.