trying to fcuk close Japanese model


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2006
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
I met up with this hot Japanese model through an online asian dating site. She lives in Tokyo but is staying in NYC for a month. She's about to leave on Aug 1 and I met her a week ago. She's 28, very attractive, and single. I'm 25, attractive, and well built.

So she intiated contact (by email) based on a profile I put up that included a photo. In the email she told me she is currently in NYC.

We chatted online for about 2 hours at night and met up briefly the next morning for about 20 minutes. (we have conflicting, busy schedules)

I thought the conversation went well. She was smiling, she kept her body close to mine and she was asking lots of questions. Towards the end, I told her I thought about leaving the city soon and she invited me to come to San Francisco where she plans on living in a few months. (which i just chuckled at casually)

But here's the thing. After that meetup, she tells me to chat with her online later that night (she has no cell). The chat gets disconnected right from the start so I lose contact.

I email her the next day saying it was nice meeting you, we should meet up again sometime, etc.
No response.

I email her again 2 days later, saying
"Will I see you again? I hope so! I think you are rather unique and I want get to know you better. I know you're leaving pretty soon.. "

2 days later, I get this email:
"my computer is broken......
so...can i go to your house again? "

which I responded with
"Of course! just let me know about what time, in the morning probably?
Here's my phone number XXX-XXXX just in case.

after 2 days, no response as of yet.

Not sure what's going on here... I get the feeling she wants to hook up but she's being really flaky...I saw her at midnight tonight on MSN messenger (she put away status) so I know she has internet access.

May have to take in cultural factors... any advice would be appreciated.

Maybe I should just ask are you free at this X time? Or should I just next her? Thoughts?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Achielles34 said:
I met up with this hot Japanese model through an online asian dating site. She lives in Tokyo but is staying in NYC for a month. She's about to leave on Aug 1 and I met her a week ago. She's 28, very attractive, and single. I'm 25, attractive, and well built.

So she intiated contact (by email) based on a profile I put up that included a photo. In the email she told me she is currently in NYC.

We chatted online for about 2 hours at night and met up briefly the next morning for about 20 minutes. (we have conflicting, busy schedules)

I thought the conversation went well. She was smiling, she kept her body close to mine and she was asking lots of questions. Towards the end, I told her I thought about leaving the city soon and she invited me to come to San Francisco where she plans on living in a few months. (which i just chuckled at casually)

But here's the thing. After that meetup, she tells me to chat with her online later that night (she has no cell). The chat gets disconnected right from the start so I lose contact.

I email her the next day saying it was nice meeting you, we should meet up again sometime, etc.
No response.

I email her again 2 days later, saying
"Will I see you again? I hope so! I think you are rather unique and I want get to know you better. I know you're leaving pretty soon.. "

2 days later, I get this email:
"my computer is broken......
so...can i go to your house again? "

which I responded with
"Of course! just let me know about what time, in the morning probably?
Here's my phone number XXX-XXXX just in case.

after 2 days, no response as of yet.

Not sure what's going on here... I get the feeling she wants to hook up but she's being really flaky...I saw her at midnight tonight on MSN messenger (she put away status) so I know she has internet access.

May have to take in cultural factors... any advice would be appreciated.

Maybe I should just ask are you free at this X time? Or should I just next her? Thoughts?
San Francisco? Whats her number/Online dating site? Ill take care of it for you. (serious)


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2006
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
where did you see San Francisco in all that? lol. I'm not looking for that kind of help...


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2006
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
she must have either fixed her computer by then or went somewhere with internet access. She's taking classes right now. Could be legit, I don't know really.

Appreciate the advice. I sent her one last message 2 days later saying let's meet at my place and we can watch a movie. (I may have come have a nice guy (in person), so I'm trying to show more sexual presence)

No response yet, so I'm nexting her. This interaction is over. She's must be losing interest so I can't continue without losing value.

broken dreams

Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
new york city , bit-chezz
OK man You shgould have pushed pulled at the moment she said she wanted to come over..she has LMR.
She knows you are going to ****.

get her to the phone no more computers dude.that way its SOLID!

NOTE: If she has no number then email your number and say:

HEY japmodel,
you seem cool when we chatted and I saw something that reminded about what we talked about (ANCHOR) so I had to send you this email.
Im going out of town soon (FTC) , call me xxx-xxx-xxxx

my laptop is actually broken too,
can you believe that?!

anyways talk to you later.

you are just getting LMR'd

dont sweat it. think catstring theory the pied piper

you are on your way! :)


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Why in hell does a hot Japanese model in New York for a month have to go online to find a guy?


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Achielles34 said:
I thought the conversation went well. She was smiling, she kept her body close to mine and she was asking lots of questions. Towards the end, I told her I thought about leaving the city soon and she invited me to come to San Francisco where she plans on living in a few months. (which i just chuckled at casually)

But here's the thing. After that meetup, she tells me to chat with her online later that night (she has no cell). The chat gets disconnected right from the start so I lose contact.
J girls (actually J people) are WAY more subtle that american girls. They'll say a lot of things that can be mistaken for interest, but they're really just being polite. Even if you escalate and F-close, in her mind, she's just being polite.

Fukked up, but that's the way it is.

The red flag here is that she "has no phone."

ALL j-girls have cells.

She's not into you. Find one that is.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2006
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Yeah, you're right BrokenD. It's looks like LMR. f@ck! I wasn't thinking about push/pull and catstring. I thought I had her attracted enough I could move forward with comfort building and seduction. I thought I had the deal sealed.

I think its too late now. Lessons learned. Onward.

wow how'd you break your computer, that sux.

Realsmoothie, the model contacted me when she was in Toyko. She just happened to be in NYC for classes or something. Plus she happened to have a thing for korean guys, which I am one.

And there are quite a few hot women that go on online dating sites b/c guys are usually too intimidated to approach or don't know how to approach them in public. I think you'd be surprised.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles, SFV
You seem too friendly and not very sexual when around her. I'm wondering if you're not being aggressive enough sexually. Beware the friend zone.