Try to kiss-close in the middle of the date?


Don Juan
May 20, 2012
Reaction score
OK, guys - sorry for rehashing information from some of my previous posts, but just talked to a friend and he suggested something interesting - to try to kiss the girl in the middle of the date instead of waiting until the end.

I started properly dating girls very recently (before that I was just hanging out for weeks/months until they take some actions or just get bored). I feel that in clubs I make good impressions now and behave decently - approach successfully, have fun, do some basic kino (basic touches, sometimes holding hands and hugging), get phone numbers (now and then fail miserably though:eek:). When I arrange dates, they usually start good - talk, joke, have good time for about an hour or two. One of the problems is that after hanging out with the girl for so much time, I tend to get nervous and say stupid sKit here and there and eventually (when it's time to kiss-close), it's just dumb. My friend told me to try to act earlier, when the mood is at its peak, but if I try and fail, isn't it going to be extremely awkward (especially if we are sitting in a coffee shop or other public place)? Or maybe I should put time limit for the date, so that it will be still fun at the end?

Details on my last two dates:
Both girls were very hot (8+). Got three dates with the first one (~1.5 hours each), the first date and a half went great, exchanged few flirty TXTs after the first one. At the end of the third date I kissed the girl briefly for a while, but she said that it's pointless, since I'm leaving the country in 2 weeks. Blah-blah. FZ. With the second one I decided to act sooner. The meeting started good, at some point (after about 1.5 hours) I felt I was again getting nervous and asked her to leave (we were alone in some chill-out place), but she demanded to stay more. It wasn't that terrible after that, but I slipped out few extremely dumb comments and felt that ruined the mood. At the end of the date (it lasted 3 hours) I tried to kiss-close, but she professionally reflected the kiss (offered her cheeks, it was kinda funny).

Any comments and recommendations would be appreciated.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
Fortune favours the bold my friend

Too much pressure on the end of the date kiss, go for it when the time is right by the end of the date she should be back at your place.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
The beginning of the date is a good time also, or right when you get their number and ask them out.

One mistake I always used to make was that I'd meet a girl who was having a great time and for some reason I thought that I needed to get her number and leave and then call her and try to get her to go out and have a great time again - but she was ALREADY out with me doing that! The future is now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
bigneil said:
The beginning of the date is a good time also, or right when you get their number and ask them out.

One mistake I always used to make was that I'd meet a girl who was having a great time and for some reason I thought that I needed to get her number and leave and then call her and try to get her to go out and have a great time again - but she was ALREADY out with me doing that! The future is now.
I did that about 7 months ago, I was out at a club and me and one of my friends (alpha with a GF) started dancing up to these 2 girls and I got the hotter one to start dancing with me and only me, and we had full on eye contact through out, like she couldn't resist staring into my eyes and couldn't stop smiling and giving me "the look"

Her friend clearly wanted to leave and was trying to pull her away but she wasn't interested in leaving, her friend then just sat on the floor and sulked but target girl took no notice at all.

My best friends boyfriend can get any girl he wants, I don't know how he does it but he can go upto a group of girls and have that at is command in under 20 seconds.

He saw what was happening and tried to steal the target girl and came over and started trying to dance her up. He might as well have been a fly on the wall for all she cared (only time I've ever seen him fail), she was still dancing up to me, full eye contact, giving the "fvck me" look.

I thought I should get her number and leave while the chemistry was at its peak, leave her with posative memories and rapport and get her out for a date 3 days later.

Now I think back it seems a very chumpish move.

fake number!!


Don Juan
May 20, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you for your responses, guys.

Now when I think about it, I guess it also depends a lot on the country you live in and the type of the club you meet the girl at.
When I visit a local disco or club in an American college town, I just have to go there with friends, have some fun on the dancing platform and make eye-contact with a girl. Then it's easy.
However, I don't like this type of chicks (even if they are HB100) and prefer salsa clubs - hot girls there are much more decent. I also think that most of them (especially in my home country) wouldn't let be kiss-closed at the beginning of the first date.

So, do you have any particular techniques to make a good transition to a kiss? And what if she rejects it and you are in the middle of the date?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
I usually kiss close when I'm alone with a girl... first I put my arms aroun her waist and pull her close to me... then I'll put my forehead on hers... go closer so our noses touch and if she let you so close then you can be almost sure that she won't reject it so I just go for the kiss... and even if she'd reject it she would just turn her head so you would kiss her on the cheek... and my response to that would be just smile and continuation of the date... I'd try again later at least once and even if that wouldn't work then one last time at the end of the date... if she'd still reject it I'd just hug her and try again next date... no big deal... some girls like to take it slower even if she'd like to kiss you she wouldn't so she wouldn't look easy...