Try something new - Be Different - Live a little!


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Duluth, MN
One thing I've noticed on these forums is that nothing ever really changes. It's the same topics, same advice, same questions, same answers. Same people going out on the field testing the same things that have been tested by PUA's before them and coming back with the same results. Even the articles on this site seem to repeat themselves.

As a true PUA, your goal is to be one step ahead of the game. But in today's world, it's getting a lot harder to be "one step ahead of the game". Thanks to books like "The Game", movies like "Hitch", websites like this one, EBooks like David DeAngelo's "Double Your Dating", PUA's like Mystery getting media attention and making money off of AFC's by selling his technique.

Now, the game is really on.

Women are quickly catching on, too many AFC's are becoming certified PUA's, and the media is just eating this **** up.

For years, being a PUA was something that we kept underground. It was rare and it meant so much more. We purposely kept "the game" a secret. We learned from each other and through trial and error. We remained in a close group of friends, and we kept our secrets from most (because an artist never reviels his secret).

There were many reasons that we kept "the game" a secret (even amongst other men). To sum it up:
- It eliminates competition. If too many AFC's become PUA's it could throw our game completely off. Because AFC's are part of our game.
- Women cannot know about our game! When a woman knows too much about a man, she will manipulate him. At one time, pick up lines worked. They don't anymore. Women found out about them.
- Men have to be one step ahead of women in the game. Because when a woman has control, she will misuse her power. Give a woman $1,000,000 and she will spend all of it at the mall. Give a man $1,000,000 and he will invest in his own business. When women know our tricks, she will misuse the power of the knowledge she was given.

Now, you want to be a true PUA? You want to be "one step ahead of the game"? For the time being, a website like this one is good. Not enough people know about it, yet. But everyday, an AFC finds our website. Everyday, a woman finds out about us and plots her new strategy... Our game, our secrets, our tricks. They won't hold up forever.

... Luckely, while some of us men are new to the game, women have been playing this game for years. This can be used to our advantage.

Your goal as a PUA: Stay ahead of the game.
Here's a few tips to stay ahead of the game:

- Stay out on the field! This is important. The game is already changing. By the time you get done reading every article this website has to offer, you'll have missed a golden oppurtunity to learn a new trick.
- Mix it up a little bit. Though the website is a very great resource, it should not be your only resource. This website, and the websites related to it are all based off of the same methods. While if you go to a website like, they'll show you a different method that many clients have also stated worked (field tested, field approved). And if you visit, you'll find that their method is COMPLETELY different. Find your OWN method. Take the best tips from each resource, field test them, and imply what works to your game book (If you don't have a gamebook, start one. If you don't know what it is, I'll explain it later).
- Get a close group of PUA friends. A group of people that will share their latest-greatest tricks, pick you up when you fall behind, and sarge with you. You'll know you have a good group of PUA friends if they have their own rulebook :) . In other words, don't just put emphasis on meeting women... Meet some new friends too. It can help in the long run.
- While you're at it, get a close group of AFC friends too (and don't share your secrets :D) . It may be an ******* thing to do, but you can use them for your own game. Throw in a girl for them every now and then so they don't get rid of you. :)
- One of the best resources to learn are magazines, DVDs, etc. Made FOR women, BY women. Cosmopolitan is a great resource. Not only will you get the inside scoop, but it shows a lot of balls to buy a womans magazine. :D
- When in doubt, ask your masculinety. It's always better to be a man.
- Never assume that you are the master pick-up artist. Because then you'll feel that you have a need to stop learning. Do the opposite. Always assume that you are still a student. Never stop learning.
- As stated earlier, get a game-book. Your gamebook can be a place to store anything related to the game. Phone numbers, what works (what doesn't), Openers, Closers, Resources, etc. Many people have started blogs. Your blog could be used as your gamebook if you wish to do so.

It's been said that the field is a game of football. Theres offense, and defense. There's also a coach and a playbook. Every team in football always prepares for the next team. They're always one step ahead of the game.

Now get out there and get your game on! But remember, stay one step ahead of the game. Be prepared for harder competition.
Last edited:
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Staying ahead of the game

There is this secret and best way to stay above 99% of the male and female population and on top of your game. You would love to know this. I know you would.

Shhh . . . its a very closely gaurded secret.

It is working on yourself to be better then you were before. Having a sense of detachment and living life to its fullest. Becoming comical (I can't be coming up wtih lines because that is not me). I need to see that person in real life and their moments. Yesterday I was joking with a girl and calling her killer because of how she was with the ball on my soccer team.

Just becoming the best you possible. In theory this is the easiest thing possible but you know what? This is the hardest things known to man because it is more upsetting then all the enigmas such as women, religion, and fruit cake. You have to change your own perception which for some people is the toughest thing possible because of ego investment (Thank you Rollo for that one ;) ).


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2005
Reaction score
:eek: You actually get it. What the hell are you doing on this site?

Trust me...The Key is not becoming the best you can be. Hell, that was a damn military commercial not too long ago. The key is demanding the most from girls. Simple as that. Why do you think America is filled with fat, spoiled, arrogant females? American males don't demand anything from them. Demand a little respect. You are supposed to be men.


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
I think people are taking this "media attention" a little too serious. When you say things like "If too many AFC's become PUA's it could throw our game completely off", you are showing your insecurity/lack of confidence. In reality, most people lack the discipline, the motivation, the BALLS, to become Don Juans. And if they do become DJs, we should welcome them, embrace them, teach them, and learn from them. Enjoy the competition, afterall it's a GAME.

So what if women do find out about websites like these? The principles taught are the building blocks to attraction. Whether women know about the principles or not, they are still going to be attracted to those qualities. Those qualities are so basic that they can be seen through out the animal world. Women aren't going to stop being attracted to confidence. They're not going to stop liking kino. They won't stop laughing at our jokes. And, most importantly, they won't stop being attracted to us.... regardless of what they find out.

I think the only thing you need to worry about is using set patterns and phrases that so many other people use. Make up your own style. Be original. Continue learning, and you won't have any problems... even if every woman knows about