Trouble with ****Y and FUNNY


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2004
Reaction score
Hey fellas-

I am experiencing some trouble understanding ****y and funny. Actually, its not too must understanding its more DOING that I don't get. You can give me 50 examples but how can I get that natural part of me to come out?

If anyone can elaborate it would help alot, I think that is the only part I need left for my game.



Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
screw being natural. act very dramatic. like if you catch a woman looking at you. make your jaw really wide and your eyes really wide and then tell her you aint a piece of meat.


Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
Not everything works for everyone. Not even ****y and funny. Confidence is paramount in all situations. Not all women (especially the more sophisticated ones who have class) like some dipsh*t comedian insulting everyone in the room with his obnoxiousness.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
I agree with playasupreme. Personally I think the ****y/funny thing is way over-rated. If I *did* happen to believe that chicks are directly attracted to confidence...then I'd say that there are much better ways to convey that than ****y/funny.

Typically, people see right through it. "Hey are you checking me out!?" is very transparent. It doesn't make the guy seem cool, or confident, or even funny for that matter. A truely confident person wouldn't have to say that. They wouldn't feel the need to have to go out and prove that they are confident. The fact that you're playing around and trying to convince a girl that she's checking you out screams insecurity.

Just be you. If she does something goofy, then mess with her about it. If you do something goofy, mess with your own self about it. I can't tell you how many times I went up to a girl and told her "Hey, I wanted to talk to you earlier but you intimidate the hell out of me". It's obvious in my mannerism, the way I carry myself, that I'm not intimidated. But for me to be open enough to say that, that's confidence.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
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Where I be at
If you aren't quite ready to give up on C&F yet, try watching a couple sitcoms, and for the funny things you see, maybe try and implement a coupe of the jokes into your life. When I tell jokes, sometimes I think of it as a laugh track that others can't hear, so that if I tell a terrible joke, I know someone out there is laughing at my effort at least. If you want to become funny, you have to become uninhibited. You get to a point where you are unphased by a bad joke because everyone knows your funny. Just speak your mind with good observations, and purposefully misunderstand others/contradict yourself

"You know what I hate? people hu typ too fast and creat spellinf errors!"

Just have fun when you tell your jokes, every one is NOT GOING TO BE FUNNY, but sitting there twiddling your thumbs doesn't get a laugh either. Some of my favorite sitcoms are Simpsons and Friends. I also like Family Guy for it's edgy humor and disregard for social acceptance.


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by xblitz44x
I agree with playasupreme. Personally I think the ****y/funny thing is way over-rated. If I *did* happen to believe that chicks are directly attracted to confidence...then I'd say that there are much better ways to convey that than ****y/funny.

Typically, people see right through it. "Hey are you checking me out!?" is very transparent. It doesn't make the guy seem cool, or confident, or even funny for that matter. A truely confident person wouldn't have to say that. They wouldn't feel the need to have to go out and prove that they are confident. The fact that you're playing around and trying to convince a girl that she's checking you out screams insecurity.

Just be you. If she does something goofy, then mess with her about it. If you do something goofy, mess with your own self about it. I can't tell you how many times I went up to a girl and told her "Hey, I wanted to talk to you earlier but you intimidate the hell out of me". It's obvious in my mannerism, the way I carry myself, that I'm not intimidated. But for me to be open enough to say that, that's confidence.
maybe you need to learn how to actually be FUNNY. "hey are you checking me out" is not funny. it is just ****y and arrogant. now if you said, "hey i'm not a piece of meat, please stop looking at me that way" with an exagerated look on your face, that would be c+f.

your serious, confident bs doesn't AMPLIFY attraction.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
i dont think c&f should be used on every occasion with a chick.

yes it can be used, but under certain circumstances i'd say.

i believe C&F is used more often when trying to kick the HB off their pedestal, and it works.

it's been pretty rare for me to use c&f since i havent met a girl yet that placed herself on the pedestal, i've survived alone with wits and have brought humor to their lives

i think the thing every guy needs to develop more is their wittiness, girls love it when a guy can make them laugh using their wits. being witty means u dont make fun of anyone, nor yourself. witty is more of a hidden type of takes practice, and some are just naturals at it.
if you're a good conversationist, you're pretty much a natural


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
This is one "rule" i never agreed with...

If you are not naturally ****y or Funny, why should you try to be?

Also, for arguments sake lets say you "could", it's not something you cut on and cut off... IF you give woman enough credit to notice how you walk, you don't think she can't tell you are being a fake ass?

Look, be yourself.. It will get you a lot more woman then being something than you are not.

But I will say be more agressive, no woman likes a passive agressive man.

I am not ****y, but I am sure of myself... I am not funny per say, but extremely quick witted, and that combo works for me better than "C&F" ever would.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Backbreaker, good advice, considering it is coming from a 20 year old fella from arkansas! :D


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
personal experience.. i only use C&F depending on their social behavior through others by observation. why you asked? because there are many ways of making girls interested depending on their ethnic background/ social environment.

for example :

the girls i would use C&F most of the time are

latin, oriental, american,middle eastern (few exceptions)

the girls that i don't go for C&F are mostly :

- girls that just migrated to here in the united states/ i usually approach them by being friendly at first, and have a welcoming approach.

-european girls- i find them very passionate just by having a conversation, and most of these girls i've encountered with showed me a high interest level just by simply listening to them and looking interested in what they are saying during a conversation.

i don't think C&F is overrated or truly a guaranteed lucky charm, the only way c&f would work if it is done at the right time and the right moment depending on the mood of the girl and ethic social preference.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Ahhhh, the old ****y and funny question! Look, you're gonna mess it up before you learn how to use it correctly. It's gonna happen. You're bound to screw it up.

There is a super-fine line between ****y/humorous and a$$hole/jerk. With field experience you'll learn how to calibrate it and tailor it for the specific girl you're interacting with.

Last summer girls were telling me "you're such an *******!" as they punched me (not the playful type either haha I REALLY had a girl want to fight me once; she REALLY wanted to take me out back and throw down! hahaha) Now they say, "Wow, you're the most confident guy I've ever met." I use the same material today as I did then. The difference is only in the delivery. Like David D says, "You can say ANYTHING and have it mean ANYTHING."

IMHO, C&F is a tool (a GREAT one), but it's not a "system." Learn a system and plug C&F into it wherever you can. I think a lot of guys think ****y and funny is a system, ie.....if I act arrogant and make women laugh, I'll get women to want to f*ck me. It doesn't work that way. I know it doesn't work that way cause I was there too, VERY recently.

That's my two cents...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
nice one blitz


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I've gotten the you're an ******* a lot from C+F too. But the problem is, its' so damn fun to use and you can get a girl going for a while.

It is definitely best for the **** hot *****es. The priceless look you get from these girls that are used to AFCS kissing their butts is worth it completely.

But sometimes it's nice to be laidback as well. Really tough to find the right style.

If the girl is cute and has a good attitude, I start with C+F but quickly drop it into normal convo. Normally I do best with girls with a good attitude, as I guess anybody does. However part of the reason she's exhibiting a good attitude is that she is open towards meeting with you. Girls that aren't interested are going to come off as having bad attitudes anyways