Trouble in company of others


New Member
Aug 6, 2007
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Everything between me and my girlfriend is fine whenever were alone. She sleeps at my place about 4-5 nights a week and we have good sex. It seems all is well. :) However, when some of my friends come over and we all (seem) to have a nice evening she always gets very upset. She usually does not show it while others are there to avoid a scene, but complains in bed.

It boils down to:
1) Im ripping of on her while other ppl are present.
2) She does not dare to take revenge because then I would take revenge twice as strong.

Basically I'm just trying to bust on her with C&F. She even laughs but later it proves to be fake, she was disgusted. It is really difficult for me to see when she is enjoying it or being disgusted in company of others. :(

Is there a big difference in how you use C&F in person and in group situations ? She thinks im trying to see "how much she can take". :confused:


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2007
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If she's getting upset it's not C&F. You have to move past the pick up, she already wants you, your pushing her away. I would say lay off the busting for a bit.

And if you say something that you see pisses her off. Stop, look at her. Show her your sorry with your eye's (don't say it) and give her a kiss on the head. Then move on like nothing happned.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
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It's all in delivery and how much you use it.

Generally, I stop using as much ****y and funny when I know she wants me, I still bust on her and mess with her, but it's in a different way.

Girls have this thing where when their guy is around his friends, she'll pick up little things she's never noticed before and claim that you act so differently around your

Alot of mine used to do that, when in reality it was how I always acted.

So next time just lay off, you may be trying a bit to hard..

Just let things happen my friend.

Have fun.



New Member
Aug 6, 2007
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Thanks, I'll try to ease off. She keeps telling me that I attack her more than the others. While it is not meant in a bad way in a group situation she always feels that im trying to impress my friends by pushing her down...

She has also said in the past that I behave very badly to some of my friends while these friends themselves told me in person there was nothing wrong. :confused: Go figure ,"Girls have this thing where when their guy is around his friends" -> I think im a firm believer :) .


New Member
Aug 6, 2007
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Yesterday we had a phone conversation. She repeated the things about how she hates being there while I have company. This while telling me on saturday morning that she thinks this is something she has to learn to deal with. Anyway, I got a little upset because she chose to stay at her place instead of coming over. She explained me that she did not feel like it due to what happened with my friends. So I sent her the following e-mail before going to sleep yesterday:

"I wanted to rectify something. My tone of voice was accusational and I kept hinting at the fact that I seem to think that you punish me by not coming to my place. Well, I would like to say that I understand it if you do not want to come. You should do what you feel like doing. And this time I say it without a bitter undertone. "

"Good night and sweet kisses,"

This morning I got a reply from her:

"I'm suprised by the sensitive tone of your email and you probably can guess why that is. I only hope that you dont run into doubts everytime I choose to stay here. If you place me and you in the relationship together and get our facts/feelings right, then it should never seem to you like i'm sending you mixed signals. If I would enter into doubt so easily then my feelings for you should fluctuate depending on your behavior towards me. but do they really? i'll let you be the judge of that....since you say you understand.

shall miss you.
warm hugs 'n kisses "

I do not know if ive done the right thing by giving her the power of decision and letting her keep me on a line. Of course Im going to do my own things now. If she really misses me she would come over, so mayebe I just have to wait this out. It's really a conflict between: Neediness ( which I don't want to display at all ) and being on top of things and living in your own reality and not adapting to hers (which I feel like losing now).