Tried to help an AFC today...

Black Casanova

Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Every Fish Swims: I couldnt tell what you decided
(AFC’s name replaced for privacy): I'm not moving on
(AFC’s name replaced for privacy): (at least not yet)
Every Fish Swims: why
Every Fish Swims: ??
Every Fish Swims: lol my question mark stuck
(AFC’s name replaced for privacy): Why would I want to
Every Fish Swims: well, isnt this situation causing you pain??
(AFC’s name replaced for privacy): Sure
(AFC’s name replaced for privacy): It hurts
Every Fish Swims: So do you, eh, enjoy this pain?
(AFC’s name replaced for privacy): It's needed
Every Fish Swims: For
(AFC’s name replaced for privacy): I mean, you can't try and live life pain-free

I tried to explain to him about his Oneitis... he responded with this:

(Name replaced)And yes, I could calm my spirit. But why would I want to? She's that annoying song stuck in my head all day, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

Gah its so annnoying trying to help people

Black Casanova

Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I always used to get so mad at peopel who said READ THE BIBLE, but


SErioously, if you dontknow what an AFC is...


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Least he realized this.
My friend has "I Love Lauren!" posted in his profile and made an aim icon that has he rpic adn then itsays "I Love Lauren".
And this is after she had told his best friend at his school that she "Hopes she doens't have any classes with [my friends name here]"..
I tell him he needs to not put that **** in there. ehs going ut with her, so hes giving her complete control of the situation.
he just replies "I should do that..." and then never takes it out or removes the icon.

only tryin to my friends out, n i guess maybe they think "The guy who gets ***** has no idea how to get girls" lol.
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Glendale/Phoenix, Arizona
I'm guessing an AFC is A Fine Chick. I dont come her often enough to care to learn this forum's terminology, no offense of course.

But yeah, that guy in that dialogue does seem kinda retarted to me.


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
First of all, I took my time before I began posting to learn some of these terms, AFC is A Frustrated Chump if i remember correctly, you may correct me if I'm wrong. Point being, that's not the point.

Anyways. Many men these days can be stubborn enough to either continue thinking about girls after it's all gone and done with, or paying way too much attention to someone who doesn't deserve half of it. I have a few different ways of approaching the situation.

First of all, ask them why it is they spend so much time and effort to/with this girl, in person, on their mind, whatever.

Either one, they'll give you a bad reason, which could mean they're insecure and just trying to find someone to cling onto to make themselves feel better.

Two, they'll give you a good reason to care about this girl, but they continue to take it to the extremes. Ask them why they try so hard. Getting people to talk about their reasons may make them realize themselves that it's not worth so much.

You could also try and explain to them the effects of over-extending your welcome in their life, how it scares them away most times, and perhaps trying to convince them to lay off.

Now this pain situation is rather troubling. Pain does not have to be needed in your life, as I have just learned in the past day. You can show superiority to the people causing you pain, if you can shake it off. It's one thing if you think about them in an offhand way, sort of hope for things to work out, etc, etc, etc, but you can't push it to the extremes where either you're biting people's heads off or crying your eyes out every night, it's just not healthy.

One big hint, never lecture anybody, it pisses them off. Instead, drop down to their level, tell them you understand, try and guide them, ask them nice questions which hide a hidden meaning and/or suggestion. Don't force your thoughts upon them, put them up in the air for them to consider instead of swat away like the plague. That took me a long time to figure out, but once I did, everyone loves me now for helping them out so much.

Hope that helps.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego
here ill get you started:

AFC = average frusterated chump
C+F = ****y and funny
ONS = one night stand
LTR = long term relationship
SO = significant other
SS = the website this board is on
LJBF = lets just be friends
DJ = don juan
DJB = dj bible
AD = anti dump, a poster on this board.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
It is admirable that you try to help the AFC's but...

...those people will either not listen because of stubbornness, pride, ingrained beliefs from society:rolleyes:, and many other variables. I have tried to help many AFC's but they do not listen to me because they don't want to think that the status quo is wrong. :rolleyes:

I want to help people out too but you can't talk to a deaf person can you. They will not learn until something happens sooner or later.

BTW if you really want to try and help show them this site. 10 bucks says that they laugh in your face:D. Happened to me 4 out of 5 times. BTW I don't show anybody this site anymore although I have sent two of Pook's articles to a friend because he asked for help.

Hot Ice

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2002
Reaction score
Only help if you are asked to help.

I have never shown sosuave to anybody.
None has been worthy.

If someone is really trying to improve and search what is wrong with them, I would show it.

Recently I've got friends from people who don't need help and are successful in every way.

You don't have to watch your friends getting their sorry asses hurt even once again after sending their confessions of their deepest love by text messaging a good looking girl they haven't even talked to :rolleyes:
Get better friends!

Don't compete with other great guys.
Make friends with them.

One crucial thing of improving drastically:
Leaving your old whining pvssy friends behind.
They are the part of the old AFC you were and you'll still be that person if you keep hanging with them.
Find people who have genuine influence, who are succesful, and also that you shall be.