Senior Don Juan
so my friend let me and my friends party at her house last night even tho she didn't want us there, she was being nice. and she lives on the second floor and has a balcony above someone's backyard. well last night a bunch of our friends were drunk and were throwing cigarette butts all down there instead of in the cigarette cup. so the lady downstairs gets mad today and this girl gets a warning/complaint from the tenants and now she's at her condo crying and is very angry. i tried going there to talk to her but she wouldn't talk to me or open the door. i was out there for 2 hours waiting and i even brought her some taco bell. i ended up leaving about 20mins ago and i don't know what to do now. i really like this girl and now she's probably pissed off at me. it's not entirely my fault, but still i feel at fault. i've texted and imed her telling her everything will be fine and we'll help them clean it up and nothing bad is gonna happen to you cos this'll never happen again. what else can i do?