******** Translation


Don Juan
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys. I was the dude that wrote the thread about my girlfriend cheating on me. Obviously I broke up with her and haven't talked to you since.

Two weeks later, I'm back at school and partied with a HB 9 last night. She asked to see me again tonight, and we hung out back to back nights.

I'm confused, she constantly tells me "You better call me" or "You better be online later to talk to me." Yet tonight she made sure it was clear to me that
"I don't want a boyfriend"

What is she then? Just an attention *****? (Which I don't believe she is.)

I'm just confused because I've had **** buddies before and they never ask me to "call" or "IM" them every night.

Hell the other night she texted me on my phone saying she was mad at me that I didn't IM her before I went to sleep.

I don't understand this chick. Someone want to help me figure this one out?


Don Juan
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
DevanE said:
Here's a tip, stop thinking so much and go with the flow. Man you gotta learn to not stress little sh*t like this because it will eventually cause you to fuk up. You won't know unless you talk to her now would you...? So stop asking questions like this and just let it flow, if it happens it happens, if she's an attention who*e just move on its that simple man.

Now get out their and have fun. :up:
No worries im not stressing mate. Just was curious if anyone had any insight

Thanks for the advice bro.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
man they always flake out.. that's their nature.. i have been many times on these occasions..all you have to do is never mind.. keep busting on her balls and tease her.. you will get her no doubth.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
you shouldn't try to understand her, let her be.

first off, I am not one that uses IM programs, if I want to talk to someone, I use a phone. but if I just so happened to be online andhappened to have it on and she was there, I would shoot a few lines to her and go about my business. I am not going to plan my day around getting on IM, that's chumpish.

I am not going to plan my day around calling.

the person who needs the other person the least, always has the upper hand. the fact that you are poundering what this means, if anything, shows she has the upper hand.

what you have to focus on is how to gain the upper hand, and what you do has nothing to do wiht her. What ever happens with her happens, either she realizes how greatyou are or she doesn't, her loss regardless. You have to improve yourself, fill your life up with meaningful ****, and date other women, or at least talk to other women.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
I agree that to try and understand it is pretty pointless, this is just what girls do bro for a variety of reasons which could include....

1. She's bored
2. She juss likes to tease
3. She likes you, but scared
4. She's juss doing w/out thinking, prolli has no idea wha she's doin or how its affecting you


Don't worry about it, i used to care about things like this but it only leads to your downfall in the end. Here's something I used to do, when you are stressing like this or wondering wtf is going on... go out and meet some more women. Go to a club and hook up or do something, ur issues with this girl will seem less relevant and JUST as you've stopped thinking about that girl, she'll call... works everytime... its simple once u understand one... they're all the same

I had a girl offer a date after class, then stood me up and I seen her walking along 5th avenue shopping with her bestfriend at Tiffany's... Her friend stopped had a conversation with me while my target girl was on the phone with another guy and didn't acknowledge me... then I left and 10 min. later the target girl is away from her best friend and is screaming my name telling me to come back ??? **Cod3r confused** Next day in class she asks ME what happnd, and why i ignored her... its funny to me now but back then it almost drove me crazy... don't try and understand bro, juss laugh and move along with your life



Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Geez... why does it even matter what she wants, I think because you were once supposed to eb exclusive she probably would make a poor FB in this case.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2006
Reaction score
Manonamission said:
"I don't want a boyfriend"
I don't want a boyfriend now.

I don't want YOU as my boyfriend.
That's directly from the DJBible, you twerp. Pooks supplementary, page two. Or page 108 of the Dj Boot Camp.

Friggin idiot hasn't bothered to the bible posts and yet he's already posting questions.

She only wants to be friends with you.


Don Juan
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
t0mCaT said:
That's directly from the DJBible, you twerp. Pooks supplementary, page two. Or page 108 of the Dj Boot Camp.

Friggin idiot hasn't bothered to the bible posts and yet he's already posting questions.

She only wants to be friends with you.
I have read the bible you piece of ****. Friends huh? Is that why I fingered her last night?


New Member
Aug 31, 2006
Reaction score
Peoria, Arizona
And that means what?

So you fingered her, big deal. Maybe her Battery Operated Boyfriend was experiencing technical difficulties. It sounds as though your being played, she more then likely is not just running her game on just you, so keep that in mind.

She wants a friend, plain and simple. Then every once in a while she will throw you a bone to keep you interested. She is not stupid and knows as long as she has you guessing the longer she will keep you around.

We in the business would call it using "The Power of the Pu$$y"


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
Most girls i know do not let their friends finger them. My take is she's not feeling enough attraction / comfort to you yet to **** you. If you're fingering her though, you're definetly not in the friendzone.


Don Juan
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
DonJuanASU said:
So you fingered her, big deal. Maybe her Battery Operated Boyfriend was experiencing technical difficulties. It sounds as though your being played, she more then likely is not just running her game on just you, so keep that in mind.

She wants a friend, plain and simple. Then every once in a while she will throw you a bone to keep you interested. She is not stupid and knows as long as she has you guessing the longer she will keep you around.

We in the business would call it using "The Power of the Pu$$y"
Thanks for your input, but I have to disagree.

She is always the one to start the intimate situations. I've clearly shown her that I don't give a **** if it doesn't work out.

If she really is playing me, then she's doing a real good job. She has called me everyday and has asked me to hangout literally everyday. Between that time in classes it's hard for me to imagine her doing **** with any other dude.

Oh well. I've stopped worrying about it. I'm just going to go after more girls anyway.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Although I am not sure.

She might have sexual attraction towards you yet not boyfriend material. She just wants to play around. Just because she is not your boyfriend doesn't mean you can't fool around. I fool around with girls that have boyfriends, all the time.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
seems like she just wants to fool around and have fun and isn't thinking about it... i think you should do the same and have some fun.