Toxic women has my head jammed. I’m going in circles and I need help.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2022
Reaction score
Everyone wants a hot compatible girl lol. And there are millions, they're just not right outside your door. You have to explore and find them. In a city of five million there are plenty for one man. And if that's not enough for you, then that speaks more about you than them.

You sound like a chick. If you don't know how to manage your emotions how can you be expected to manage another person's?

No this is your projection of a desire for social validation. What other people think is none of you're business, and as long as your happy who cares?

This is for the first few months of dating but not for LTR imo, unless you want a spastic anxious woman for a partner. She'll eventually crack or leave if you have nothing more to offer.

This contradicts what you said earlier, that you withdraw emotionally when they mess up. So you withdraw but also don't trust them and try to control them? Which is it?

Any relationship that isn't toxic is built on trust. If you can't trust a woman to be faithful to you, then she's clearly not yours and trying to strap her down just screams that you have little to no other options. It betrays a deep sense of insecurity.

Maybe the women you date. Lol it's not 'slinking away', it's choosing to give your attention to someone more worthwhile. Toxic women get off on attention, doesn't matter if it's good or bad. By getting mad at them you're just signaling that they have emotional control over you, that they can upset you easily. They get an ego boost either way, that's why you just avoid them lol.

I really don't have the time to go through my girls phone lol I would leave the relationship long before I ever got to that point. Imo it's an extremely pathetic thing to spend your time doing. You really think that's a sign of a healthy relationship? If you can't trust her than leave her. If you can't trust any woman then work on yourself until you have more confidence and can qualify for quality women.
Its quite bizarre, you wouldn't get mad if your girl was texting other dudes behind your back. What if you came home and your girl was in bed with another guy, you wouldn't get mad then? I think if you showed that you didn't care that the girl would be bemused and probably hurt that you didn't care, but ultimately she would conclude that you weren't for her and she's justified.

If you act way too alpha you're not gonna keep a girl around, she's not gonna feel safe with someone who will drop her on her ass with indifference because there are other girls out there. Okay, if you're not getting what you want after making the effort then go elsewhere, no problem. I wouldn't ditch a girl at the first sign of trouble, when she could be kept in line especially when I have not communicated my boundaries and my willingness to follow them.

If a girl has done something wrong, and affected me on a personal level, I'm gonna tell her, and not in a ***** way. I am a man I have emotions, I'm not a robot. I'm not insecure, I'm a fierce animal and I don't like disrespect. If I have spent a lot of time with a girl, then I'm gonna care about her, I don't see that as a weakness. If she's testing a boundary then i'm not gonna feel safe continuing what we have, so that's my natural instinct to withdraw emotionally, doesn't necessarily mean I will next her just yet. Then it's just down to her, what is she gonna do about it? Does she care?


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2019
Reaction score
Its quite bizarre, you wouldn't get mad if your girl was texting other dudes behind your back. What if you came home and your girl was in bed with another guy, you wouldn't get mad then? I think if you showed that you didn't care that the girl would be bemused and probably hurt that you didn't care, but ultimately she would conclude that you weren't for her and she's justified.
You're missing my point, what is there to be mad about? I would simply dismiss her or remove myself. She can go cheat on other men and leave me out of it. What will getting upset accomplish? Why would I care what she thinks after she's been caught cheating on me? Getting mad implies we're still together and there's something to work out lol

If you act way too alpha you're not gonna keep a girl around, she's not gonna feel safe with someone who will drop her on her ass with indifference because there are other girls out there.
If you're self confident then you'll only be able to keep girls that are self confident themselves, unless you're prepared to compensate for them and teach them how to be so.

To deny the possibility that your girl can leave at any moment is refusing to accept reality. It's not something in your control, no matter how mad you get at her lol.

Anger is a response to feeling threatened. So what threatens you when it comes to your girlfriend? Why should you EVER feel threatened by her or otherwise fear what she might do? You should trust her, not fear her lol.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2022
Reaction score
You're missing my point, what is there to be mad about? I would simply dismiss her or remove myself. She can go cheat on other men and leave me out of it. What will getting upset accomplish? Why would I care what she thinks after she's been caught cheating on me? Getting mad implies we're still together and there's something to work out lol

If you're self confident then you'll only be able to keep girls that are self confident themselves, unless you're prepared to compensate for them and teach them how to be so.

To deny the possibility that your girl can leave at any moment is refusing to accept reality. It's not something in your control, no matter how mad you get at her lol.

Anger is a response to feeling threatened. So what threatens you when it comes to your girlfriend? Why should you EVER feel threatened by her or otherwise fear what she might do? You should trust her, not fear her lol.
Damn dude I wish I was your friend, you're so agreeable and trusting. If your girl was hot and I wanted her, I'd have no concern making a move on her since I know you wouldn't care you'd just shrug your shoulders, I'd get off for free, your guard is completely down with your girl better hope she can override her temperamental emotions and hypergamous nature. Hey, you'll raise my kid for me won't you?


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2019
Reaction score
Damn dude I wish I was your friend, you're so agreeable and trusting. If your girl was hot and I wanted her, I'd have no concern making a move on her since I know you wouldn't care you'd just shrug your shoulders, I'd get off for free, your guard is completely down with your girl better hope she can override her temperamental emotions and hypergamous nature. Hey, you'll raise my kid for me won't you?
You just don't get it man. You can't beat or intimidate the wh0re out of a woman. You really think a healthy relationship involves always being paranoid that your girl is cheating? Checking her phone? Not trusting her?

If you tried to make a move on my girl I'd trust her to tell you off. That's just what I expect from a girl I'm dating, it's the vibe I give off, it's what I filter for. If you were my friend I'd trust her to tell me so I can give you a firm slap in front of everyone. If she doesn't do that and rides your diick, then I no longer have any interest in her, so what is there to be mad about? Getting upset implies I lost something of value. Have fun with a cheating wh0re, I dodged a bullet.

You and I simply have different standards. The women you seem to try to lock down are the women I would only have a convenient fling with.

People don't pay for things only with money, we also pay with time, dignity, and peace of mind. You end up paying a lot if you're trying to be exclusive with a wh0re.