Towl Throwing


Don Juan
May 8, 2005
Reaction score
Clayton, New Mexico
Guys, I'm about read to throw in the towl. I've lost interest, drive and motivation when it comes to dating.

I live in a small town. It has 1,500 people in it. I'm the music teacher. The pay is reasonable, the hours are long, the prestigue is good (they like good concerts here) and I get summers off. I'm very ambitious about my job and I spend a great deal of time working with my kids to improve them so we can have better ensembles. I work 50 - 70 hours a week on average. This is my dream job where I get to do something I love doing in a place where I'm recognized for my talents and lets me exersize my competitivness. I don't plan on moving for another 2-3 years before I go get my Masters.

Because of the small size of the town, there is a limited gene pool of girls even close to my age. There are a couple of 19-22 year olds, but that is getting too young and flakey for me. The nearest town of any real size is 3 hours away.

The thing that is frightening me is that I'm growing acustumed to being alone. I'm starting to prefer it. I've had 3 or 4 gfs in my life and the sex with each was disapointing at best, rotten at worst. I'm loosing drive to even look at porn. I come home from work at 6 pm, play with and walk the dogs, check email, visit some news sites and then go to bed so I can be up by 5 the next morning.

What do you do when your job is the best thing that ever happend to you but it is killing your social life?


New Member
May 25, 2006
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Summer is coming and your off right? Sounds like a good time to hit the road and have look around....


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
TheDarkSaint said:
I'm loosing drive to even look at porn.

TheDarkSaint said:
What do you do when your job is the best thing that ever happend to you but it is killing your social life?

You have to make a choice. Whats more important to you in your life? Having a career, gettin ahead in the rat race, or looking back at your life, knowing that you had a great time, many memories. At the end of the day, you can always make a good career starting late. It all depends on your goals and priorities in life.

In my early twenties, I worked my butt off on my carreer, 60-80 hours a week, but I also partied the rest of the time to compensate. Then when I was in my late twenties, I said screw it, life isn't only about your career, and I took about a year off, travelled, seen the continent and made some of the most amazing memories that I never even dreamed of.

Its all about what you want out of life. In 30 years to you want to be admiring the truck, RV, house, and pension you got, or do you want to be relaxing at your camp thinking about all the great times you had when you were young.

Whatever you choose, live your life without regrets. I can honestly say I've got none. I've made a lot of mistakes and fvcked up alot, but it was one heck of a ride and I'd do it all the exact same way over again.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
DARKSAINT: Clayton, New Mexico? Not meeting too many hotties there? I have two words for you for this Memorial Day weekend: LAKE HAVASU

Go book a flight, it's just one state over.


Don Juan
May 8, 2005
Reaction score
Clayton, New Mexico
Thanks for the replies guys. It's nice to hear them.

I'm planning on traveling quite extensivly over the summer. I'm headed to Japan in June and I'll be spending a great deal of time both in Denver and Oklahoma city.

I know I'll have to choose between my job and a social life, it's just difficult to do so when I get so much positive feedback from the job I'm doing here. It's good for my ego as a recovering AFC and it's forcing me to be highly social and dominate with both students and parents.

Has anyone else been in the same situation I have?