Tough question on relationships


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
Knew this girl when I was younger. She's engaged, has three kids with a guy. Meanwhile this black dude is straight fking her brains out...

I've never really gotten into serious relationships. I'm good with that.
Not my area of expertise. What are the components that keep a woman dedicated and faithful? How would you guys break it down?

It's NOT honesty, loving her, or showering her with flowers and romance as society tells us. It's not being the provider and having a good job.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
I a good idea but I'm trying to deepen my understanding. It involves a few things. For example:

1) Selecting the right girl
2) Fking her good
3) Keeping the relationship fun
4) Maintaining a dominant frame


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2013
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta
Your actions count much more in terms of relationships compared to anything else. Basically, the most important thing that needs to be kept in mind is that:

1) You must put priority on yourself over all else.
- Relationships come and go, but you will always exist as long as you are alive. Do what's best for you most of the time when in a relationship. Hopefully she'll understand that you have your own needs too; if not, she's not worth the time.

2) Seek to improve yourself physically and mentally.
You will steadily gain confidence as you learn new things; keep working and improving on the skills that interests you and it will get you far in the long run.

3) Be a good provider.....for yourself!
You have more options going for you when you're wealthy; treat yourself from time to time when life gets tough and you'll thank yourself for it.

So basically:
you >>> her

All of this is important because women will respect a man who has set his priorities straight; she will slowly lose respect for you if you do things to gain her approval.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that meeting a girl with similar values and hobbies as your own helps with your LTR in the long run. Can anyone clarify this?
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