Me and ex GF had the “talk” last night, she told me she didn’t feel it was working anymore distance combined with timing and age apparently
To be fair I had suspected something was up around a fortnight ago and I forced her hand with a week of dead silence I guess i took a gamble and lost
This is the first time ive ever been this far down the rabbit hole with a chick
and Im not going to lie I liked this chick we never really had an awkward stage everything just automatically went the way it needed to up until now we both invested a lot into the relationship and I suppose we’ve both potentially cheated ourselves out of something
Anyway that’s enough wallowing in pity time to man up and learn my lessons which are as follows
1) no matter how good you think its going with a chick you always need a plan B if things go south ……..i made the crtical error of becoming too relaxed I dropped plates , friends , game everything now im back to square one and have it all to do
Its like being at a blackjack table with your life savings and going all in on a wing and a prayer that the dealer shows you some good cards
2) ALWAYS listen to your gut – once you have a certain level of experience with women your gut becomes like a 6th sense
my gut picked up something wasn’t right here long before my mind accepted it , this gave me a type of head start on the trauma that was inevitably about to follow
3) women are not capable of dealing with mixed emotions I think they feel they need to be 100% in something or 100% out and its freightening because they’re moods change like the F@cking weather one day everything is sunny and great the next its p1ssing down with rain and you’ve lost your umbrella no amount of game or tactics can stop this its just the female nature
4) keep an eye out for tell tale signs things are going south – social media makes this a lot easier than it should be around 4 weeks ago I browsed her favourite history on twitter and saw she had like a VERY strange ambiguous quote it made absolutely no sense to me
now It does
5) Game in relationships is a totally different kettle of fish it doesn’t really work
in all ive learnt a hell of a lot about not only myself but about life through this expierence , there was once a time the old bingo player would never of let himself be this emotionally exposed, I used to run the show with women I knew what to do and when to do it
il focus now on getting back to that point , although I know the next 3/4 weeks are going to be spent recuperating
if anyone wishes to add any lessons in then please feel free ........