Touchout's Goal: Get laid before college!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
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Well, my weekend was full of ups and downs...again.

First I'll start with my goals

-Get HB9's number for a hangout over spring break
Well I didn't see her after I wrote this, plus she's going away for spring break,
so i guess I didn't complete this? I dunno, it doesn't really matter, I'll just ask her when she gets back.

-Set up a date with HB8
Awesome, another ***** I don't understand. I texted her, she texted back asking who it was because she said she got a new phone. I texted her answer. This girl is supposed to be my prom date! I have to call her and tell her to stop with these stupid games...

-Do 30 mins of cardio Saturday and Sunday
No problems here, I was outside for at least 4 hours each of these days considering they were the nicest days of the year.

-Keep reading WOMS
God I love this guy, I recommend everyone read WOMS. If there is one guy who gets it...its definitely Senor Fingers.

So, my weekend was pretty bad because I had work so I didn't hit any parties or anything. But my flirting skills have definitely gotten a lot better, I'm back on top of my game. Today at work I was spitting game on a HB7 so good she was giving me DDB eyes. She invited me over to her house tomorrow, but its like a party, if I can go for the isolation I might try, I'll see how it goes.

I am the alphamale of my group of good friends now, no doubt about it. I love it, I love to be in control, plus I get to do what I's awesome.

So I'm just going to take things as they in the present just like Senor Fingers says. I might have a good update tomorrow if I go over that girls house.

It's time to get some FR's in here, I'm going to start doing some serious cold approaching just to work on my game.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
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So yesterday I went out and chilled with HB8 for a little while. We went over prom things and talked for about a half hour while taking a walk. It definitely wasn't my best game, but I wasn't really trying to game her, just talk. She seemed really interested in me, so I think some point before prom I will take her on a night date. I unfortunately didn't go for kino or anything, but that's ok, I still have tons of time with this one.

Later that night I went to a party where I was being an alpha, until these three random HB's show up. I tried to start conversation with two of the girls who didn't go to my school, but they were as cold to me as possible. Somehow my AFC friend was gaming the hottest one, all I could think it was was the fact that he had a little rapport with her and she was so entirely ****ed up she couldn't think straight. Not that I would have wanted to get with that, but I don't like not being the center of attention.:rolleyes: haha

When they first walked in, I immediately negged them, then I negged later too when we were all outside, the only one who responded well was the HB8 who went to my school, I had a little kino with her, but for some reason I wasn't trying to game her, from now on I think I'll just train myself so I am gaming everyone, that was I don't have to think about consciously doing it.

The things I want to work on most now are being dominant in group settings and improving my flirting skills with randoms. I might go to the mall later, so if I do I will post up some cold approaches.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
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Time to resurrect this thread and get serious about it, my sexual drive has been more intense now than ever because of my little tastes of success.

First of all, I got HB9's number and, while she has a boyfriend, I still plan on trying to get with her over the summer, **** it, she'll probably be broken up with him by the first semester of college anyway. She's definitely attracted, and while she is very shy I feel like I could get something out of her by the time school starts.

Second I went to prom with HB8 (and might I say she has the best damn ass I've ever felt/seen), was playing my game perfectly until she started throwing **** tests and I blew up on her. We made up since then and, as of right now, I feel she's my best chance at a hook-up the quickest. I'm going to try to set up a date for Thursday.

I've been going to a lot of parties, both the "A" and the "B" type of parties, and I can honestly say that, at least in my school, everyone accepts everyone, I can go anywhere and not be ridiculed and seen as out of place.

I've just been chilling and having a good time, but at one party I got the drunkest I have ever been, and I hooked up with one of my best female friends (only like an HB 5.5-6 but she's nice and has a good personality). Now I don't remember anything except for tiny bits and pieces, but one thing I do remember is that I had a limp **** when she tried to go down on me...:down: **** alcohol. It's been slightly awkward between us since then but it will be fine.

Now I have all this damn sexual energy, I'm like a friggin raging bull, and masturbation isn't helping at all, it's time to go out and have fun this summer!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
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jtrain 289 said:
The book of pook is the best thing you could ever read
Yea, I've always heard good things about it, it's just that I'm not a big fan of the way Pook writes, he takes something that should only be a few paragraphs and stretches it to a few pages.:crazy: It's summer though, so maybe I'll read a few pages every mourning or something.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2007
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dude don't sweat it. my friend had and i have the same goal as you, and he just lost his virginity last night to some random girl that we met at a concert a week before. (it did help him that she tracked him down on facebook tho) if i do say so myself, i as well am bound to lose my virginity, what with this campout with me and this hb9 this weekend ;) just keep cool and make sure that you arent acting desperate to get laid, because it makes you look pathetic. but im sure you already knew this, right? happy hunting and good luck


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
RugbyDude said:
dude don't sweat it. my friend had and i have the same goal as you, and he just lost his virginity last night to some random girl that we met at a concert a week before. (it did help him that she tracked him down on facebook tho) if i do say so myself, i as well am bound to lose my virginity, what with this campout with me and this hb9 this weekend ;) just keep cool and make sure that you arent acting desperate to get laid, because it makes you look pathetic. but im sure you already knew this, right? happy hunting and good luck

Haha, whenever I hear people say don't be desperate to get laid I think about Pee-Wee from the movie Porky's.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm not desperate for anything