Totally ruined my life as it seems...


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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bro iam not scared about HIV, iam scared about HPV, as in Genital Herpes. Its a ****ing nightmare to have HPV2 from what i read. Virus that stay with you for life. No more sex without condom, no more *******s... I still hope this is something else... please
You sounds like me.... Trust me.. you might have actually nothing.

The stress/guilt feeling those have the capacity to create symptoms.

I had sex with a hooker once.... soo much stress came that I started having blisters, pain, **** had liquid out etc.... That stress has crippled me to the point every ONS/Hooker sex I freak out with disease and ''suddenly'' my D is weird

I was passing test every week for 3 months... found out I had nothing. Every time I had nothing... for 10 years now had nothing (hookers sex, ons, plate, gf)... I went raw with GF... they were safe

My life was miserable for a good 1 year after my 1st time with a hooker ... I was even afraid of sleeping with ''normal girl'' so I pushed away alot of opportunities. I have OCD too.

Herpes might look worst than HIV... but Herpes is also one of the ''natural disease'' ... its nothing your body doesnt know (sores are natural symptoms of the body and Herpes genes is in common in all humans), it wont kill you, it will get better with time.

I've meet people with both HIV, Herpes... They could live a normal life with the treatement. Some posters here have the diseases.

Hookers especially professionnal escort make a living out of Sex... they are MUCH MUCH MORE Preventive than the average girl and Much more disease tested too (every 2 weeks). I would even consider they are more SAFE (and since it can cost more than 200$+... they usually have sex with guys who have the money... so they ''have safer sex'').

You likely wont listen to any of what we write... until a good 6 months of continous treatement. Just remember... you have symptoms... it could be just stress.. but they are there... so there is no reasons to worry more, since its ''there''.

My sympstoms went away after the 3 month and 6 months test. Cause after 6 months... all diseases had outbreaks, and if you are negative than you safe.

Take melatonin to help sleep, stop thinking about the disease and symptoms there is nothing you can do, always wear a condom (if you wear a condom, you safe for 99% sure Herpes is skin to skin but the infected skin is always the penetrated areas so if you have a condom you have a shield). Get a test for in 3 months and 6 months. AND DONT TALK TO ANYONE ABOUT IT.

Some pain might just be because your body wasn't used to the ''act'' or it was ''dry''

Actually, do the symptoms get worst when you think about them? If yes.... Stress!

You know what's great in your life right now? Your GF IS BACK... make sure to KEEP HER, SHE FORGAVE YOU AND READY TO DEAL WITH YOUR ISSUES.

So my advice: Lower your stress, play it safe with the GF in sex, don't annoy your GF with the ''possible disease''.... she came back cause she love you, don't find another reason to drive her away, rant on SSosuave to avoid doing it in real life



Don Juan
Feb 22, 2016
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i dont feel well at all right now. I masturbated and now my penis tip burns. I have burning legs, pain in the hands and sensitive ellbows. I still have a burning scrotum and an itchy asswhole.
This all leads me to think iam infected with Herpes Genitalis. It really ****ing sucks. At the moment my feet burn too. What the **** is going on i never felt so ****ty before in my whole life.
Iam in constant discomfort and pain.
I wish i would have never visited that hooker.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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i dont feel well at all right now. I masturbated and now my penis tip burns. I have burning legs, pain in the hands and sensitive ellbows. I still have a burning scrotum and an itchy asswhole.
This all leads me to think iam infected with Herpes Genitalis. It really ****ing sucks. At the moment my feet burn too. What the **** is going on i never felt so ****ty before in my whole life.
Iam in constant discomfort and pain.
I wish i would have never visited that hooker.
me thinks its placebo and stress problems, you belive so it is and serious self pity is so annoying, keep going like that then you really will lose your GF, and next time learn to keep your mouth shut, all this drama to try to make yourself free of guilty just to make things worse


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2016
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I dont know. I had a lot stress in my life and i never had physical symptoms in the genital area like iam experiencing now.
My life was finally good i just had to enjoy it from that point on. Now 20 minutes ruined it. I know i have self pity and i know its not attractive.
I am not showing it to my girlfriend but when she leaves my head starts racing. Now shes out with other couples, looking sexy af, and i
should be there with her enjoying life and iam here wondering whats going to happen with my life.
I also feel so guilty for hurting her. I am scared what it would mean to lose her, move back in my parents flat with genital herpes,
starting to date again, never being able to have sex without condom, having to take daily medicin to depress the virus... I had everything
going for me and now i could end up losing it all. It was my own stupid decision. I just wish i never did it i would not experience hell.
I cant be strong when my genital area is constantly burning and tingling and itching. Its totally depressing.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2016
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what makes u think this is a troll post? Cuz nobody could be that stupid&unlucky?


New Member
Jul 9, 2018
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Hi Neo, you feel remorse and the desire to straighten out right now, but once your symptoms clear and some time has passed your remorse might decrease and whatever it is that led to you to a sexworker will still be there if you don't deal with it. Longer term try to figure out whats happening, and deal with it. Going to a sexworker at that point in your relationship is a big red flag.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2016
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hey, yeah ive to go on the bottom of that. And also why iam manipulating myself like that. Joint and muscle pain has been unbearable as of now.
Went to the urologist again and urine, blood and prostata examination came back with good results. However when i masturbate my **** burns like fire.
I cant believe all these symptoms shall be psychological.


Generally this is called
Non-gonococcal urethritis
I knew some of my buddies got it in the Corps in my grunt platoon.
We would have five day fvck fests every time the assault ship would hit a port.
It can come from straining yourself. A simple pill form antibiotic will fix it up.
We called it NSU (non specific urethritis)
In all my travels Ive never had an STD so I don’t really know what you are going through. I’ve had as many as six in a night and never got anything.
We just thought it was normal to pound away.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2016
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i masturbated again. Now it didnt burn. But iam on another round of different antibiotics.
However the sperm just came out. Like no shooting or anyhting. It just droped out slowly.

I wonder if i got a prostatitis. The docs say i dont after scanning it and touching it trough the rectum.
I doubt thats enough. My muscle and joint pain was better today. However my strip (not sure if thats the right word)
still hurts.

You can read horrible storries online about people suffering to that for years and years. I should stop reading it.
My body discomfort is enormous. Iam sure i got some kind of bactery that the docs are not finding yet.
I will soon request my sperm to be analyzed.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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i masturbated again. Now it didnt burn. But iam on another round of different antibiotics.
However the sperm just came out. Like no shooting or anyhting. It just droped out slowly.

I wonder if i got a prostatitis. The docs say i dont after scanning it and touching it trough the rectum.
I doubt thats enough. My muscle and joint pain was better today. However my strip (not sure if thats the right word)
still hurts.

You can read horrible storries online about people suffering to that for years and years. I should stop reading it.
My body discomfort is enormous. Iam sure i got some kind of bactery that the docs are not finding yet.
I will soon request my sperm to be analyzed.
Yea, I had it. Lasted a few months. They gave me pain killers to take at night and Naprelan during the day. It was quite painful and sensitive. Was also recommended to take hot baths to help with the inflammation. That helped a lot. It's not bacterial nor a virus, just an inflamed prostate. I was also on two rounds of doxycycline as it's supposed to be able to penetrate the prostate wall. You just want it treated so it doesn't turn into chronic prostatitis. You to relax so your body can heal. It's not life threatening. It's not transmittal (just do not have any type of sexual intercourse until it's healed). You will be fine.


Jan 14, 2018
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Too much overreaction and overreacting, especially the masterbation part 2 be realistic, who dafvck masterbates when their d1ck is in constant pain ?


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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Too much overreaction and overreacting, especially the masterbation part 2 be realistic, who dafvck masterbates when their d1ck is in constant pain ?
Prostatitis usually doesn't come from masturbation. It comes from rough and intense sex or a blunt force impact in the groin region; I am told. Sometimes, it can be from bacteria that came from the partner's vagina, mouth or butt as well. Mine happened after a two day session with my now ex-wife. Won't do that again...

Yea, you shouldn't be jerking off during this episode (I believe I stated this as well). You're just going to make it worse. Learn control OP.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2016
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ive seen many doctors (even a nerve doctor) so far and they checked me for everything and yet nobody could help me with the burning sensation.
Googling i found that someone mentioned that stretches and yoga helped him with the burning - its called pelvic floor exercises.
So i started stretching morning and evening and my burning cleared up totally. Which is great news! I finally got some quality of life back.
And i can sit again which means i can go to work again. However my bottom area does still feel weird. Iam not masturbating or having sex because afterwards my genital area tingles and just feels plain weird. I just hope this passes with time and me continously progressing to more health.
In 2 days i take the final hiv, hep etc. test and if this all comes back negative i can put this issue behind me and focus on healing.

I guess once i got my results i will go to my family doctor (who knows about everything) and go from there. Maybe see a physical therapist or
a chiropractic or someone like that for my pelvic floor/back issues.

I had red bumps apear on my **** which i showed to two a urologist and my family doctor and they were not sure weither this was herpes or
sebaceous glands. It didnt respond to Aciclovir but to Bepanthen which makes me hopeful it wasnt herpes.

I should mention i still got slightly burning and aching muscles in legs and arms. I really wonder what causes this. I was perfectly healthy before all
this. Maybe its still a aftermath of my anxiety or the antibiotics. I cannot even go joging because everything hurts.

That being sad, you guys were right, i think i wouldnt have half the symptoms if i didnt overreact as much as i did. Iam taking antidepressiva now
to calm back down.

Now just hoping for the last round of std tests to come back negative - that will do some additional healing for my genital anxiety related
problems. I just think there is no way i caught something serious.

My girlfriend lets me sleep in our bed agian. I think her soul is slowly healing from all of this. Sometimes shes grumpy but most of the time shes fine.

I shall never cheat agian. I just cant deal with the aftermath of it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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ive seen many doctors (even a nerve doctor) so far and they checked me for everything and yet nobody could help me with the burning sensation.
Googling i found that someone mentioned that stretches and yoga helped him with the burning - its called pelvic floor exercises.
So i started stretching morning and evening and my burning cleared up totally. Which is great news! I finally got some quality of life back.
And i can sit again which means i can go to work again. However my bottom area does still feel weird. Iam not masturbating or having sex because afterwards my genital area tingles and just feels plain weird. I just hope this passes with time and me continously progressing to more health.
In 2 days i take the final hiv, hep etc. test and if this all comes back negative i can put this issue behind me and focus on healing.

I guess once i got my results i will go to my family doctor (who knows about everything) and go from there. Maybe see a physical therapist or
a chiropractic or someone like that for my pelvic floor/back issues.

I had red bumps apear on my **** which i showed to two a urologist and my family doctor and they were not sure weither this was herpes or
sebaceous glands. It didnt respond to Aciclovir but to Bepanthen which makes me hopeful it wasnt herpes.

I should mention i still got slightly burning and aching muscles in legs and arms. I really wonder what causes this. I was perfectly healthy before all
this. Maybe its still a aftermath of my anxiety or the antibiotics. I cannot even go joging because everything hurts.

That being sad, you guys were right, i think i wouldnt have half the symptoms if i didnt overreact as much as i did. Iam taking antidepressiva now
to calm back down.

Now just hoping for the last round of std tests to come back negative - that will do some additional healing for my genital anxiety related
problems. I just think there is no way i caught something serious.

My girlfriend lets me sleep in our bed agian. I think her soul is slowly healing from all of this. Sometimes shes grumpy but most of the time shes fine.

I shall never cheat agian. I just cant deal with the aftermath of it.
The burning nervous system sounds like herpes.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2015
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What kind of third world **** hole do you live in? Here in USA you get your blood drawn and it's tested for all STDs. Then a week or so later you get the results. He might indeed be a troll.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2016
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Hey iam back,

finally after about a year.
So what happened was that apparently anxiety and guilt can cause a condition called CPPS (Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrom).
Which pretty much is "just" muscle tension. The condition itself was hell on earth since its very hard to treat and the medical system knows nothing about it. Basically every std check came back negative. With the help of the internet i found a dynamic contraction stretching routine (DCT by David McCoid) which i have done now.

Basically symptomps were:

- ED
- 8/10 pain
- couldnt sit
- bleedy anus
- couldnt wear tight jeans
- anxiety/sleep problems

I have now resolved this condition but as a result i suffer from tinnitus. Iam still with my girlfriend and live is supposed to be good again but i am still suicidal to a degree. I am taking antidepressants now and have a therapist iam talking too. I envy all the people that never had to go trough something like this and i fear that the major stress shortened my life span. This can btw also come from chronic sitting/masturbation and weightlifting etc..


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
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Is this guy for real?? ^^^^^