Try not to ask too many questions and it's okay to interject about yourself as well to open her up to ask you questions. Some PUA believe that asking her constant questions "just to get to know her" is the right way cause you can "peak her interest" bud, it's not about her. It's okay to say this after asking her 2-3 questions about her... "Yeah I did something like that once too, over at an area that I usually frequent at" - A good communicator is supposed to continue that question with the girl (especially one that's interested) will say "Why are you" or "Do you know how" in reference to what you just stated. A girl that is a poor communicator or not that interested in you will go "Oh okay" and then silence ensues.
It's about you too, think conversation with you and the girl at 33% (you) and 66% (her) some say 25% you, 75% you.. that's fine I guess, but you should still give her hint/clues on who you are as well. Try to avoid bragging... like "Yeah, so you play tennis too? Well a couple years ago I won 2 consecutive state championships in tennis in a row, I'm the best at it, I got titanium gold platted tennis rackets too" that's what a misinformed PUA will do, a DJ would say "you play tennis? Yeah I play tennis too, I occasionally play at this location, I'm not that good but still practicing" - if she's interested she might even ask you out to play tennis with you sometime.