1. Don't date, sleep with, or get involved with a woman who cannot afford to spend as much money on you as you can afford to spend on her. Such a woman will never value, respect, or love you -- only your continued ability to pay for whatever they need and whatever you do together. Conversely, if you're a male who cannot afford to date, then do whatever you need to do to get your income and finances together -- and stay celibate until you do. Never play the gigolo game!
2. Don't date, sleep with, or get involved with a fat woman or a thin under-fat woman. These women have look-ism issues. Find out a woman's height, age, bone-structure, weight, and body-fat ASAP. There are fitness sites like that can tell you what a male and female's healthy fit weight range ought to be -- from the minimum to the maximum, assuming they're not a bodybuilder, athelete, or have bonafide medical problems involving weight. If she's more than 10 lbs excess fat or under fat, don't waste your time with her, no matter how desperate you are for sex or love. Conversely, if you're a fat or obese male then get your butt to a gym, take up a sport, jog or walk. 30 minutes aerobics, 20 minutes weights, and 5 healthy meals is the basic lean muscle/fat burning routine! Never participate in the porky-pig gender game!
3. Don't date, have sex with, or get involved with a single parent woman unless you're open to becoming a primary or joint income earner and step-dad -- no joke! Don't delude yourself that these women are only seeking a sex-partner, boyfriend, or husband who wants nothing to do with their kids. Ask yourself right upfront: Am I open to being a income and step-dad? Your answer must be a black and white definitely YES or NO -- not MAYBEs or NOT-SUREs. It is inexcuseable for a single male to play mind games with a single parent woman -- because whatever non-positive impact you have on her will directly or indirectly also impact the kids!
4. Don't date or get involved with a woman who cannot openly talk about sex and explicity upfront. Why? Because SEX COMPATIBILITY will be the most important thing motivating and sustaining you dating her, wanting to get involved with her, beyond other things. Most important, find out what sexual acts she won't do. Why? Because your sexual needs may change over time. SEX should be GREAT UPFRONT and then get AWESOME if you develop emotions. Don't buy into the hype that sexual compatibility will just work itself out AFTER you get involved, especially if you're a male who knows that was one of the reasons or only reason why you cheated in the past
5. Don't date, sleep with, or get involved with a woman who values and personality are at least 90% compatible with yours and vice versa. Yes, specific values and personalities are too complex for a lay person to isolate and analyze. But, from a common-sense perspective, we all say things, believe in things, and desire things that reflect our values and personality. Learn ASAP whether you and a woman's values and personality vibe -- even if you only want casual dating and sex. To not find out ASAP is a distaster for relationship failure or even worse conscious deceit and manipulation on your part and/or hers!
6. Reject all societal models about dating, sex, and love UPFRONT! Get those abstract models out of your pysche right away. Models are things boys and gurls play with or adults build as a hobby. So, unless you plan to build a stepford date, sex-partner, or wife, then date, sleep with, and get involved with a woman based on full knowledge of your specific needs and hers, how you and she as two unique human beings vibe, match up, not whether what you think and how you act emulates or clones others. Human beings share common values, thoughts, behaviors. But we aren't clones, templates! Design and customize your dating, sex, and relationship so that it works win-win for YOU and HER, not to please, conform to, or meet the expectations of OTHERS. Nobody knows what's best for you, what's in your best interest, only YOU!
7. Don't seek what you can't offer! Don't date, sex-out, or get involved with any woman who doesn't have ALL of the things you DESIRE. Don't SETTLE. But also don't be utopian, delusional, or unrealistic as to what you can get dating, sex, and love wise!
8. LIE only when doing so is in YOUR BEST INTEREST AND HERS -- not only yours! Nobody wants to hear the 100% truth or know such. Such is a myth! We all want selective honesty and deception -- that's why our media EDITS the news, that's why we have rated movies, that's why we have concepts and practices like TOP SECRET and PRIVACY and AUTONOMY. If woman tells you she wants absolute or 100% honesty then kick her to the curb, don't get involved with her, she's playing a double-standard mind-game or even worse she's naieve, immature, or psychotic!
9. There's the world of WHAT SHOULD BE and then there's the world of WHAT IS! Never confuse the two realities! The first is utopian, fiction, me-ism, in your head! The second is the complex reality of who you are, the people in the world, and how it functions beyond your limited knowledge. If you knew everything about yourself, about all people, and the world, then you'd be GOD! So don't be a MALE who imagines you're GOD-LIKE
Don't date, sleep with, or get involved with women who think and act like such. GOD-LIKE-PEOPLE HAVE CONTROL-FREAK ISSUES! They want to control and mode, have power over all or most things in their life -- people, places, and things. They're not happy unless they're in control and have and weild power. Control and power must be shared by two people -- even those casual dating and having casual sex! When you sense a woman (or yourself) is enter that realm of I need to control the situation and weild my power then or such is being done to you, that both of you are jointly, equally, controlling and weilding power, reciprocating those roles, then leave that person alone or do a humility check yourself
10. Don't date, sleep with, or get involved with any woman who uses the metaphorical language -- I need a Real Man, a Good Man, a Gentlemen, a Chilvarous Man, a Mr. Right, a Prince, a King, a Strong Man, a Generous Man! Why? Because this woman has internalized fictional, fairy-tale, fantasies, un-realistic models, absurd abstractions and ideals of what a MALE is. She has some irrational script, movie, in her head and wants you to play a part, one you cannot and should not ever play. If she's realistic, aside from being romantic, then her language should be one of -- I want a Compatible Man, a Compatible Partner! If she's talking anything else, wants anything less or more, then don't waste your time with her. If you're think and talking like her, just in some masculine way, then check yourself, wake the frak up, come back to the real world, and stop pretending you're in a movie -- think and act like a REAL person!
P.S. Remember Number 6 -- about not blindly comforting to, trying to plug yourself into, any models? Does this Top 10 List of Male-Dont's Constitute A Model
If you can figure out the answer to that question then you're a SMART-MAN!
1. Don't date, sleep with, or get involved with a woman who cannot afford to spend as much money on you as you can afford to spend on her. Such a woman will never value, respect, or love you -- only your continued ability to pay for whatever they need and whatever you do together. Conversely, if you're a male who cannot afford to date, then do whatever you need to do to get your income and finances together -- and stay celibate until you do. Never play the gigolo game!
2. Don't date, sleep with, or get involved with a fat woman or a thin under-fat woman. These women have look-ism issues. Find out a woman's height, age, bone-structure, weight, and body-fat ASAP. There are fitness sites like that can tell you what a male and female's healthy fit weight range ought to be -- from the minimum to the maximum, assuming they're not a bodybuilder, athelete, or have bonafide medical problems involving weight. If she's more than 10 lbs excess fat or under fat, don't waste your time with her, no matter how desperate you are for sex or love. Conversely, if you're a fat or obese male then get your butt to a gym, take up a sport, jog or walk. 30 minutes aerobics, 20 minutes weights, and 5 healthy meals is the basic lean muscle/fat burning routine! Never participate in the porky-pig gender game!
3. Don't date, have sex with, or get involved with a single parent woman unless you're open to becoming a primary or joint income earner and step-dad -- no joke! Don't delude yourself that these women are only seeking a sex-partner, boyfriend, or husband who wants nothing to do with their kids. Ask yourself right upfront: Am I open to being a income and step-dad? Your answer must be a black and white definitely YES or NO -- not MAYBEs or NOT-SUREs. It is inexcuseable for a single male to play mind games with a single parent woman -- because whatever non-positive impact you have on her will directly or indirectly also impact the kids!
4. Don't date or get involved with a woman who cannot openly talk about sex and explicity upfront. Why? Because SEX COMPATIBILITY will be the most important thing motivating and sustaining you dating her, wanting to get involved with her, beyond other things. Most important, find out what sexual acts she won't do. Why? Because your sexual needs may change over time. SEX should be GREAT UPFRONT and then get AWESOME if you develop emotions. Don't buy into the hype that sexual compatibility will just work itself out AFTER you get involved, especially if you're a male who knows that was one of the reasons or only reason why you cheated in the past
5. Don't date, sleep with, or get involved with a woman who values and personality are at least 90% compatible with yours and vice versa. Yes, specific values and personalities are too complex for a lay person to isolate and analyze. But, from a common-sense perspective, we all say things, believe in things, and desire things that reflect our values and personality. Learn ASAP whether you and a woman's values and personality vibe -- even if you only want casual dating and sex. To not find out ASAP is a distaster for relationship failure or even worse conscious deceit and manipulation on your part and/or hers!
6. Reject all societal models about dating, sex, and love UPFRONT! Get those abstract models out of your pysche right away. Models are things boys and gurls play with or adults build as a hobby. So, unless you plan to build a stepford date, sex-partner, or wife, then date, sleep with, and get involved with a woman based on full knowledge of your specific needs and hers, how you and she as two unique human beings vibe, match up, not whether what you think and how you act emulates or clones others. Human beings share common values, thoughts, behaviors. But we aren't clones, templates! Design and customize your dating, sex, and relationship so that it works win-win for YOU and HER, not to please, conform to, or meet the expectations of OTHERS. Nobody knows what's best for you, what's in your best interest, only YOU!
7. Don't seek what you can't offer! Don't date, sex-out, or get involved with any woman who doesn't have ALL of the things you DESIRE. Don't SETTLE. But also don't be utopian, delusional, or unrealistic as to what you can get dating, sex, and love wise!
8. LIE only when doing so is in YOUR BEST INTEREST AND HERS -- not only yours! Nobody wants to hear the 100% truth or know such. Such is a myth! We all want selective honesty and deception -- that's why our media EDITS the news, that's why we have rated movies, that's why we have concepts and practices like TOP SECRET and PRIVACY and AUTONOMY. If woman tells you she wants absolute or 100% honesty then kick her to the curb, don't get involved with her, she's playing a double-standard mind-game or even worse she's naieve, immature, or psychotic!
9. There's the world of WHAT SHOULD BE and then there's the world of WHAT IS! Never confuse the two realities! The first is utopian, fiction, me-ism, in your head! The second is the complex reality of who you are, the people in the world, and how it functions beyond your limited knowledge. If you knew everything about yourself, about all people, and the world, then you'd be GOD! So don't be a MALE who imagines you're GOD-LIKE
10. Don't date, sleep with, or get involved with any woman who uses the metaphorical language -- I need a Real Man, a Good Man, a Gentlemen, a Chilvarous Man, a Mr. Right, a Prince, a King, a Strong Man, a Generous Man! Why? Because this woman has internalized fictional, fairy-tale, fantasies, un-realistic models, absurd abstractions and ideals of what a MALE is. She has some irrational script, movie, in her head and wants you to play a part, one you cannot and should not ever play. If she's realistic, aside from being romantic, then her language should be one of -- I want a Compatible Man, a Compatible Partner! If she's talking anything else, wants anything less or more, then don't waste your time with her. If you're think and talking like her, just in some masculine way, then check yourself, wake the frak up, come back to the real world, and stop pretending you're in a movie -- think and act like a REAL person!
P.S. Remember Number 6 -- about not blindly comforting to, trying to plug yourself into, any models? Does this Top 10 List of Male-Dont's Constitute A Model