too much game?


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
A couple months back I read a few articles by "the dating wizard" on inner game and confidence, etc.. It's almost identical to the DJ material. It reinforced some ideas that I instinctually knew to be true...but had been conditioned to override.

I met a girl a few months ago and she became very interested in me. I was warm to her but I also ran a great deal of game. If she asked me a question that was obviously a test, I would reply with a smile and witty comment. I rarely placated her. Once she told me she would call me at a particular time and did not because she was partying. I told her very calmly that I would not tolerate the disrespect. She flipped out and after a while walked obvious bluff to see if I would placate her. I didn't bite, i turned around and left. I would look into her eyes without a problem, it felt good. As i realized how easy it was to behave like the instinctual man within me, I became even more confident in my self. She would try to make me jelous in many different ways, but I never bit, always played it cool. On several occasions she would make comments or ask questions that insinuated I was a player, they were never direct, always a fishing expedition on her part. I never reassured her that I wasnt a player, but I never said I was. She knows of many girls that are interested in me.

So a month or so passes, the sex is great. I feel very good with this girl as a person. Then things take a dip. She makes excuses not to hang out with me. Stands me up for a date. I go and suprise visit her at home to see what the deal is. We talk, she tells me a bunch of stuff about how shes ready to settle down in a relationship, but not in her life... and she says this is the reason that she forgot to meet for our date. Well, a few months before she was telling me she remembers stuff from second grade. would she forget a date? Highly unlikely. It's largely my intuition that this is a cover for the real issue that she thinks i'm playing her. So I told her that I think she remembered the date and even the time before when she was supposed to call, but actively chooses not to call. She says, "so what does that make me?" a set up in which she wants me to call her a liar. Instead i said, "scared" and she proceeds to cry, as the bullsh*t front crumbles. So i give her time to cry, then I kiss her and comfort her a little. Seems to be good. I plan another date with her. Well I'm sure you can guess what happens next, I get stood up once again. Call her, nothing. Haven't talked to her or seen her in a week.

So my question is, is this a result of too much game... and is there such a thing?

Oh, and what would your game plan be in this situation?
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smoke city

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
Leave you because you have too much confidence? I don't think so.
Leave you because she thinks you're a player who's not really interested in her and just wants to play stupid mind games with her? possibly.
one of the downsides of using some of these techniques before it's totally congruent with your inner game is that you don't have a feeling for how much is enough, and how much is too much -- for what is a fun cat-and-mouse game, vs. what is just manipulation.
The #1 reason why women leave men is that they feel EMOTIONALLY UNFULFILLED in some way...maybe she found another guy who gave her this. Maybe she's just flaking and being silly...but ultimately the reason why this is happening [if it has anything to do with you] is that there wasn't enough emotional connection between you and this girl.
If I were you I would move on. If she gets interested again she will come back on her that point you can state your terms, if any.
[or you can just fvck her brains out and not call her back...which is what i would do!]


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
an update on this one... so I went and talked to this girl. since i thought that maybe i had played her too hard and she though i was a player. I told her that I was genuinely interested in her and that I am not a player. I didn't do this in a desperate way as far as i know. she told me that she hasnt gotten over her previous boyfriend. I asked her if she is going back to him then. She said no, but when I asked her to be straight with me and break up with me or not, she wouldnt. She saids she wants to keep me in her life.

So the translation: she has been seeing her ex for a little while, doesnt want to sound like a slut for dating both of us. As for the keeping me in her life, she wants me in the wings incase that other guy falls thru i'm sure. he dated her longer, he wins. And I made myself look like a fool for no real reason. live and learn... i'm moving to the next on this one.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Its because she is falling for you and you show a lack of emotion of intrest so she is scared of her feelings towards you and getting hurt....


She has found a new fella


Try and show abit more emotion and effort. Flowers? :flowers:

Unless you dont care....If so NEXT!


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2004
Reaction score
u need to up ur GAME...

She makes excuses not to hang out with me. Stands me up for a date. I go and suprise visit her at home to see what the deal is.

why would u go to her house.. She tested you to see what you would do if she stood you up.. u failed the test and right then she knew she had u.

If a girl has feeling for you it doesn't matter if u r seeing anyone else all they will want to do is hang out with u and try to get you to only want to be with them..

If you really had her feeling she would have cared less about the ex boyfriend but since u didnt have her feelings she went back to the one guy WHO HAS HER FEELINGS.

ALWAYS REMEMBER its about how a woman FEELS about U.. And how U make HER FEEL.