Too Many Puss*es Around Here

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by flyinshark
What's the state of marriage in countries like Holland ?
A little over a decade ago, the Dutch introduced same sex marriage. Now there aren't any marriages. Not same sex, not any. The women in Holland have babies mostly out of wedlock, and that is only IF they have babies, which no one is.

Holland, the most debaucherous country on the planet, has committed mass suicide. They are not replenishing their populations at all, and the native Dutch in Holland will soon be extinct, which is the reason why they have to import so many immigrants to keep their economy afloat.

People would have you believe that the reason the Dutch have so many immigrants coming in is because they are tolerant and multicultural, but the truth is that Holland, along with countries like France are slowly becoming depopulated.

In a few decades, there won't be any Dutch people except in places like N. America, where it is still relatively possible to have a family.

This is the result of rampant Liberalism/Marxism/Feminist/gay agenda bullsh*t. Mass suicide.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Wow, i didn't know i'd get so popular so quick.

Here's the deal:
I don't hate women, I don't have some sort of grudge on women, in fact i dumped my last GF cuz she wasn't up to par.

This post was never about hating women,
it was about educating the DJs on this forum about a serious situation that I and other fellow DJs see arising.

Too bad you're to ignorant to realize this MindoverMater.
You and frivoulous were the ones who turned this into a personal flamefest.
I have no problem with you stating your opinion, but what i do have a problem with is when you make personal attacks on us.
I'm guessing you're either a liberal or retard because you obviously have no idea what's happened in America over the last 40 years.

Ohh how funny, you think i'm Urquel.
What are you some sort of wise guy?
You know you're lucky you get to hide behind a computer screen typing your lame resoponses.

You wanna know what i look like?
Picture a 6' tall 170 lb, dark haired italian looking guy that could bash your face in.

You want to know who i am?
I'm a 20 yr old guy, who never took sh*t from a girl.
A guy who's had his share of pu*sy and looked on while his friends turned into poor saps buying girl gifts, trying to do the same.

Meanwhile, I watched men get ****ed over everyday in divorces and greedy women marrying just to get rich and their own house.
They don't deserve any of that, they didn't work for it.
They STOLE IT through clever manipulation of the system.
Then i saw the same women eyeing, me like i'm sum sort of boy toy.

I've talked to a lot of my older neighbours and actually SEEN them go through divorces to realize what the hell is going on in this country.

And btw i don't have any problem getting wh0res, as my last posts have shown. I blow 'em off all the time.
I also get hit on by married/ women with bfs and it makes me sick becaue these hos have no control over themselves.
Just last week at a party sum hoe with a bf was trying to give me a lap dance.

I don't know how a person with any sort of decency can look at our society today, and say that everything is okay.

Bottom line is:
If you don't like our point of view, thats fine.
But don't post personal attacks on this forum, it isn't constructive and it could get your ass kicked.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jus_LikeCandy

Women only do what men allow them to do....
You give us the power, we will run with it.....
We will test to see how much you will take. All we really want is a man to put their foot down and take control..
Thanks Candy,
That's exactly what we're planning on doing. ;)


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jake-inator
Here's the deal:
I don't hate women, I don't have some sort of grudge on women, in fact i dumped my last GF cuz she wasn't up to par.
Wow you dumped a girl, good job! Here's a medal, you're officially the biggest playa in the world.

This post was never about hating women,
it was about educating the DJs on this forum about a serious situation that I and other fellow DJs see arising.

Too bad you're to ignorant to realize this MindoverMater.
You and frivoulous were the ones who turned this into a personal flamefest.
I have no problem with you stating your opinion, but what i do have a problem with is when you make personal attacks on us.
I'm guessing you're either a liberal or retard because you obviously have no idea what's happened in America over the last 40 years.
What serious situation? That most of the men in the world today are pvssies/symps/afcs and that there are women who take advantage of them?! Wow, no sh!t? Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Man stop pretending to be PRL, you are 20, you weren't even a sperm cell 40 years ago. You think that every female on this continent is a feminist wh0re trying to take away your manhood, and you're calling me ignorant? Seriously, get off your computer chair, go outside and talk to girls. They're not as scary as u think, you'll be fine.

Ohh how funny, you think i'm Urquel.
What are you some sort of wise guy?
You know you're lucky you get to hide behind a computer screen typing your lame resoponses.

You wanna know what i look like?
Picture a 6' tall 170 lb, dark haired italian looking guy that could bash your face in.
LOL. Are you for real?

I'm not hiding behind sh!t, I've had my photo up in my sig on this forum when I first started posting in 2004. If you're gonna pull that hiding sh!t, lets see a pic of you.

And by the way, 170 lbs on a 6' frame is skinny as sh!t. Is that supposed to intimidate me? Over the internet?

Chill out Urkel.

You want to know who i am?
I'm a 20 yr old guy, who never took sh*t from a girl.
A guy who's had his share of pu*sy and looked on while his friends turned into poor saps buying girl gifts, trying to do the same.
Uh huh.


Originally posted by Jake-inator
This dude sounds like me, right before i got dumped.

He is in "Da-Nile"

You shouldn't worry about what he does.
In the end when the chick gets sick of his lovey-dovey clingy behaviour and dumps him, he will realize how much time he wasted talking to her and he will feel betrayed.
I know i did...

Sounds to me like you are mixing up your identities. One minute you're telling me that you're this badass guy that dumps girls and doesn't take sh!t, and in another thread you're admitting you were a symp and that you got dumped. What the hell?


I need some advice guys...
I've recently built up my confidence
by going to the gym, and actually believing in myself.
Recently? I thought u never took sh!t from women? Where was your confidence before?

Meanwhile, I watched men get ****ed over everyday in divorces and greedy women marrying just to get rich and their own house.
They don't deserve any of that, they didn't work for it.
They STOLE IT through clever manipulation of the system.
Then i saw the same women eyeing, me like i'm sum sort of boy toy.
Yes, and? Not all women are like this, and not all women are out to use a man. The system works both ways, if you don't want a wh0re to take your money, make her sign a prenup or even better, marry a real woman and don't marry a wh0re. The problem is symps who rush into marriage before they even know whether or not they're with the right person. And if you think all women are wh0res, then why are you on a site dedicated to picking up women?

We've all read, we don't need you to repeat it for us.

I've talked to a lot of my older neighbours and actually SEEN them go through divorces to realize what the hell is going on in this country.
Read above.

And btw i don't have any problem getting wh0res, as my last posts have shown. I blow 'em off all the time.
I also get hit on by married/ women with bfs and it makes me sick becaue these hos have no control over themselves.
Just last week at a party sum hoe with a bf was trying to give me a lap dance.
Riiight. You also don't take any sh!t from any girl and break hearts left and right. I'm not buying that for a second.

I don't know how a person with any sort of decency can look at our society today, and say that everything is okay.

Bottom line is:
If you don't like our point of view, thats fine.
But don't post personal attacks on this forum, it isn't constructive and it could get your ass kicked. :trouble:

I don't have a problem with your point of view, if you wanna think all women are wh0res and convince others to repell women like you do, fine by me.

As for getting my ass kicked, lol. You are making real life threats on an internet forum. Hello? Do you realize how retarded you sound?

edit - post was in bold


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
I'm not proud of dumping a girl. We just weren't compatible.

Yea i got burned ONCE a long time ago, cuz i didn't keep my guard up whats your point di*k face?

I didn't blow this girl off, no i thought she was a decent human being... boy, was i wrong.
It turned out that she was an undercover gold digging ho who just wanted a husband to support her.

I'm sure you must have gotten burned at least once or you wouldn't be here.

By "recently" i mean about 2 years ago, before i even started posting here.
I'm pretty sure we were all AFCs at one point or another.

The reason you seem confused abut my identity is because i never posted my AFC problems here. I worked through 'em myself by reading the bible.

170 on 6' isnt skinny, you must be sum overweight fat-ass that's overcompensating for his insecurities.
BTW, Is it true that fat people have small ****s?

As for making bogus threats, that was intended.
Maybe you should get a sense of humor.

I act like PRL? So?
Maybe we both have a lot of life time experience that you seem to lack.

Me scared of girls? Do you have a vision impariment?
Obviously you haven't been reading anything i said. The only thing you're doing is making personal attacks on people, so you can boost your ego.

I don't have a problem with girls, its the fact that they're useless leeching, gold-digging vaginas not women, that is what i have a problem with.

If you don't like it, then please fu*k off.
And with that i'm going outside... and yes i'm going to hit on plenty of ho's,
and i'll treat em like the hos that they are:
Fu*ck 'em and leave 'em.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Just to add:
In Brazil more than 90% of the divorces are requested by the woman.

I agree and I don't with MindOverMatter. If you change your attitude you WILL receive better treatment, even from a so-called wh0re.

But the average Joe who hasn't found this site is left hopeless. He has a lot of bad examples to follow, AFCs are all around the world!

There's something BIG around this thing. But that's not supposed to be an excuse for us to not become a REAL MAN.

Too bad for the average Joe. :(


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jake-inator
I'm not proud of dumping a girl. We just weren't compatible.

Yea i got burned ONCE a long time ago, cuz i didn't keep my guard up whats your point di*k face?

My point was that you said you've never taken sh!t from women in your life. If you never took sh!t from women, you wouldn't have been burned.

I didn't blow this girl off, no i thought she was a decent human being... boy, was i wrong.
It turned out that she was an undercover gold digging ho who just wanted a husband to support her.
You were inexperianced and didn't know better. That still doesn't mean all women are wh0res.

I'm sure you must have gotten burned at least once or you wouldn't be here.
Other then divorce/etc, I've been through every bad thing a guy can go through with a woman. But you know what? those women were the minority. They represent less then 5% of the girls I dated. Majority of the girls I hooked up with were great girls who treated me like a king and never disrespected me. Before you ask me why I'm not with them, I'm just not a relationship type, and I get bored easily.

By "recently" i mean about 2 years ago, before i even started posting here.
I'm pretty sure we were all AFCs at one point or another.
LOL, no one works out for 2 years only to have 170 lbs at 6' to show for it. Don't lie, you started working out like last month prolly.

170 on 6' isnt skinny, you must be sum overweight fat-ass that's overcompensating for his insecurities.
BTW, Is it true that fat people have small ****s?
yes 170 lbs on a 6 foot frame is skinny as sh!t, and if you've worked out for 2 years like u said u did, that's a pathetic result.

As for me being fat, here are photos of me:

skinny me at 190 at 6'2:

me at 200:

me at 210:

my face & proof that it's me:

various other pictures:

You talk the talk, and you've called me out and I backed myself up with photos. Lets see you man up and post some photos of your own. Lets see your scrawny 170 lbs physique. Or maybe you're scared people are gonna find out you're a scrawny, Urkel looking dude and discredit whatever you're saying on the basis that your ass couldn't possibly attract anything other then a $5 hooker..

Unlike you, I don't hide behind a user name.

I act like PRL? So?
Maybe we both have a lot of life time experience that you seem to lack.
No, PRL has life experiance, he's 40+. You don't have sh!t. You're 20. I got wine bottles older then you, sit down.

Me scared of girls? Do you have a vision impariment?
Obviously you haven't been reading anything i said. The only thing you're doing is making personal attacks on people, so you can boost your ego.
My ego is so high that I can't boost it up any higher. As for the personal attacks, you're the one that made a thread calling people out and calling them pvssies. If you can't handle the responses, kindly sit down and stfu.

yes, I know what you've been saying, but it's obvious you're the type that will talk the talk on the internet, but prolly be shy and introverted as sh!t when in the presence of a girl. Guys who hate women like you do are usually frustrated and inexperianced as hell. No player has this kind of hate, because nothing women do can get to him, or frustrate him.

I don't have a problem with girls, its the fact that they're useless leeching, gold-digging vaginas not women, that is what i have a problem with.
If you think all women are like this, then why are you here? Seriously, go become a monk. Don't waste your time with women if you think they're all wh0res.

If you don't like it, then please fu*k off.
And with that i'm going outside... and yes i'm going to hit on plenty of ho's,
and i'll treat em like the hos that they are:
Fu*ck 'em and leave 'em.
Translation, you're gonna watch some net porn, beat it like it owes you money, then come back and talk how all women are wh0res. Your sexual frustration is so obvious, a blind man could see it. No one who has consistent pvssy is full of hate like this.
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Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Whoever is responsible for giving women the right to vote, let me say this.

the damage you have done to society cannot be measured in all the gold in the world! may you keep burning in hell!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
I had a good time out tonight, what about you?

Did you sit here coming up with all this crap instead of enjoying life?

You're one angry white boy, i'll give you that. I guess you just don't give up.

You seem to have a lot more anger issues than i do.

It's just a freaking internet forum.
I had enough arguing with you, i have better things to do than prove myself to someone i've never met... i'm out, peace.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Wow! Once again, Page 3 doesn't disapoint! The flames are RAGING in here, I think I've just gotten a glimpse of Dante's Inferno.

Anyway I think the threats should probably come to a close because, let's face it, nobody is kicking anybody's ass over a computer monitor. The likelyhood of some kind of "show down" at high noon is slim to none. So lets not kid ourselves okay,

Onto my views about society and women, I think society is definately a creature of our own design in it's current form. Women definately have more right's which I'm not really against persay. I mean sure things were "better" and more "natural" when women knew "their role" in the house hold. But really what that means to me is people liked how easy things were before and now that times have gotten rough, all they want to do is whine about how much better things were in the past and how screwed up things are now.

Well boo f*cking hoo, concidering how rapidly our country evolved from a colony to the global superpower it is now, it's no wonder it went into this direction. Our lives aren't suppose to be easy, if everything were all picnics in butter cup feilds, we'd never get any stronger or smarter as a people. I for one don't care how "bad" things have gotten in our society because you know what, the world has always been a pretty dark place filled with attrocities and injustices so why should I get a perfect life?

Actually you know what I want a hard life, I want to have to stuggle with difficulties with my girlfriend I want to not know all of the awnsers, I want things not to go my way all the time, I want to feel pain. I want these things because I want to become stronger and I want to live to tell the tale.


Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Again, all the problems lie with the lousy ratio of males to females here in the good ol USA. It's pretty much about 8 to 1 male to female in Anycity, USA and that means arrogant women who can and will pick and choose.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Wow, reading the responses, its no wonder some of the blokes spend so much time on the forums searching for advice! Your fear of feminists, homosexuals, liberals, conservatives, etc, simply demonstrates that you are insecure.

I honestly didn't read all of the shyt in this thread, but the gist I'm getting from a lot of the guys on here is that they feel like there is some big conspiracy at work in the world which is preventing them from getting pvssy. If you are not getting any its because you don't have game. Don't blame your problems on other people/society.

A real man works within the reality he creates.

All of you that think/claim something outside of yourself is preventing you from getting girls are just making excuses for your own failings. Stop bytching about how feminists and gays are ruining your life, and get out there and be a fvcking man!


Don Juan
May 16, 2005
Reaction score
All of you that think/claim something outside of yourself is preventing you from getting girls are just making excuses for your own failings. Stop bytching about how feminists and gays are ruining your life, and get out there and be a fvcking man! [/B]
Succint and well put.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jake-inator
I had a good time out tonight, what about you?

Did you sit here coming up with all this crap instead of enjoying life?

You're one angry white boy, i'll give you that. I guess you just don't give up.

You seem to have a lot more anger issues than i do.

It's just a freaking internet forum.
I had enough arguing with you, i have better things to do than prove myself to someone i've never met... i'm out, peace.
If you notice the time between my last 2 posts, it's 6:40pm and 2:57am. That's an 8 hour difference that I spent enjoying life, while you probably checked this site over and over again waiting to see if I responded to you. When I look at your post times, they usually come RIGHT after mine. Next time you try to pull the time card on me, try not to respond right away.

Anyway, I'm not angry at you, I've actually gotten a lot of entertainment out of your symp posts.

You still haven't posted your picture, which tells me you ARE insecure about your appearance, and that you're either fat, or hideously ugly.

Yeah it's just an internet forum, but u've been talking mad sh!t about what a big man you are with women and how everyone else is a homo/feminine pvssy. I'm calling you out to back up you words with some PROOF. You say you have no problem getting wh0res. Lets a photo with you and one of them. You say you have been working out for 2 years, lets see a photo of your results.

It's pretty obvious that you're nothing but a symp who reads about the game, posts about the game, and thinks about the game, but never actually plays it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
Again, all the problems lie with the lousy ratio of males to females here in the good ol USA. It's pretty much about 8 to 1 male to female in Anycity, USA and that means arrogant women who can and will pick and choose.

dude, there is more women than men in this country....

and a gazillion times more good looking women then DJ's.

if your anyone here who is not getting any..its your own fault


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il

there is a recent pic of me and my sister.....someone called me out saying I was some little skinny green day fan or something.

as for mindovermatter- I agree with you on this. and always have.

and for the women haters- your blind, your misinformed, and have no idea what your talking about.

women run over men because men act like pyssies.

have you ever heard of the term sensitive jerk.

that means be a Man and you can still be sensative.

its will learn


Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by frivolousz21
dude, there is more women than men in this country....

and a gazillion times more good looking women then DJ's.

if your anyone here who is not getting any..its your own fault
Untrue. Last night I was at a pub, given, it was just a Wednesday, but there were about say, 30 people out, the majority were guys. There were ten women there, and 1/2 were married. So the few good looking ones were flooded with horny men.

Lets reverse the scenario.

10 guys and 20 women? Now we are talking Australia or Thailand. There is a MASSIVE surplus of men in America, and this is exactly why messageboards like this are necessary.