From what I saw, and I could be wrong in my recollection, TR said something along the lines of "women shouldn't utilize the #metoo campaign to give themselves a feeling of significance thru victimhood"
I can't find the exact quote on line, at least not a news story that proclaims to have printed the exact quote. I did watch the video online a few days ago.
Basically, the essence of what he said, my interpretation of what he said was, "don't seek out/find your significance as a human being in an external outlet" I interpreted what he said as meaning "Be significant because of the choices, decisions and steps that YOU take/direct in your own life, not because you were a 'victim of an experience' or part of a movement"
Of course victims of violent crimes (of which I have never been) are going to get riled about what he said. Firstly, what he said isn't cognitively simple. You need to think about what he said to understand it's true meaning. Second, it's just never a good idea to try to use a trauma based event to make a point, unless you are referring to your own trauma, and make it only about you. It's too easy to offend.