Tom Brady's situation is concrete proof that dating for men is always a L


Nov 13, 2021
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foreign, wealthy supermodel
Is that something I should be impressed by, a woman who got lucky in the genes pool for looks and became rich modeling? Is that your goal having a foreign, wealth supermodel whom you can build a family with? Good luck to you and your goals.
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Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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I have also talked about this in my college experience thread but dudes seriously overrate life for a football player. I played ball in high school (which in the Atlanta area is really competitive) and most of your audience are go to church every Sunday and no sex before marriage types. Even at a top tier football school, I noticed that the football players were not really slaying in the way others say they were. Sure they had their groupies and Jersey Chasers but that was it.

There is such a pressure in American Football culture to conform to that model citizen image. Just watch ESPN and see how clowns like Stephen A Smith come off as annoying SJWs. Now we have to see these imbeciles ruin MMA. However, that is the culture of American football and I am sure that even @SW15 can kind of speak to it given that he lives in Texas (mecca of football!). Most people that are really into the sport are your settled down and married at 30 with a kid and a house in the suburbs type of folks. There is a huge connection between Church and Football which means that sleeping around is heavily frowned upon. Now add the SJW infestation of the sport.

Compare that to world football (or what us Americans call soccer) and you notice how guys like Ronaldo (back in his prime) were sleeping with models left and right. Soccer stars sleep around way more freely, also have more international appeal due to the sport being popular, and they do not have the moral police holding them back. Even MMA stars have more freedom to sleep with all the women they want and play the game how they feel, plus women know that having some MMA dude by their side is more beneficial since he can beat the daylights out of a football player.

Now that's not to say that American football stars do not slay, compared to the average guy they definitely can. However, most come from such backwards religious areas (the south) that they are naive and you end up with situations like Deshaun Watson. Plus majority of football stars are fat and out of shape as well.

Personally, I am so glad that I stopped caring about the sport and the culture that comes with it. I may watch a major game but that is about it. The people you have to talk to are so irritating and morally self-righteous Bible Thumping normies that I do not even bother to watch most games at bars. If there is an important game on or if it is playoffs, I'll watch it. Other than that, it is a complete waste of time because 80% of the game is commercials.

Looking back at it, football fans were some of the saddest people I had ever been around whether it was pro or college. Most of them fat, a lot of them insane, and many of them living mediocre lives. Majority of them get married by 25 and meet their wives in high school, college, or church. Needless to say that they will shame the game community and guys like us doing well with women.



Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Is that something I should be impressed? Is that your goal having a foreign, wealth supermodel whom you can build a family with? Good luck to you and your goals.
It sounds like you have no grip on reality. There is no greater stock to breed with than an elite tier, tall, supermodel. Every man is born with an innate desire to procreate. You are delusional my friend.


Sep 10, 2014
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Marriage is work...and it takes both people to do it. She has supported him for a long time with his career and putting hers on hold and taking care of the some point she wants there to be some type of pay off for that in terms of him being present with the family and not off doing his own thing playing football. Preparing for NFL games takes a tremendous amount of time, takes a tremendous amount of focus and literally for 10 months of the year he is singularly focused on winning and football.

ESPECIALLY to do it at the level he does it at...people don't understand that to be talked about as the greatest of all time at what you do, you have to be literally obsessed with succeeding at it to the point nothing else matters and everything else takes a backseat in your life....relationships, kids, friends,'s not enough to simply be talented and have to have a certain kind of drive and passion for winning and success that others don't have and the sacrifices you make personally are huge...most aren't willing to make them.

There is an expression "It's lonely at the top" and it's because of precisely that reason...the sacrifices you make in your personal life to get to that point are real and they are not reversible.

And so to people thinking he someone got the raw end of the deal, you simply have no clue as to these things.

He promised her that he was done and that he would focus on them and the family and then he went back against his word to chase another's like the ring in Lord of The Rings...his obsession with winning and Super Bowl victories and the attention and adulation of his fans has corrupted him in some ways and he is potentially destroying relationships with people he loves over it...he had a nice cushy job waiting for him at Fox with record money for a broadcaster and he put it on hold to fuel his addiction again one more time(maybe?)

She has every right to be pissed and upset...he basically told her what she wanted to hear and then went back on his word and did what he wanted without regard to her or his family situation. That's not how relationships work. At least not good ones.

People who think marriages actually work by you doing whatever the fvck you want with no regard for the other person involved are beyond clueless.
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Sep 1, 2022
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There are men that can appear alpha in a workplace setting but not be alpha in their interactions with women. It happens in blue collar and white collar work settings. Plenty of masculine tradesmen/blue collar workers are subscribing to women's OnlyFans pages.

Picking an older woman goes against a man's innate desires of youth and beauty. While Bridget Moynahan was attractive in the time she was with Brady, she wasn't youthful compared to him. That makes him simp-ish.

The Patriots played the Raiders in an earlier round playoff game in the 2001-02 season. The AFC Championship Game was against the Steelers.

Gisele is also 42 not 45.

If Tom Brady was a career NFL backup, he probably wouldn't have gotten Gisele but he could have gotten a reasonably hot woman. Backup QBs like Brady Quinn and AJ McCarron got solid looking + women. The worst he would have done in most cases is a woman in the cute range.

The elite level athlete with the most disappointing looking long term girlfriend/wife is Roger Federer. He got an older, plain looking woman.
Even just having pro player in your resume is impressive even if you only played a couple games and a couple seasons. Even the crappy NHL players, short ones still get very hot women despite being a bottom tier player.

Even the worst players, backups, AHL caliber and third string backups are still better than over 99 percent of everyone else.
Even just making the pros in a major sport is highly impressive.

Go on any OLD site and if you listed former NHL or NFL player you'd get tons of hits regardless how long you been in the game.

Having a pro sport to your title is highly impressive.
Mar 9, 2021
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That's one thing for example. He simpped for a post menstrual 42 years old woman now he will probably get divorced fvcked, super alpha.

He could have learned from Leo DiCaprio. Dumps when they're 25 years old, super Alpha, Super Red Pill and still alive, well and making movies (some of them suck tho)
Leo DiCaprio doesn't have children and doesn't hold a high point in society so he can get away with this. When you have a family and standard to hold to American society, you cannot go around fvcking 25 year olds left and right


Nov 13, 2021
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It sounds like you have no grip on reality. There is no greater stock to breed with than an elite tier, tall, supermodel. Every man is born with an innate desire to procreate. You are delusional my friend.
What have I said that makes me delusional? You used the wrong adjective there.

Like I said, we all have goals, good luck procreating with an elite, tall, supermodel, also that's all you want in a woman to procreate with? Tall supermodel. That's sad bro.


Sep 10, 2014
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99.99999999999% of men will never be able to about to what Tom Brady has accomplished and he can't even tame toxic femininity. This is guy is 6ft 4, a millionaire, Chad looking, white guy, a household name, Top NFL QB, and he still took a big L. Guys don't feel down when a girl starts bull shvtting because it's inevitable at this point.
You honestly have no clue what the actual issue is and are talking out of your ass...she has every right to be pissed about what happened.

To the people who think marriages work by doing whatever the fvck you want and making the other person accept it, good luck to are in for a world of hurt and deserve whatever happens.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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As a final word on Tom Brady's mindset, the guy was taken 199th overall and in the 6th round of the NFL Draft. Go back and listen to what neurotic deranged clown Mel Kiper said about him in the draft. Some men, when they get poked like that, tend to carry that chip for life. You can tell by the way he plays and the way he operates that this is true for Tom Brady. The guy has been on a revenge tour his entire football career and has been out to prove a point.

I know a guy with that kind of mentality when it comes to game as well. The dude didn't lose his virginity until the age of 30 and then went on a tear for the next decade. Now he is 46 and told his mom he would find a nice woman and settle down but doesn't want to. I think so much of the direction men take in life is kind of determined by what happens to them in that 18-25 age range. Even if you move on, some of that sticks with you and some men can be quite driven, insane, and radical when they feel shafted or overlooked in that age range.

For some men, that need to get even and then do the extra after that is a huge driver to everything they do in life, even if it means spoiled relationships. Now Tom Brady could have easily retired after his first Superbowl win with the Bucs since the world said that he is the best to have ever done it but he is still playing well. For a man like that with the past he has had, it is tough to quit and it is tough to give up. In some ways, it is its own weird form of Napoleon Complex that has nothing to do with height.

In my life, I have known a handful of men like this that peaked later in life after having a youth of being overlooked and pushed aside. To have society say that you cannot do it because you peaked later and such. A lot of these men are some of the most cut throat, cold, ruthless, and formidable guys I have ever known in my life. Most do not care if it costs them their lives, family, or whatever so as long as they get even and get theirs.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Even just having pro player in your resume is impressive even if you only played a couple games and a couple seasons. Even the crappy NHL players, short ones still get very hot women despite being a bottom tier player.

Even the worst players, backups, AHL caliber and third string backups are still better than over 99 percent of everyone else.
Even just making the pros in a major sport is highly impressive.

Go on any OLD site and if you listed former NHL or NFL player you'd get tons of hits regardless how long you been in the game.

Having a pro sport to your title is highly impressive.
He would have gotten A hot girl but he would not have gotten Gisele, who makes more money than he does. Gisele dated DiCaprio for a while, she is not dating any NFL QB let along a backup. There's level to this dude. Your average NFL backup or NHL run of the mill player might get an Instagram THOT but he is not getting a top tier super model that is dating A List actors.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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What have I said that makes me delusional? You used the wrong adjective there.

Like I said, we all have goals, good luck procreating with an elite, tall, supermodel, also that's all you want in a woman to procreate with? Tall supermodel. That's sad bro.
Ahh, here comes the strawman and misdirection.

Let’s recap:
That's one thing for example. He simpped for a post menstrual 42 years old woman now he will probably get divorced fvcked, super alpha.
You called Tom Brady a simp for building a nuclear family with an elite tier, wealthy, foreign supermodel.

Explain how that is being a simp. Be specific.
Mar 9, 2021
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Compare that to world football (or what us Americans call soccer) and you notice how guys like Ronaldo (back in his prime) were sleeping with models left and right. Soccer stars sleep around way more freely, also have more international appeal due to the sport being popular, and they do not have the moral police holding them back. Even MMA stars have more freedom to sleep with all the women they want and play the game how they feel, plus women know that having some MMA dude by their side is more beneficial since he can beat the daylights out of a football player.
NFL/Popular College QBs are household names, so pulling a Deshaun Watson is going to land you in deep dog poopoo. For example, Peyton Manning is going to have a fanbase consisting of Hard Right Christians, beta male dads, females, college bros, and even red pillers. He is better off acting neutral to appease his fanbase rather than going rogue like Deshaun Watson or being an outspoken hard ass like Andrew Tate. This is even taking children out of the equation.

Vs your MMA star might have some female supporters but he's going to mainly appeal to Sports Bros & edgy right wing males that could care less if he's screwing girls left and right and committing infidelity.

I don't blame Leo DiCaprio or any male for doing what they are doing because they don't have a family and they don't want a family. I just don't like people calling family men simps because they chose to have kids and hold a particular standard to them lol.


Nov 13, 2021
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Ahh, here comes the strawman and misdirection.

Let’s recap:

You called Tom Brady a simp for building a nuclear family with an elite tier, wealthy, foreign supermodel.

Explain how that is being a simp. Be specific.
I was referring to the way he talked about her in an interview, look my other posts, either for optics or for validation, still simping. No woman leaves man they respect, that just proves he chose wrong or she lost respect for him, either way, beta my friend.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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Well Snoop said it long time ago...
I went to your house
Your girl came in and started cussin' you out
You shoulda slapped her in the face
I wanted to tell you, but it wasn't my place
I kept on the low
Cause I knew that you was gonna check that ho
But instead you was quiet as a mouse
Made me start to think that it wasn't your house
Cause she was acting like a nut
You got the kind of ***** that will kick your butt
What kind of pimp holds back
Never met a ***** that a pimp can't slap
What's wrong with the pimpin'
Why you gettin' a whippin'
All I see is simpetttes
Most guys are simping in LTR's and doesn't lead their woman. You got to be the leader and control your 304. :devil:

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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NFL/Popular College QBs are household names, so pulling a Deshaun Watson is going to land you in deep dog poopoo. For example, Peyton Manning is going to have a fanbase consisting of Hard Right Christians, beta male dads, females, college bros, and even red pillers. He is better off acting neutral to appease his fanbase rather than going rogue like Deshaun Watson or being an outspoken hard ass like Andrew Tate. This is even taking children out of the equation.

Vs your MMA star might have some female supporters but he's going to mainly appeal to Sports Bros & edgy right wing males that could care less if he's screwing girls left and right and committing infidelity.

I don't blame Leo DiCaprio or any male for doing what they are doing because they don't have a family and they don't want a family. I just don't like people calling family men simps because they chose to have kids and hold a particular standard to them lol.
I might do a thread on this but I realized that my game improved ten fold when I started to hang with world football ("soccer") and MMA fans as well as watching those sports opposed to American Football. Like American Football has a fanbase loaded with hardcore normies, drunks, and Bible Thumpers that it kind of pours over to other areas of your life. You drink more and sit through hours of awfully boring commercials.

Watching Premier League on Saturdays immensely improved my game because I noticed that Euro guys do have tighter game than your average American drunk and you get a lot more time back in your day since there are barely any commercial breaks. Same with MMA fans, even if they are American, they are more like the elite guys on this forum rather than your handegg normie lol.

I'll still watch a major game but for the most part, I don't keep up with the sport other than the superbowl and college national titles.


Sep 10, 2014
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As a final word on Tom Brady's mindset, the guy was taken 199th overall and in the 6th round of the NFL Draft. Go back and listen to what neurotic deranged clown Mel Kiper said about him in the draft. Some men, when they get poked like that, tend to carry that chip for life. You can tell by the way he plays and the way he operates that this is true for Tom Brady. The guy has been on a revenge tour his entire football career and has been out to prove a point.

I know a guy with that kind of mentality when it comes to game as well. The dude didn't lose his virginity until the age of 30 and then went on a tear for the next decade. Now he is 46 and told his mom he would find a nice woman and settle down but doesn't want to. I think so much of the direction men take in life is kind of determined by what happens to them in that 18-25 age range. Even if you move on, some of that sticks with you and some men can be quite driven, insane, and radical when they feel shafted or overlooked in that age range.

For some men, that need to get even and then do the extra after that is a huge driver to everything they do in life, even if it means spoiled relationships. Now Tom Brady could have easily retired after his first Superbowl win with the Bucs since the world said that he is the best to have ever done it but he is still playing well. For a man like that with the past he has had, it is tough to quit and it is tough to give up. In some ways, it is its own weird form of Napoleon Complex that has nothing to do with height.

In my life, I have known a handful of men like this that peaked later in life after having a youth of being overlooked and pushed aside. To have society say that you cannot do it because you peaked later and such. A lot of these men are some of the most cut throat, cold, ruthless, and formidable guys I have ever known in my life. Most do not care if it costs them their lives, family, or whatever so as long as they get even and get theirs.
He has a single minded obsession that has only been fueled more and more by every success and every championship and he constantly takes every slight, both real and imagined and throws it into the fire to add fuel to it...6th round pick...too slow...weak arm...too old...can't win without Belichick...

People don't realize that this type of mindset takes a real toll on relationships...the time he spends obsessing over every minor detail to get it right leaves very little time for anything else...

After a while you feel like you are in a relationship with yourself...


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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I was referring to the way he talked about her in an interview, look my other posts, either for optics or for validation, still simping. No woman leaves man they respect, that just proves he chose wrong or she lost respect for him, either way, beta my friend.
You are calling Tom Brady a beta simp for well constructed PR campaign. This really is comical.


Sep 10, 2014
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I was referring to the way he talked about her in an interview, look my other posts, either for optics or for validation, still simping. No woman leaves man they respect, that just proves he chose wrong or she lost respect for him, either way, beta my friend.
That's just an untrue statement. They can leave if he repeatedly refuses to place proper value on their relationship or his family, which by his actions both seem true. That isn't a lack of respect that is realizing he wont ever be the person he claimed he would become when he married her.

At some point Tom has to decide whether his relationship with football is more important or the relationship with his family.


Nov 13, 2021
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Ahh, here comes the strawman and misdirection.

Let’s recap:

You called Tom Brady a simp for building a nuclear family with an elite tier, wealthy, foreign supermodel.

Explain how that is being a simp. Be specific.
Also cut back on the simping cause she was 29 when they got married and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't get married to almost post wall women at 29, when he could have gotten at 32 a younger chippy


Sep 10, 2014
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Also cut back on the simping cause she was 29 when they got married and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't get married to almost post wall women at 29, when he could have gotten at 32 a younger chippy
How does that even make sense if he wants to actually have a family? You want some young girl that wants to go out and party all the time and not parent the kids, or even realize how to because she is a kid herself?

My God the stuff you read on here is just mind boggling sometimes. Where do people learn this rubbish? Like the only thing that matters to people here is that she is young and hot? Then wonder why they find out later she has no real qualities they actually want in an actual person...not some fantasy porn star you want them to be? Like WTF is the mindset to post dumb sh!t like this?

Trust and believe that Tom Brady could get more pvssy than every person on this board combined if that's what he actually wanted. Even at age 45.