Toilet Excess


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
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Just a quick question really :)

I started to eat more often now becuase my low calorie diet isn't working really.

I still have alot of tummy fat and chest fat that ive been trying to get rid of even though I goto the gym. I goto the gym at least 3 times a week since the start of january this year. Most weeks I go 4/5 and do various different excersises.

Anyway, the last couple of days I have upped the calories a fair bit. Instead of just having a 250 call breakfast, ill have a 100 cal apple aswell. Also for lunch, ill have another piece of fruit along with a 300 cal meal. Then for a mid-afternoon meal, ill have a 250 call protein shake and a piece of fruit. For my last proper meal I will have a fairly large dinner, something like pasta and beans or fish. I drink mostly water with this aswell a day, 2 litres minimum.

I used to before, have 1900 cals a day but work off 500/700 cals off in the gym.

I have increased the protein amount alot, in my shake it has 37.9g per 60g serving and im gonna try and have 2 a day.

I currently weight 14 stone 5 which is about 92kgs and im 5"11 but what I want to ask about is the toilet frequency.

Since I have done this I have been to the toilet 2/3 times a day where as i used to go once a day before(when i mean toilet, i mean for a #2). Is my body basically saying im having a laugh and eating too much or is my metabolism increasing meaning its a good thing?

I have an office job so i sit alot on my ass most of the day but I make sure I have at least an hour of hardcore workout at the gym so I would of thought it would of come off quicker than this. I used to weigh around 15 stone back just after christmas.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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your body is adapting to the increased food intake, simply (also by raising the metabolism). it won't be able to process as much food initially because it's not used to it, but it will over a week or two - especially since you were eating like a 50kg girl fitness model before.

low calorie diets don't work unless you're said 50kg fitness model.

your fairly big dinner (with carbs) is a deathwish if you're trying to slim down - put carbs in your breakfast and make THAT the big meal of the day, it will give you a nice metabolic booster shot to get you through the day.

I'd also cut down on the fruit too, yeah yeah it's good for you as they preach but it's still fructose which is a fairly fast carb.

also, up your water intake as well.
I don't think you're eating enough for your size though. are you losing fat weight satsifactorily this way? (I doubt it but I'm asking anyway)


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
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im not loosing fat weight as much as id hoped really.

Just over half a stone in 4 months is pretty slow going I would say considering how much im going to the gym.

So you reckon it would be best to have like a protein shake for dinner and have a fairly large meal first thing in the morning? The protein drink has 12g carbs per 60g serving.

Might just have 2/3 pieces of fruit in the morning/mid-day time along with the breakfast and lunch and then mid-afternoon have a shake, then dinner have another one and 3 hours before i goto sleep, have a small bowl of corn flakes or something. What would you recommend that has low carbs for the evening time?

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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Devilish_Nitro said:
im not loosing fat weight as much as id hoped really.

Just over half a stone in 4 months is pretty slow going I would say considering how much im going to the gym.

So you reckon it would be best to have like a protein shake for dinner and have a fairly large meal first thing in the morning? The protein drink has 12g carbs per 60g serving.

Might just have 2/3 pieces of fruit in the morning/mid-day time along with the breakfast and lunch and then mid-afternoon have a shake, then dinner have another one and 3 hours before i goto sleep, have a small bowl of corn flakes or something. What would you recommend that has low carbs for the evening time?
you're working TOO hard - cut down your gym trips to 3 a week and do some sort of cardio/aerobic exercise on your off days.

your meals are badly timed and poorly structured my friend; base each meal around protein (i.e. a bowl of cornflakes will not cut it). Neither will fruit, I would say keep away from it when trying to lose fat. A few berries on your porridge is fine but 2/3 pieces is asking for trouble.

your protein drink has 12g carbs per serving? get another one. 1-2 carbs is fine but those 12g are most probably sugar.

do something like this:

solid food breakfast (get some carbs in here with a good serving of protein)
protein shake + fat (nuts or olive oil or nut butter)
solid food lunch (a meat/fish with a big salad with an olive oil dressing)
protein shake + fat (nuts or olive oil or nut butter)
solid food dinner (a meat/fish with a big salad with an olive oil dressing)
bedtime shake or small solid food protein meal

(more solid food meals are better)

on days you go the gym you can have some carbs before your workout and definitely afterwards as well, something sugar in your after-workout protein drink and possibly some carbs in the meal after that too:
pre-workout: small protein drink + powerade etc and/or a piece of fruit
post-workout: large protein drink + any fast carb (powerade, dextrose, fruit juice, fruit, etc), include some slower carbs (oats) if your solid food meal after this is going to be longer than an hour away
1-2 hours after post-workout: protein + carbs solid food meal

You'll see that carbs are restricted and your diet is mostly protein+fat - which is what someone with a sedentary lifestyle needs. The calories and portions depend on you, I'd start at around 3200kcal (I'm assuming muscle loss isn't an issue since you haven't mentioned it) and reduce from there. More calories are fine on workout days since you will burn more.

Do your aerobic exercise on a empty stomach first thing in the morning.

Last but not least invest in quality fish oil (pills or oil) and take in 6-10g a day and green tea extract pills, both are a must for any dieter.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
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Excellent, sounds like a plan.

Ill try it this week, though I don't think ill be doing so much to start with. Going to 3200 cals a day will proberly undo the little amount that I have got rid of since I started.

Im already searching for the foods I can use, will have to get shopping tomorow :)

Many thanks for your time and advice Warboss Alex :rockon:

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Devilish_Nitro said:
Excellent, sounds like a plan.

Ill try it this week, though I don't think ill be doing so much to start with. Going to 3200 cals a day will proberly undo the little amount that I have got rid of since I started.

Im already searching for the foods I can use, will have to get shopping tomorow :)

Many thanks for your time and advice Warboss Alex :rockon:
3200 cals is still under or around maintainance for your bodyweight, the cardio and weight training should provide the deficit while clean eating with plenty of protein means you can gain some strength and muscle while dieting, but as you wish :) don't go too low though