To those People who says "Looks mean nothing"


Master Don Juan
Jan 20, 2005
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are you or were you ever ugly, fat, unattractive in your life?

And how would you rate yourself

And to those people who says"looks are important" how would you rate yourself?


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
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well looks are just as important as personality , everyone likes to say that looks mean nothing, but they wouldnt let a guy who dresses up as urkel wanna date them....
But if he was a huuuge player , he might get the chick, but that rarely happens.... And the same goes for guys , if they see a playboy model or a medium built chick , of course they are gonna go for the model.but thats cuz we are driven by a more powerful thing then our brains, our di\cks,....
its just some made up bull when they say looks dont matter , they always matter when you meet someone new.....But looks dont matter when it comes to love, and that happens when you two know each other pretty well....

looks help you through the door but personality keeps you in the room.....

(oh and i rate myself a 8 - 8,5, ..... chicks rated me a 9 =P )


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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Looks matter. And they don't.

Girls rate guys on looks. Certain girls like certain looks. There is more too being good looking than being born with a beautiful face. Girls love a man who dresses well. They love a man who walks a certain way. They love a man who holds eye contact in a confident manner. Every girl has her type, and a guy she might not be attracted to would be a different story if he had some tattoos. Or rode a motorcycle. Or an Armani suit. Whether you're good looking or not really depends on the girl. Don't waste your time trying to rate yourself.

But, like the above poster touched on, there are some looks that very few women are attracted to. These are looks that communicate a low social status (aka nerd). This is the androgenous male, the perfect Clark Kent. The all-too-nice guy, who doesn't deserve the woman because he's a wuss.

Dating is a competition, always, and it's the highest status male who gets the girl. The highest status male, that is, who isn't disqualified for whatever petty reason that girls disqualify men. Some vegetarians only date vegetarians. Some girls would never date a guy who voted for Bush (or didn't... depends on who she is). It's all a matter of taste.

Some looks look good to a lot of women. This is when you look powerful. Sexual. Interesting. Different. You are unabashedly noticeable, and perfectly aware of it - but you still can walk in the door like you own the place because you don't care how you look.

Most of what matters about looks are things that you are perfectly in control of. Other things might be that you can't change them, but as often or not these are tastes that vary from girl to girl.

And no guy on this forum is that bad looking that he can't get a girl. Even a good looking girl.

So looks don't matter. They change the equation, but they're not then end-all be-all of attraction.I say looks don't matter so guys will stop using it as an excuse. It's only worth discussing in an academic sense, or in terms of what one can do to improve his looks. Beyond that, it's just idle talk. They do, they don't - whatever.

The point is, when you see that hot girl and you're ready to go talk to her, the last thing that should be going through your head is "She won't like my anyway, I'm too ugly" At this point in the game, it's nothing but a limiting belief. And that's bad. It's bad because...

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're probably right



Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
I've also noticed vocal quality is an issue too... A lot of those average looking guys who do well with women have great resonating voices and a way with words......a nasal voice is your enemy!

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
guys stop stressing about all this looks bull$hit

i have seen dudes missing teeth stretch marks tattoos career criminals pull hot women

but you say they were crims and women love bad boys

then you just hopefully

caught the f*ck on that it's not about looks

rich dirty old grey haired politician f*cking gorgeous women

looks ?

hell no


now thats 2 examples of ugly dudes that pull women

if looks mattered so much would not the women be repulsed ?

it's a few different things

confidence is a big one probably the biggest



f*ck give women a theme they like and you get 10 extra points

any theme yes women are that damn fickle

emo = 10 points cause dolly magazine said that is the new bad boy

b*tches are programmed HARDCORE and the sooner some of you wake up to this the sooner you can create an agle and market yourself

yes using an angle is using a gimick but women love a reason to be a h0

if you are super confident then you don't really need an angle but most people won't get there

i grew a great deal in confidence from retail sales

everyday i'd speak to people on the phone and on the sales floor

people of all ages

make jokes and entertain while i sell them items

fear of approaching ?

i greeted every customer and asked if they had any questions or needed assistance

how many times was i rejected ?


and some of thoe rejections were VERY rude

fear of approaching ? become a salesperson and kill it

another way is to tap into the subconcious programming that most young western women in 2005 have been programmed with

you say the right trigger words and the shields come down and the rest is on you

i have seen women have sex for the most stupid reasons

why ?

because they were made to feel an EMOTION or THEME

and half the forum that can't get women your problem is you think they are fairy princesses

maybe once upon a time when parents chose who their daughters married and they had sex with 1 man their whole lives

but now in 2005

the sooner you walk up and talk to every woman below 25 with the mindset she is a wh0re the sooner you will get some honesty from them and they respect you because they know you are a real man ( a rare and almost exstinct creature )

i do advise everyone to exercise

not for the women

for your health/confidence/self protection

Lost In Translation :D


" stop being insecure " i hate that saying. it's a cop out for not having enough balls to confront a woman about what she is doing THAT IS WRONG or potentially damaging to a long term relationship. – Lost In Translation


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
You guys are just trying to rationalize the fact that you guys are not pulling HBs. I am talking to this HB and she said her 75 year old GRANDFATHER pulls girls her own age (25). And when he died 2 months ago there were close to 100 women her age at the funeral with a 24 hour notice.

Sarging at firs is really hard and you will get shut down A LOT but, after awhile it will get easy.

ALSo, women are emotional creatures, and they will have sex with you if their emotions are high enough. It is your job to create that emotion.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lost In Translation
guys stop stressing about all this looks bull$hit

i have seen dudes missing teeth stretch marks tattoos career criminals pull hot women

but you say they were crims and women love bad boys

then you just hopefully

caught the f*ck on that it's not about looks

rich dirty old grey haired politician f*cking gorgeous women

looks ?

hell no


now thats 2 examples of ugly dudes that pull women

if looks mattered so much would not the women be repulsed ?

it's a few different things

confidence is a big one probably the biggest



f*ck give women a theme they like and you get 10 extra points

any theme yes women are that damn fickle

emo = 10 points cause dolly magazine said that is the new bad boy

b*tches are programmed HARDCORE and the sooner some of you wake up to this the sooner you can create an agle and market yourself

yes using an angle is using a gimick but women love a reason to be a h0

if you are super confident then you don't really need an angle but most people won't get there

i grew a great deal in confidence from retail sales

everyday i'd speak to people on the phone and on the sales floor

people of all ages

make jokes and entertain while i sell them items

fear of approaching ?

i greeted every customer and asked if they had any questions or needed assistance

how many times was i rejected ?


and some of thoe rejections were VERY rude

fear of approaching ? become a salesperson and kill it

another way is to tap into the subconcious programming that most young western women in 2005 have been programmed with

you say the right trigger words and the shields come down and the rest is on you

i have seen women have sex for the most stupid reasons

why ?

because they were made to feel an EMOTION or THEME

and half the forum that can't get women your problem is you think they are fairy princesses

maybe once upon a time when parents chose who their daughters married and they had sex with 1 man their whole lives

but now in 2005

the sooner you walk up and talk to every woman below 25 with the mindset she is a wh0re the sooner you will get some honesty from them and they respect you because they know you are a real man ( a rare and almost exstinct creature )

i do advise everyone to exercise

not for the women

for your health/confidence/self protection

fycking A. True dat.

The hottest bytches I fycked in the shortest possible time were the ones I expressed my sexuality in the most direct way.

Lost In Translation :D


" stop being insecure " i hate that saying. it's a cop out for not having enough balls to confront a woman about what she is doing THAT IS WRONG or potentially damaging to a long term relationship. – Lost In Translation


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Well obviously looks mean something to everyone. If it didnt, models wouldnt have pretty faces.

And to state the obvious lets say you met 2 girls, with the exact same experiences, personality, characteristics and qualities. The only problem is one is a hb 5 and the other is a hb9. no sh!t you'd want the hb9.
Girls obviously would do the same also.

I mean who in this world wouldnt want the 'full package', the best of the best?

But since the scenario that i mentioned rarely exists at the same time...having 2 available options. people will have to make compromises.

Girls are more lenient and forgiving with looks if you can back it up with your inner qualities. all i gotta say is just be the best you can be even though you may not change your physical attributes (with the exception of plastic surgery).


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
In high school I had a friend named Andre. He was a fat, ugly hispanic kid but he was a real ladies' man. Andre had no physical advantages, he was running on 100% personality & charisma. I wish I'd had the good sense to study him at the time.