To The Women Here


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
Why do so many women say they want a great looking guy. I have been aproached by women saying im totally sexy ive been groaped i have women look at me and drool and i go up to them and ask them out and they always say no like hundreds ive been described as a sex god. I want to know the right words to say to ask a woman out who is very atracted to me so she will say yes, normally i walk straight up and say do you want to go out for a drink sometime, why doesnt this work. Also after i ask them out and they say no they still smile and drool why is this?


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
whats the fun in that? Hi, Im so and so do you want to go for a drink?

I need to ask you a question which i think i already know the anser to. Did you read your DJ bible?


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
no i only want a one night stand, i heard its all down to looks thats it.

The Brufri

Don Juan
Mar 15, 2004
Reaction score
Man, you must be kidding. If you are really a great looking guy and still cant get dates...then its obvious you are doing the wrong thing.

If you want an UG you can go solely based on your looks, just approach and close like a caveman.

If you want a HB you will need to build confort, she must feel good talking to you. She was already ECing you , so attraction is already there but you can convey more than looks, show her you have a great personality, be playfull, funny, confident, tease her, After some fluff talk, get her talking in a more deep level, start smooth talking with her, speak romantically in an indirect way. Ask her about hobbies, and anchor her answers with feelings etc.. At this point, she must reveal some signs of interest through her body language and questions. If you do some of these things right than you can proceed to close her, by asking her out. And you will see your results improve dramatically. Of course thats not something that will magically work in the first time. You will get rejected some more, and than a little bit less, until you master that ****.

I was never a good looking guy, actually im pretty average. But still got many dates during my AFC era. It´s true that i dont date a girls in 6 months or so but thats because my confidence went down the hill lately. Thanks god i found these information. Hopefully in a near future ill start to see the results.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2003
Reaction score
First of all idiot.....

Sexy does not mean your good looking,

Antonio Banderes is more sexy then good looking
George Clooney is more good looking then sexy

Dont get them confused,

Sexy = confidence, exotic look, attitude
Good Looks = genetics, clothes, hair ect


New Member
Mar 13, 2004
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There are many good looking guys who come off as conceited or just as lacking in personality. Ask a good friend what he thinks.
What I always had found attractive in men(before I met my boyfriend) is a person who smiles when he talks. Witty and smart in a positive way.
Since very good looking men can be very intimidating to women , you may try to come off as a little bit shy. Not too overconfident. Why? Because she expects you to be overconfident and a player because of your looks. Show her a bit of ther opposite.

The best looking guy I ever dated(and later found out was dating a lot of other girls) was actually very successful because he made you believe he was a "nice guy"(Not a pushover). But I mean initially he did what he said he would, called when he said he would. Seemed like a good guy.He was very intelligent and quick witted. Never insulting in any way. Girls loved him because he came off as such a different person than you would have thought.
I found out about the other girls a month after we started dating. I dropped him on the spot.

I know with me he took it slow. Would talk to me and really act like he wanted to get to know me. He never came off as overconfident, but I realize now he was more like a wolf easing in for the prey. take it slow. Don't be too ****y. Play it off you are confident but a bit shy. That works like a charm for really good looking guys.

Think of it this way. If you saw a very hotgirl and she approached you with overconfidence and was ****y, since you expected that from her, you would not be too impressed.

But if you saw a gorgeous girl and she approached you, she was witty, confident (but not overly so)and a little shy, she would impress you more because you expected the opposite.

Good Luck


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
If you've been described as a sex god, girls are probably intimidated by you. Tone down the C&F, and come across as a really good guy.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks for treating this seriously people. I am shy and im underconfident and it shows sometimes i shiver with nerves although i have gotten over that now. I dont find it hard being a nice guy because thats the way ive been brought up i have been an a.f.c yes a pushover too. I dont really want to be a don juan either i just want to have an average sex life just normal or even less just 3 or something. But the cofident thing and being shy i do anyway and it doesnt work.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2003
Reaction score
I recommend that you stop taking advice from women. There is not a man alive who would tell you to "try to be a nice guy."

Gain confidence in yourself by getting excellent at something. Anything. Then you can talk about that with women and the confidence in your voice will show through.

Oh, anything except being a DJ. I don't think that talking about DJ'ing would help.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
I think your right gentleman i have some talent in the design area.Thanks.


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
My wing, Mike, is a male model from the movie Zoolander. You might have heard him on the Double Your Dating Interview Series. He has more dates with beautiful women than almost anyone. Girls love the way he looks, but they love going out with him because he's lots of fun, flirty, and when women chase him, he uses his body language to act kinda aloof and disinterested. He also qualifies the women that he goes out with by using lots of screening questions, asking if the women do certain things for fun or if they like certain things, and he'll compliment them if they say something he likes or tease them on other answers.

If you are interested in learning more about Mike, check out his posts on mASF ( I also am friends with a male model millionaire entrepreneur from the same seduction board named Zan, whose posts you can read if you do a search on the mASF forum.