To DJSASK about the DYD advanced series

Nov 2, 2002
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Hey, I understand you have purchased the advanced series.

Finaly somoene on here actually has boaught it. Finaly I can directly talk with someone who knows whats in it.

Up until now, the only people Im aware of buying it are the people David puts in his newsletters. And I sense that he uses a lot of selective omission in his newsletters (only posting the question he can answer that will make his DYD stuff look good, and omitting any questions he cant answer that could make DYD look bad)

So would you mind sharing with us what the advanced series contains. Give this board a review on it, and a synopses on what in it. A summary on some of the good concepts in there.

And most importantly, what is in the advanced series that is not found on this board.

I think every DJ on here would like to know whats really in the advanced series, so we can decide for our selves if its really worth spending 300 dollars on.

Id really appriciate it, and so would everyone else on here.

thanx in advance


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2001
Reaction score
I got the advanced series also.

I got the series not too long ago,It's good if you are just starting out on your journey of getting to know the psychology of attraction. I think that the one thing that the Advanced series shows you is that you can be succesfull with women if you understand why they do the things they do. Deangelo is a great teacher and it shows when you actually see him speak to the guys that are at the seminar,just by the questions that some of them ask you can tell that they are all at different places in their experience with women. In his mailbags Deangelo comes across as sometimes a little strong when he gives advice to the questions that are sent in to him,some people might think that he is some kind of jerk who offends people but,during the advanced series he explains why he does that and why he can't pull any punches since he only has one chance to get his point across via his mailbag.

The one thing that I found facinating is how throught the first couple of DVD's he explains how evolution has shaped the attraction mechanisms in both men and women (in a nutshell,you are not only shown what triggers attraction in women but,also how it is that you become attracted to a female also) When I read about this on the DYD website I thought to myself "Evolution of human beings? This has got to be filler" but, it turns out to be a very interesting part of the program. He reads exerpts from some of the books that support his theories,so he comes across as a guy that is well read and knowledgeble about all this stuff. If you try hard enough you probably could find alot of the stuff that he goes over on his program on this board,but, I doubt that you would be hard pressed to put it together as well as he has.

The DVD series has been recorded over a three day seminar that took place in los angeles,two DVD's will ussually cover one day of the seminar (6 DVD's total,each DVD over two hours in length) I'm in bootcamp right now because I need some help on cold approaches and getting better at recognizing "buying" signs from women,David goes over these part of the game in the program but,I feel like I need more real world experience with this stuff to get good at it. It's getting late right now and I have to be at work early in the morning so if anyone else is interested in knowing more reply to this thread and I could probably give you a more in depth description as to what is on each of the DVD's so that everyone can make the decision for themselves:) .
Nov 2, 2002
Reaction score
ok, well

David makes it seem like his DYD advances series has some mind blowing secrets. Is it really mind blowing, is it really some stuff that explains women perfectly, and can get you magical seeming results with women?

And what is the psychology of women he explains? if you dont mind telling me.

I still dont quite get what his advanced series is all about.

And I want to know if its really worth 300 dollars. Does it really explain women that well? worth 300 dollars? does it really have some tips that will get you just about any woman? even the hottest ones in the world?

thanx in advance


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2001
Reaction score
I can see how you would be concerned about the price of the program,it is expensive for sure. I can't tell you that you will find a sure "secret" that will help you get all the super hot women that you desire since there is no such thing,not in this program or any other program by any other expert out there. There are no canned lines,no formulas that sound like some kind of chemistry lesson,what you do get is how to modify your personality so that you are what women are looking for. It's hard to explain how he explains his take on the phychology of women,he takes you back to when humans followed their biological instincs and continues with such things as the triune brain and other such conceps. He pretty much shows you why Attraction isn't a choice and that women are programmed to respond to certain types of personality traits that can be conveyed through all kinds of communication (verbal,body language ect).

The first 2 DVD's are to help your "inner game" This basically lays down the aformentioned attraction isn't a choice and how to get yourself rid of fears and anxiety that may arise around women that you may want to meet.

Disk one
5.Attaction isn't a choice
6.Do you get it?
7.The learning process
8.What men want
9.Fears and frustrations
10.DNA,evolution and genes
11.The economics of sex
12.The triune brain
14.The strangest secret

Disk two
3.Social mask
4.Mind viruses
5.Thinking about thinking
7.Limiting beliefs
10.Life isn't fair
11.Your success
13.Dominant reality
14.Keep your power
15.Successful beliefs
16Reference group

Disk three
1.Self image
2.Wrap up
3.last night
4.Wanting something
7.Your act
8.Be the selector
9.Body language
11.Bad boys
12.Beliefs to project
13.Approaching women
14.Filters and amplifiers
15.The rules

Disk four
1.Clearing fears
2.When people meet
5.Notice the situation
6.Three minute E-mail
7.Get women to initiate
10.Meeting scenarios
11.Say anything
12.Date Request
13.Class and romance

Disk five
1.Rules of thumb
3.Relationship setup
4.Too comfortable
5.Conversation topics
6.****y and funny
7.Continued humour
8.Being alone
9.Ask suspiciously
11.Getting physical
13.Guest speaker:Orion
14.Guest speaker:Eric

Disk six
1.Guest speaker:Rick
2.relationship expectations
3.Setting standards
4.Wuss cure
6.Guest speaker: Riker
7.Conversation props
8.Guest speaker:Brent
9.Mini date
10.inner work

DVDs 3-4 are "outer game" and 5-6 are online and guest speakers. The guests show you how they themselves act when they interact with women and what their mindset is (Brent is probably the embodyment of confidence when it comes to not caring about what women say). Worth 300 bones? I don't know from what I hear to some it's the best investment that they have made in their dating life so far and to others it's stuff that they already know so they end up sending it back and getting a refund. I have a one year money back guarantee,so when It gets close to that one year I will decide if it is worth the money or send it back. So far it's helped alot,Maybe it's because I'm one of those visually inclined people that actually has to see something with their eyes in order to ingest all the info.