To cheat or not to cheat.. Or is it cheating at all?


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Blood is thicker than water. Your relationship with your fiance is toast. Realistically from her behaviour, she isn't going to choose her family over you, I can guarantee it. If she was that in love with you, she would have stood up to her parents already. However she cowers to them and when it comes crunch time she will do it again.

Be a man and take your self respect back and make the break now. Mandy should not come into the decision at all with your fiance. Its a totally separate decision, you need to decide if you want to be with her or not, but from what I can she, she doesn't want you over her family? Do you want to play second fiddle?

Finally if Mandy is that great of a catch, do you honestly think that you can jump from one relationship to another? Is that what healthy people do? If you really like her, then break up with fiance and spend the next whole 2.5 months by yourself, its not going to be the end of the world. Don't be a slave to the pvssy just because fiance is giving you sex. Its not worth it.

If you need to, go out and get a ONS in the meantime.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
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Dude, your current fiance is definitely bad news.

1. She won't stand up to her parents about you
2. She knows all of your e-mail passwords and you just barely realized it
3. She calls you all the freakin time

Don't marry her. She'll make your life chronically unhappy. I don't care if you leave her for that chick or if you leave her for your hand, but just leave her. She'll really eff up your life.

I never got into a serious relationship with a control freak, but my brother did. Looooooong story short, it's not worth it. Don't do it. Please, I beg of you.

If you don't kiss/fvck the girl, you're technically not cheating, BTW.


New Member
Feb 12, 2008
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Unless you want this girl, then just cheat...i mean if you can't see yourself being with this girl for the long run then just cheat and enjoy yourself.

but then my advice is'nt great as i have alot of issues with women and i'm borderline hate for them atm.That's what happens when you go for a LTR that you give 100% and then get ****ed over!.


The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Yeah I'm one of them that came out of a LTR and got a bomb dropped in my lap one day so I'm pretty jaded but I got experience.........

Here's my take:

1. You aren't ready to be married. Here you have a fiance you are supposed to be head over heals for and you are trying to be a player on the side.

2. Sounds like your fiance's family is nuts and unrealistic. Guess what, she was raised in that same freakin family. Give her a few years and she'll act just as goofy as they do and do the same f'd up things.

3. Women don't get better once you marry them, they get worse. They don't put out as often either. She'll get even more parnoid about who you talk to.

4. Don't get married dude. Today's world just isn't meant for successful marriages and it sounds like you aren't either at this point in your life.
Mar 18, 2006
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BandOfBrothers said:
I wouldn't really refer to them as hoes..
Your problem, as most dudes here, is that you think that she is so special and not like other girls! Guess what? If she is a virgin waiting to be your wife, then she IS special - no doubt about that!!! But she is just another girl who is opening her legs to another man - nothing so special about her!! Did you take vows? NO!! You owe her nothing!!!


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Last Man Standing said:
Your problem, as most dudes here, is that you think that she is so special and not like other girls! Guess what? If she is a virgin waiting to be your wife, then she IS special - no doubt about that!!! But she is just another girl who is opening her legs to another man - nothing so special about her!! Did you take vows? NO!! You owe her nothing!!!

This is one of the most powerful posts I've seen from you? You know why ... because you got your point across without saying the word hor, but you effectively portrayed the exact same thing as you normally try to convey by calling them hors.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2008
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When someone says "ho" I immediately picture a woman of skanky dress/behavior so in that aspect they're not hoes. Both are quite well-educated and well-mannered. But that's besides the point.
Here's what happened today: we went to a local coffee shop during the day since she had a day off classes and I had a day off work; I had my laptop with me and she wanted to check something out on imdb so we went online and as she was trying to google something, Mandy's name came out in the search bar (stupid auto-fill!). Needless to say she freaked out.

I've been trying to reassure her that I haven't cheated or had no intention to cheat for the past month, and she's still not laying off Mandy's case. Today she claimed that she felt intellectually threatened by Mandy, and that she wasn't that much concerned with Mandy and me as much as she was concerned with the fact that Mandy was smarter (I gave my fiancee "Catch 22" to read about a year ago and she hasn't finished it yet because she thinks it's too complicated and she's an English major :S, and it's among Mandy's favorite books on FB.. Ridiculous.) and even though there's a four-year age difference between them, my fiancee's unwilling to admit that it's a matter of upbringing, opportunity and a bit of natural curiosity that makes up your general education or whatever you want to call it. So she read a bit more than her, so f'ing what? She also removed her flixter application (I know, it's beginning to sound ridiculously childish) because she was upset that in her friends network two top rated were me and Mandy (forgot to mention, Mandy added her as a friend as well with one day delay. I think she knew it would look bad not to, no other reason) and she's been continuously working on her FB profile, adding smart quotes and music and movies..

The main reason I got engaged to a control freak is, I DIDN'T KNOW she was a control freak. She never gave me any hints of any kind that she had it in her, and I'm generally spooked as well. BTW, Mandy is not the reason why all this is happening, but she surely served as a catalyst.

My current position is that I'm 90% sure that it's going to end. Now, give me a way to end it or to make her end it so I don't come off as a ****head. We have many mutual friends, and I don't want her to alienate any of them, and especially the ones that are involved in my finances or business activities (I know, I know, never mix business and pleasure).


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
BandOfBrothers said:
My current position is that I'm 90% sure that it's going to end. Now, give me a way to end it or to make her end it so I don't come off as a ****head. We have many mutual friends, and I don't want her to alienate any of them, and especially the ones that are involved in my finances or business activities (I know, I know, never mix business and pleasure).

Why do you want to play a backup role in the movie that is your life? Why don't you want to control your destiny. A real man wouldn't look for a way to have her end it, a man would take control of his life and move forward, not sitting back idly, waiting for a women to be the man.