To call or text?? Need some advice guys


New Member
Apr 28, 2013
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Okay, last night I went out with mates to rave and was trying to pick-up all night, there was a girl who was with us and I barely even paid attention to her because I was having a ball and way way to drunk.

Towards the end of the night, she ended up coming over and dancing with me and then just grabbed her and kissed her all night and exchanged numbers, we left for another club and got separated.

I went to one club and she went to another, I left to go home then she texted me that she changed to the club I was at and I replied that I had left then she sent me a few more texts and a good night message.

That was Friday night and its now Saturday night, should I call her, text her or wait another day?


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
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the-tech-guy said:
Okay, last night I went out with mates to rave and was trying to pick-up all night, there was a girl who was with us and I barely even paid attention to her because I was having a ball and way way to drunk.

Towards the end of the night, she ended up coming over and dancing with me and then just grabbed her and kissed her all night and exchanged numbers, we left for another club and got separated.

I went to one club and she went to another, I left to go home then she texted me that she changed to the club I was at and I replied that I had left then she sent me a few more texts and a good night message.

That was Friday night and its now Saturday night, should I call her, text her or wait another day?
text. calling is for baby-boomers. and text tomorrow, project the image that you're too busy on a sat night to text somebody you barely know.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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Do whatever you want. You're going to die eventually. You really want to spend your living moments trying to calculate how many days to wait to text a girl?

Be confident, know what you want, don't settle for less and don't give her too much at first - after that you can do whatever you feel like.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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text. calling is for baby-boomers. and text tomorrow, project the image that you're too busy on a sat night to text somebody you barely know.


I never call. Texting has provided so many advantages to a phone call, not to mention how easy it is to do. Send a text then get back to owning life.

But as stated by blackmagic i dont make plans on weekends with girls i just met. If she flakes(and every girl does) your left blowing yourself on a saturday night. Hit her up sunday chat a bit then maybe tuesday make plans for thursday.

Green Frost

New Member
Apr 28, 2013
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Text Only

Not to make things personal @ 1st is why I always text. If you call her never leave a message. Girls won't call back if they already know why you called her.
I use the 2 texts rule. If you text her the 1st time & did not get a response. Wait like an hr. or so & try again. On the 2nd text if you get nothing back than screw it. Either 1 text & 1 call or 2 texts & be done with it. If she contacts you in her own time don't answer her right away regardless if you received a text or call. From this point do as you wish. If you feel she is worth pursuing than go for it. If not, than block or delete #.