To bulk or cut?


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Hi. I read both the bulking and cutting stickies and think I learned a lot but..

I am confused as to what I should do personally.

I currently weigh about 180 pounds and am 6 foot. I used to weigh 250 pounds a year and a half ago but cut my food consumption drastically.

I've got 3 days a week set aside in my schedule to go to the fitness center on campus and work out starting asap. I just want to make the right decisions on how much cardio and reps to do as it sounds like it is completely different for bulking than it is to cutting.

Oh, and I *think* I am skinny fat. I got a little belly and very little muscle definition in my body. An area I'd like to target would be my ass. I caught a glance in the mirror and noticed the cheeks sag a bit at the bottoms. I assume that is from the transformation of fatass to not so fatass. What excerises will help?

Thanks for reading and any advice you might give,


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2004
Reaction score
Cut. You're gonna look like **** till you bulk, but you'll look like **** if you bulk that much fat already on you.

Just do standard exercises. Nobody cares if you have a saggy ass when your pants are on. And when you build a bomb physique, if you still have a saggy ass, no girl is gonna say, "eww i don't want to **** you because of that ass." I used to be fat, too, and I know what you're talking about. I'm at about 11% bf, your height, and 190 pounds, and I still have some sag. Doesn't mean anything.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Bulking and cutting as more to do with your diet then the number of reps you're doing. Watch your fat and carb intake and take the time to hit weights when you're in the gym, but go at a some what 'faster then normal' pace to keep your heart rate up. If you have 3 days a week to dedicate, stick to the basic excercises.

Shoulder presses
Bench presses
Dead lifts

Machines are good as a finishing movement, but you want stick with free weights. As far as your butt goes, do plenty of squats and lunges.