New Member
Just been goin through all these tips and quotes on this site, and what an awesome place to help you motivate yourself! Im glad i found it!
Anyways, ive been reading a lot about being an yourself of late and i feel the need to clear this up with many out there who just are not understanding whether or not to be yourself!
The answer is YES and NO! Not what some of you are wanting to read im sure, but bare with me here! All men on this site at least realise that an ALPHA male is much more attractive to a woman than a BETA male. Ok now thats out the way you must realise that to be your same old non-successful self of wussy nature always pandering to a womans needs and calls is BS and has to stop! You may then say to me: 'Why cant women accept me for who i am?' I dont want to CHANGE and become MANIPULATIVE 'just' to **** women! YOU are not seeing that you ARE being MANIPULATIVE acting in your boyish nature! You expect to get a good shagging from being Mr nice and giving her everything she 'wants.' It is NOT manipulative to be your true self! A self where you have taken the time to learn and internalise the fact that your real born identity was/is still a MAN who can stroll through life with a strong easy grace!
As Michealangelo once said about his sculptures when asked how he creates such beautiful pieces from a piece of marble: He said i just chip away at the rock until i find whats hidden beneath! This is a metaphor for a man who with social and cultural conditioning to act in a certain way around women has become covered in **** over time which has hardened to a crust. This can continue to accumulate over time, or with effort and perseverence can be cracked and thrust aside, revealing the MAN beneath the ****. This is when it is ok to be yourself, when you are who you are and love it! No paralysis from fear! A MANS gotta do what a MANs gotta do! No **** coated 'nice' guys here! No manipulation just pure ALPHA MANHOOD
I should prob finish on that dramatic note but i gotta make this clear. A BETA male is **** covered, OK!? He goes through life attempting to cover for his inadeqaucies by showing off his new car or money etc! This essentially is like adding a diamond ring to a **** covered man. When it would be much more attractive to see THE MAN!It just fails to make any impression when the woman is still overwhelmed by the smell of **** (his manipulative niceness).
Anyway lol i guess theres other articles on this on this site which i havent read yet so i must apologise if this has already been covered! Until next time
The Minister
Anyways, ive been reading a lot about being an yourself of late and i feel the need to clear this up with many out there who just are not understanding whether or not to be yourself!
The answer is YES and NO! Not what some of you are wanting to read im sure, but bare with me here! All men on this site at least realise that an ALPHA male is much more attractive to a woman than a BETA male. Ok now thats out the way you must realise that to be your same old non-successful self of wussy nature always pandering to a womans needs and calls is BS and has to stop! You may then say to me: 'Why cant women accept me for who i am?' I dont want to CHANGE and become MANIPULATIVE 'just' to **** women! YOU are not seeing that you ARE being MANIPULATIVE acting in your boyish nature! You expect to get a good shagging from being Mr nice and giving her everything she 'wants.' It is NOT manipulative to be your true self! A self where you have taken the time to learn and internalise the fact that your real born identity was/is still a MAN who can stroll through life with a strong easy grace!
As Michealangelo once said about his sculptures when asked how he creates such beautiful pieces from a piece of marble: He said i just chip away at the rock until i find whats hidden beneath! This is a metaphor for a man who with social and cultural conditioning to act in a certain way around women has become covered in **** over time which has hardened to a crust. This can continue to accumulate over time, or with effort and perseverence can be cracked and thrust aside, revealing the MAN beneath the ****. This is when it is ok to be yourself, when you are who you are and love it! No paralysis from fear! A MANS gotta do what a MANs gotta do! No **** coated 'nice' guys here! No manipulation just pure ALPHA MANHOOD
I should prob finish on that dramatic note but i gotta make this clear. A BETA male is **** covered, OK!? He goes through life attempting to cover for his inadeqaucies by showing off his new car or money etc! This essentially is like adding a diamond ring to a **** covered man. When it would be much more attractive to see THE MAN!It just fails to make any impression when the woman is still overwhelmed by the smell of **** (his manipulative niceness).
Anyway lol i guess theres other articles on this on this site which i havent read yet so i must apologise if this has already been covered! Until next time
The Minister