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To anyone who wants to listen

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
"Girls are fvcking hypocrites. I am a mysoginist right now, and I don't give a sh!t. The fvcking sluts my age? They LOVE it. They want to be treated like the sluts they are. Called a slut? NO! NEVER! Treated like a slut? Absolutely. It's SOOOO fvcking counter-intuitive what they say. They say they want to be respected.

Girls are sluts most of them. I logically tell myself that it is a girl's perogative to have sex whenever and with whoever she wants."

You are not wrong in this assessment of girls nowadays.


Master Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
Reaction score
The World In My Eyes
The people who get the girls at house parties are the ones looking like they are having the most fun, which at a party means wilding out...You cant sit down next to a girl and kick that kind of game cause there is always someone else around who looks like they are having more fun and noone wants to have those kinds of convos at the time...You gotta know how to use your good side and your bad side, cause youre gonna need both of them anyways...


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Right... I remembered a chapter in the book The 48 Laws of Power that's really applicable here:

"Law 38: Think as You Like, But Behave Like Others

If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthadox ways, people will think that you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will find a way to punish you for making them feel inferior. It is far safter to bledn in and nurture the common touch. Share your originality only with tolerant friends and those who are sure to appreciate your uniqueness."
- Robert Greene

"Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under foot and turn to attack you. (Jesus Christ, Matthew 7:6)

"If Machiavelli had had a prince for disciple, the first thing he would have recommended him to do would have been to write a book against Machiavellism."


Master Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
Reaction score
The World In My Eyes
Originally posted by Duke
Right... I remembered a chapter in the book The 48 Laws of Power that's really applicable here:

"Law 38: Think as You Like, But Behave Like Others

If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthadox ways, people will think that you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will find a way to punish you for making them feel inferior. It is far safter to bledn in and nurture the common touch. Share your originality only with tolerant friends and those who are sure to appreciate your uniqueness."
- Robert Greene

Bingo...That one is really important...Also, when in Rome, do as the Romans do...

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Dam, dude (Duke)... that's weak.

Let me offer a piece of simple psychoanalysis.

You let a simple situation reframe you completely... to the point of nervous breakdown...

To lose your cool like that? Why?

So you got into bad company. So there were some sluts sleeping around... u talked to one of them... she made out.

Healthy person thinks:
It's a slut. Low level girl. NEXT

You fvcking breakdown. Somehow, you extrapolate her sleeping around to all females in general, start yelling what you think and feel the "horrible pressure of the social matrix"

You are so desperate to lay. To appear alpha... to be accepted in that little social group of some idiots exchanging STDs... and it shows.

If you were truly alpha, you'd just NEXT the girl and walk out of there. Cause u have better things to do than to waste time with those sluts. You were craving for approval of your friends. You wanted them to pat you on the back for banging some girl, like they congratulated "that AFC"

Read the fvcking bible. ;)

U still don't get the basics about desperation, supplication and being alpha.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
That is why the notion that opposites attract is complete BS.

The fact of the matter is that most people are drawn to those who are most similar to them in all respects and cast aside those who are different. At the houseparty you felt out of place and different from everyone else. It is as if you were on the outside looking in. The people there including the women sensed that foreign vibe from you and were repelled rather than drawn to you. They chose that which was most familiar being the horde of what you called AFC's acting like drunken fools and wild men. That is why these supposed AFC's got laid and you didn't. It was not a reflection of you per se but the fact that you simply did not fit in with that particular kind of crowd even though you tried to act the part.

I too in the past have tried to start an intelligent conversation with women at bars/clubs, etc. and have failed miserably in almost all instances. Those venues are simply meant to hook up. That is why the GW method is the best way to go because most women at those places are too dumb and superficial to talk about anything meaningful in the first place.

I like your post Duke. It is alittle on the cynical side but nonetheless revealing. I felt that I was the only one who had this problem, but I see now that is not the case.


Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
OKAY I DISAGREE!!! Just listen to me for a minute..........

If you are a don juan, you are not BY ANY MEANS, the LOSER, or the guy who doesnt fit IN, A don juan CREATES his own environment, even in the midst of ANOTHER'S environment.....but.....to do that takes understanding of your humanity and robot-like mentality....listen on....

There are two types of people in this world, humans and robots. Robots, are people who may contain the truth about every aspect of life, but they lack this one thing called, uhhh...what's it called, oh yeah, FREEDOM. Example, Rosie the Robot from the Jetsons. She was just as smart as Jane Jetson, she knew all the cool and hip things at the time like Judy Jetson, she knew and understand everything about how to be a woman, BUT, she was not free to be the WOMAN she wanted to be, so, she wasn't really a woman, just a ROBOT, programmed, with woman material. She could perform like a woman, but she was not free to have a mind and goals of her own, she was programmed to be only what the jetsons wanted her to be.

Then there are humans. People who may contain the truth about every aspect of life, but what makes them STICK OUT, and they STICK OUT, because of this, and it is, FREEDOM.

They both have the information and knowledge, and maybe even the education, but why is one loved over the other, because one has its own GOALS AND MIND, and incorporates that with the information they have learned.

You my friend, are a don juan, and because of so many robots in the world, you are even a minority. But how many kings does a kingdom have? haha......one! So I thank God that I am in the minority!


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
i may be way off right now

But, as i matured and grown, i found that all my knowledge departed me from the world, reality itself.

Just for u guys to know, and to understand the paths i took, i take economics, a sociological (not only) subject. I read a lot about sociology and phylosofy. Dudes, people who are here in sosuave, and who deeply catch the solo meaning of the bible(and others topics, may i mention again A-Unit post about ego), showing of that our reality is pretty much undefined. All this goals that our fathers put on us, all this ideologys, all in all that tells us that is the truth, the right path is completely nosense.. If i mention marx, his sociological mindset is perturbing, deals with god and other things that rule our so called "reality"

my point is, after u have studied, detached urself from all the slaves of the system, there is no turning back.

Like matrix, we are the ones who are out of the world program, our minds(i hope everyone) are able to acknowledge every new ideia, thought with neutrality

u actually see everything as insignificant, the car, my job... what are u really adding to the world?

im sorry to tell u, but i came to a point that i can't see i way to turn around. We were freed, and now we leave every day asking ourselfs what am i doing here? there is no meaning, there is nothing...
phylosofycally, how can u aspect something from a being who is nothing? who can't even define itself? (ego, as A-unit brilliantly explained)

Fellas, maybe the anwser is to find a girl who had the same "enlightment" as we did.

if u dont have a clue what im talking about, u are missing the most important point of being a DJ


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
"If you have a great, loving dad who builds esteem in his little girl -- she becomes a rational adult who knows enough to naturally avoid these kind of jerks. Those who catch the bad treatment spend the rest of their lives chasing ghosts. Judging from the success that all the pricks and losers of the world have scoring hot women, there's a great deal of damaged goods walking around just looking to be hurt again. Sad but true. "

A girl worth her salt, won't be letting some loser fvck her at a house party. These girls know well enough to avoid this and these situations.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
It's all about social proof,guys.Flex off your social muslce. With your freinds,with your women.

It's like you can be the man of there dreams if you don't have people cosigning you some of these *****es won't spread there legs for you.

It's real disgusting out here.I'd rather have her be in it for the money or the looks as opposed to same lame ass jokes and hanging out.

That sh!T ain't real to me,but whatever.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
I have a question for Duke, why do you think these guys can come in here and get p_ssy? If you did what they did 100%, including body language, tone, everything... 100%.. do you think you too could get p_ssy?

and if you can, why don't you do that? is it because you can't? or choose not to for other reasons.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
Richmond, VA
Originally posted by DJHoolahoop
I have a question for Duke, why do you think these guys can come in here and get p_ssy? If you did what they did 100%, including body language, tone, everything... 100%.. do you think you too could get p_ssy?
I think the fact that the girls were totally wasted had a little something to do with it... Regardless, I don't think that was really the point of this.

But I liked this post. I've definetely gone through my period of spiting women as nothing but shallow animals who are slaves to their biological urges, and for a large number of them, it's true. But I believe there are some women who are on a higher level.


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
I really get where your coming from. The fact is you weren't flexible enough in the environment you were in and that you weren't match fit. That simple. You didn't do what you wanted because you felt constrained, and believe me, people can see that.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jariel
Whenever I go out, I'm surrounded by some really pitiful men: uneducated and unevolved, fat and ugly slobs with no class, dignity, charm or tact, who have never worked for anything but expect everything. And here I am, trying to do right by people and trying to be the best I can possibly be. Call me arrogant, but there's no doubt about it, I'm physically and mentally superior to most of these men, yet I'm always "losing out" to them.
I don't know why this caught my eyes, so I'm going to comment a little..

If they are whatever you think they are.. and you're still 'losing out' to them, what does that make you?

Also Duke, I think not drinking at a party is fine, even cool. I'm done with ciggarettes, alcohol, drugs, and all that because they make me feel terribly lethargic, and when I feel that way I will never be able to get to my optimum productive state. I hate the idea of deliberately using my freedom to insert an ingredient in my body that tells me what to feel, and thus giving my freedom away. Only I determine how I feel, and thats why I steer away from mood-alterers (or alterants?).


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Duke, i went to a house party last night as well...

I saw a lot of the same things you did... girls making out with guys they just met.. girls taking jello shots off each other.. the thing is, and i love how squirells put it, they are just exploring the dark side (i wanna call it wild side). I met this nice girl last night, she was from a small town..very down to earth.

Upstairs, another girl i knew was taking a jello shot from the chest of another girl. As the nice girl was watching, i asked her "Now its your turn" to which she replied .. "Screw that, we are going to top these b1tches!" :eek:

The truth is, alcohol is a funny thing.. When you are sober while everyone is drunk, you get a little confused as to how to act with people... it takes a little bit to recover and actually start enjoying yourselves..

The thing is, you might think it is "wild and whorish" how these girls jump on the guy after 5 minutes of meeting them, but remember, it is our nature. Sh1t, we all have made out with girls in the club before, and these are the same "im so innocent" type of girls you meet at the mall..

We all have the Wild side. Talk to a girl about sex, you will see it. Tell her you want to lift up that skirt and have your way with her... see how much she'll love it (obviously you have to know the girl... i aint trying to get you a rape charge ;))

Duke, it does happen, ESPECIALLY when you are sober, that you feel out of place becuase everyone is going wild fast and you are not..

One tip, when the girls are tipsy, KINO progresses much easier and more efficient. Touch her arm when you talk to her.. put your arms on her hips when she is facing you... you will notice how girls not only do not reject you but they will actually get more excited faster.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
Boston, Ma
Yup so I heard from Devin he was having a problem so I decided to go back to this site and check his post. But ya I think this is a prime example of what the problem is that I've seen with guys who are having trouble with girls. I've seriousely had very similar conversations to this with people i know. So I suggest anyone in the same boat to listen up:

Guy A: I haven't gotten laid yet man, I haven't even done more than kiss one girl, i guess girls dont like me enough.
Jvesti: Have you ever tried to do more than kiss a girl? Have you tried to go further?
Guy A: No not yet
Jvesti: umm I wonder why then, you think its gonna jump in your lap

Guy b: Man, I can never get girls at house parties! I talk to them any everythin but they never seem to makeout with me!
Jvesti: Have you even tried to kiss a girl at a house party or let alone touch her?
Guy b: Nope

Guys who take risks get girls. their masculinity drives them to do so which they are in touch with, a girl wants a strong confident masculine man not a guy who uses canned lines, doesn't take risks, is all focused on her response, is all cerebral logic they want to take a break from by partying, and can't adapt to social situations. I used to have think problem all the time.

The fact you are all cerebral in a setting where you've been in a pressure cooker for 5 days being cerebral and people are looking to relieve stress is your problem not theirs.

Guys who are successful with women come FROM their emotion and drive they dont come from intellectualizing the situation. Get over it intellectuals! There's NOTHING you can do with being a smarty smart to get a girl. Save it for class. Sexual attraction is a primative part of us that is situated in primitive parts of the brain and doesn't originate in deep intellectual thought of higher thinking. God, people drunk themselves up which inhibits the brain so they CAN get laid. That's why 80% of bars exist, alcohol and sex go hand in hand for a reason.

All of you guys who think just because your smart you are superior somehow need to get a reality check. You're not, you'll make a great decently paid worker bee for a sometimes smart and definitely action-oriented leader who will get all the glory but yeah there's guys who sit on their asses arguing if the world is round or square then theres guys who venture into the abyss to find out the truth.

For those of you in college or that are for the most part in social hierachies need to realize. There is no way around it. If you sit on your ass, play quake 3 or whatever games, have dorks for friends, have no status or place in that community, your not gonna get the hot cheerleader. No amount of reading seduction **** is gonna matter! There's a reason why the guys that are getting those cheerleaders dont even know **** about any seduction stuff or even care much.

Cause in knit social networks like that you can only pretend your confident, cool, but people can easily judge you by who you are associated with at the houseparty, or if they even know you. You can do it until your blue in the face but the reality someone sees of you will tell another story.

ONLY in bars and clubs can you be able to get away faking that you have status cause its basically not a community or tribe so to speak. And even then, it will come out very shortly.

We are social animals for godsakes, get in touch with your testosterone (the fight in ya) and rise yourself to the top of someone of value. GO OUT AND GET VALUE, become a person worth something to your community. Stop trying to look for ways to pretend to be a person of value, its not gonna work in college, and even out of social hierachies, you can only sneak it for a very short time.

Use that brain of yours, stop using it to run from your fears. If you dont think your cool enough to do that, then tough luck, you can't have your cake and eat it too (or girls and eat them too). Instead of trying to look for ways to circumvent the social problem, deal with it head on. There is no way around this aside for the ability to slip roofies in her drink without her knowing.

I've heard a guy when i suggested that go (That's too tough!) as he sat and kept reading techniques, upon gobs of posts on and on. Which shows the root of the problem right there.

Here are some suggestions to have status (which you already know, but probably aren't facing), i'll just nudge it at ya :

Join a frat - Generally a lot of you reading this that have the intellectual problem will go. OOOHH those guys are idiots, they are so dumb, what a bunch of boneheads! That's basically nerd envy. You really envy them as they bone the chicks you want.

You call them idiots, yet they made it into the same college as you, will have the frat as good connections for the reason of their lives. When you call them boneheads with your air of fake superiority, its just a bunch of guys being men, partying it up, that dont rely on their minds to make themselves feel important.

Get involved in school activities - Yup, go out there and be part of something. Get involved in groups, sports, hell even intermurals. Go out and meet new people, be action oriented. MAKE New friends.

If you want to do solo activities, your sexual experiences are going to be solo. We are social animals.

Work on your shyness everyday - Back in the day, I went to visit a family member up at college at the start of the year. All this person did was go into places at the campus parties and walk up and shake people's hands and meet them, CONSTANTLY. Then to top it off he is a football player which is also instant masculine status. He ends up to be one of the most well known popular people at his large school with plenty of chicks.

You are going to have to overcome your fears to get anywhere. Not smarter things to do or better techniques, that's what intellectual guys do and they dont get laid. Take a note from the guys who do, dont hate them.

Anyways, you simply do these 2 or 3 things and your ability to get women and even get laid will shoot up 1000 times over. Your trying to hit a homerun out of Fenway with a nerf bat, no matter how much batting technique lessons you learn you aint gonna be hittin it further than the pitchers mound.