"Women cheat, women tease, women are ho's, don't know what they want, only care about looks and money and will dump you when something better comes along..."
The fact of the matter is, that these statements are true! Now I'm not saying that every women applies to every "complaint", but there are plenty accounts where a woman has fell under those statements, hell I'm assuming to say that most women fall under at least one of those statements.
However, what I think you fail to realize is that these are usually not from a man hating women, it's from a man critiquing women for the negative qualities that they have, so that the next man doesn't fall victim to them.
Now there are probably a few woman-haters on this site, but I pretty sure that they are over-shadowed by the others that aren't.
"Now if I was to say the same about men, I would be accused of being man hating, lesbian..."
The hell are you talkin' about? There ARE men who cheat, tease, are shallow, that will dump you when something better comes along! We're already know this! We know we're not completely positive either. However, that, in most cases, is irrelevent to this site.
Though I will agree with you on the point that people need to have a positive look on life.
Lastly, I would like to question your point of writing this post. Was it because you have suddenly become an enlightened soul that must spread this word to the sosuavers, was it to build your ego, or was it just to lay out a negative aspect of men. I have no idea.
I'll leave you with a post I saw many months ago, where someone said something along the lines of "Women are lying, deceitful, and Machiavellian creatures. Love them anyway."
And for your information, I do.