I couldn't agree more with Dee-zy . Not only are those instant messenger services potentially one the most AFC ways to conversate with girls, I believe they can be addictive, too.
Just think about it. It is so much easier to conversate with girls over AIM/MSN, it is the perfect way to kill ANY sexual tension between you and her. I know several people who spend several HOURS a day on MSN that they could have spent on REAL social interactions.
I mean, how can you possibly remain interesting and mysterious if you spend four hours a day on a messenger service. There is NO way to make it obvious that you have no life, since you spend all your time behind your computer. Second, since it is so much easier to talk to a computer screen, within a few days, you will be telling people all sorts of stuff about yourself that you would have NEVER told them in real life.
Nah, I just wanted to say, I'm damn glad I erased that damn program from my computer. I still don't know what to do with all the free time I have left since then