It's a damn plague! that's what it is!
Originally posted by HowardRoarkLaughed
I've actually heard kids, out in the real world, say "L-O-L" (pronouncing the letters) when something funny happened instead of laughing. And they weren't trying to be ironic.
That's got nothin': the "in" or "cool" or "hip" underclassmen at my high school have taken a liking to using "J/K".
Tehy~: "Hey, Jacques~, if ur f4ce is biggr then ur h4nd tehn u have cansir"
Jacques~: "Please, stop."
Tehy~: "Oh my ggod, I'm
«shudder» It'd be fine if only one or two idiots said it on occasion, but it's fully THREE underclasses that've taken to hammering this off at their every whim. Thanks, God: you're a real chum!
Chucking your computer might be a bit much, but if you're addicted to it to the point where it becomes part of your "offline life", then you should club the computer AND yourself.
Originally posted by krd:
Another problem with talking on msn for long periods of time is that it looks like you've got nothing better to do than to sit in front of your computer all day. This is okay for high school kids who have curfews and really don't have anything better to do. But for grown adults, it's just strange.
Ya know, I used to be just like that, back in the day, but then I realized that sitting online because you don't have something to do is just an excuse for not getting up off your ass and FINDING something to do. (I really wish more kids would realize this simple fact.)
The world would be a happier place if people didn't rely so much on circumstance and the outside world to make them happy, and using AIM or MSN (et al.) to fill the void left by an inability to cope with your surroundings... well, CAVEMEN didn't have MSN!
I think AIM (et al.) is (are) making it okay for people to be lazy and--specifically for guys--nice guys to be complacent with themselves.