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To all indian djs

DJ Chubby

Don Juan
Sep 17, 2001
Reaction score
I have some differences in opinion with some of you.

Firstly, there are definitely a good amount of HOT Indian girls. The ratio of hot girls to the total amount of girls might be a little lower than other races, but there are definitely a good amount of good looking Indian girls, especially in the NYC Area. The problem with some of em is that they've been chased around by every guy, Indian or not, since they were about 14.

This leads me to my next argument, that they only like AFC's. Some of the FOB's might, but the good-looking ones brought up in America can easily separate the AFC's from the DJ's and will definitely choose the DJ's, regardless of whether they are "conservative" or not.

This leads to my final argument, which says that all Indian girls are conservative and do not give it up. Absolutely NOT true. Just like in any other race, you will have the easier girls and you will have the conservative girls. Again, the ratio is a lot lower than other races, but they are definitely there and are waiting for a DJ to pick them up.

I wouldn't approach Indian girls any differently than you would other girls. You should use your DJ skills, charm, be ****y and funny, and hint to them that you're in it for some poontang as well (try to kiss them early on during a date, etc.) You may have a longer waiting period than you're used to, but in the end, it's not too hard. Try to keep everything you do on the D/L because the last thing a Indian girl wants is for a lot of people to know she's a freak. And trust me, you put a little bass in your voice and its possible for you to pull off a lot of things you didn't seem imaginable.

I'm sure you know how Indian people talk anyway, so just smile and dismiss any rumors when other people, especially Indian girls, ask you about such questions. The "easier" ones will understand the smile and just assume that you guys had an agreement not to say anything, and gain interest right there. And plus, Indian girls despite the fact they don't want anyone to know, can't keep their mouth shut, so its possible for girls to be aware of the "sexual" relationship and it will be easier when you do approach. Make sure you don't go crazy, however, because when you try to pursue a serious LTR, your rep might hurt your chances. Again, dont boast about what you've done in the sack with them and try to be mysterious when other girls ask.

Hope this clears up any confusion.

DJ Chubby

Don Juan
Sep 17, 2001
Reaction score
Oh, and just wanted to add that if you are Indian, you are at a definitive advantage with most Indian girls, but the atmosphere that they are brought up in also effects their tastes.

So the Indian girl that married a white man doesn't surprise me at all. Some of my cousins are married to white women because they lived in areas where Indian women weren't prevalent at all.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
I just thought I'd put my 2 cents in on this topic because I'm 100% ethnic Indian. I was born in Amristsar Punjab and my family is hardcore Punjabi.

Indian people are a lot like Jewish people or Asian people in that they have a lot of strong cultural values and look down on marrying/dating outside of their race/religion and are very status oriented. For you white guys this is gonna be a real disadvantage and you're gonna have no chance unless you went to an ivy league school and are raking in the dough. Personally I see this as a strong advantage because I'm gonna be starting pre-medicine next year and so I'm already ahead of the game.

As far as Indian girls not being hot...are you kidding me? India has won Miss Universe more times than any other country in the world. It's just that since India is such a diverse country a lot of the sub-ethnic groups are really ugly, like the south Indians and the Madrasis. Generally the good looking ones will be towards the north east bordering pakistan.

I cant really see myself marrying anyone other than an Indian girl and to me the half Indian girls and the white-washed ones have been "ruined", I'm actually really attracted to the fact that they have values because this means that in the long run they wont leave you (just look at the divorce rate of Indians). If you're just looking for some ***** I'd stay away because it's too much work getting the conservative ones to put out, I'm taking a sabbatical from desi girls just for that reason.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Rahul said...
I cant really see myself marrying anyone other than an Indian girl and to me the half Indian girls and the white-washed ones have been "ruined",
-You can't see yourself marrying anyone other than an Indian girl because you have been brain-washed by social conditioning of your family/friends/peers etc. You are very narrow-minded and ignorant.

-Anything not 100% Indian like yourself is "ruined."? LMAO - yes, this again supports my theory that you are ignorant and either afraid of what you do not understand or jealous.

Rahul said...
I'm actually really attracted to the fact that they have values because this means that in the long run they wont leave you (just look at the divorce rate of Indians).
-The "values" that you speak of are social conditioning, but there is a fog over your eyes in which you are blinded by your own stupidity (social conditioning of your parents etc).

*I believe you are wrong about Indian winning a majority of Miss Universe...I believe it is Venezuela - but I know for sure it ain't India.

Indian girls are very unattractive. You're not going to see some hot indian chick in a Girls Gone Wild video or in Playboy anytime soon.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
What I can't get over about Indian girls and the Indian community is the GOSSIP FACTOR. This makes it very hard to be mysterious and be a Don Juan when everyone knows everything about you.

In the Indian community, everyone knows about all of the past relationships that you have had or have not had and what you've done. Some of the non-indian people here won't even be able to grasp this concept because it is like nothing you have ever experienced before. Many Indian girls are related in some way and are friends and they chat on AIM etc about everything!


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, TX (it sucks)
Originally posted by Rahul

I cant really see myself marrying anyone other than an Indian girl and to me the half Indian girls and the white-washed ones have been "ruined", I'm actually really attracted to the fact that they have values because this means that in the long run they wont leave you (just look at the divorce rate of Indians).
Look at the murder-suicide rates of indians. They'll find a way out if they want it bad enough.


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2002
Reaction score
maplewood MN
my friends sister

my friend is indian (dots not feathers) and his sister is hot as hell! oh man, if she was older i would love to bang her!:D she wants me but she's too young.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2002
Reaction score
Kansas City

I completely agree with you in terms of "pseudo" superiority that Indian community has inherent. As regards they being gossip-oriented, I think comes from the close-knit joint family structure that prevails in the society.


I respect your opinion and freedom to express them. However, I find it is quite one-sided or incomplete on some fronts. Divorce rate, for example, is NOT a barometer of marital happiness. People stay in marriages for so many reasons (not meaning they are happy). Particularly in Indian society where arranged marriages are norm and societal expectations pretty much govern the matrimony. Since you made it look like the superiority of Indian system (in terms of fewer divorces) I would love to hear your explanation for so many dowry deaths (of brides by in-laws) or just the prevalence of such a system in that society.

I believe the moral is: No society is perfect. They all have their flaws but it is naive to hold one above others because it lacks some parallel in certain area.