Tired of girls flaking? Try this…


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2011
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Tampa, FL
The biggest reason that girls flake is because you have failed to build up enough attraction. If there’s no attraction, that phone # is absolutely worthless. When a girl gives you her phone # it does not necessarily mean she’s attracted to you. Nowadays, a girl giving you her phone # is just as invasive as her telling you her name, or asking for a facebook request. It means nothing. Getting phone #’s is an integral part of the game. It’s how we set up dates, second meetings, and also a way to continue to build more attraction with her. Girls flaking on me used to be my biggest sticking point. It used to piss me off beyond belief. I thought to myself that I did everything right, why is she flaking on me? It got to the point where I didn’t even bother asking for her phone #. I would just game her like I always did until eventually something clicked. Girls started to ask me for my phone #. I couldn’t believe it. But what did I do differently? I was using the same openers, routines, and stories I always told.

I figured out 2 things. First of all I lost the mentality that getting her phone # was important to me, and if I didn’t get it, the conversation was a failure. It came across in my conversations and my body language with the girls that I’m not just talking to you to get your phone # and leave. I was being genuinely interested in getting to know the person and I wasn’t showing her that I’m just trying to get laid.

Once I stopped asking for phone #’s I thought to myself, what’s the point of even asking? She’s just gonna flake on me anyway. It took about 3 weeks before the first girl asked me for my phone #, and I realized what I was actually doing was building more solid attraction and I didn’t even know it. I was basically practicing just on my attraction skills for 3 whole weeks. After I figured out what I was actually accomplishing, I started to re-evaluate everything I did wrong prior to this. I started to notice a huge difference in the IOI’s I was getting. I can now tell the difference between a girl giving you false IOI’s (she’s just being nice & polite or flirty) and when she’s really attracted to you. I practiced this for about 6 weeks in total. Almost every girl that asked me for my number, not only did they not flake, but they turned into pretty quick and easy lays. Now that I know that it takes solid attraction and how to read true IOI’s, when I ask for phone #’s I very rarely get flaked on.

Gentlemen, try this for a couple of weeks. Make yourself stop asking for phone #’s, and try to game her until she asks for your number. Practice mainly on your attraction techniques, and make that your main focus. You’d be surprised at the results and the power of what a woman will do if she’s truly attracted to you. Notice the difference between the IOI’s your getting. You will start to see the girl going total AFC on you! She’ll lean in and listen to your every word. She’ll touch your chest ever so slightly, she’ll grab your hands. She’ll have that doggy bowl dinner look in her eyes. She’ll even lean in, inviting you to kiss her. Once you’ve got this part of your game down flakes will become a thing of the past. It will take some practice, but once girls start to consistently ask for your phone #, you know you are truly attracting them. Now you can start asking for phone #’s without fear of them flaking.


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the note of false IOI's (Indicators of Interest) what were the false ones you were getting before?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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thevilittletroll said:
I didn’t even bother asking for her phone #. I would just game her like I always did until eventually something clicked. Girls started to ask me for my phone #.

I was being genuinely interested in getting to know the person and I wasn’t showing her that I’m just trying to get laid.

Almost every girl that asked me for my number, not only did they not flake, but they turned into pretty quick and easy lays..
Great post! These lines above basically sum up my approach to gaming chicks.

Most of the time I wait for the girls to ask (or drop a hint) about meeting up too. Not only do they follow up on the date without flaking, but many of them remain interested even if I have to cancel or reschedule the date.

As I've said before, there's this false impression in the seduction community that you have to act fast. You should approach within 5 seconds, number close asap, set up a date asap, kiss close asap and just rush through the entire seduction process as though you're on a time limit. In my experience, doing the exact opposite is way more effective.

There's also this common attitude that you should never text a girl or make conversation unless it's to set up a date. To be frank, that's total bullsh!t. I use texting, mailing or phone chats to build rapport, build interest and to raise sexual tension. What's more, it helps break the ice and makes them feel more comfortable about meeting you and a bit of sex talk can make them lust for you, so by the time your date comes around she's already ready to put out.

As the OP said, just slow down and take time to build attraction.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I have been saying this. phone numbers do not mean nothing at all. guys brag about phone numbers. lol. big deal. approach with 5 seconds lol.

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
Are you Elmer Gantry?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2011
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
jammy1257 said:
On the note of false IOI's (Indicators of Interest) what were the false ones you were getting before?
eye contact is a big one. almost every post i've read on this site mentions some sort of eye contact. it can be an IOI but, it is mostly misinterpreted. sometimes she wasnt even looking at you when you think she was. also its her being polite to make eye contact with you while you are speaking. you do the same thing when there is a public speaker. its not always an IOI.

when she fixes or touches her hair. this is an IOI, but dont make the mistake of misreading it. if you are in a bar chatting up a lady, and she's doing this, you might not be the person that signal is supposed to be going out to. there are other guys in the bar. if its just the two of you real close together, good sign. also i've seen a lot of girls to this almost kind of like a habit, and they do it constantly, like every 15 seconds the entire night. some girls are just really into their hair.

if she's there talking to you for more than 10 mins or you ask for a phone # right away and she gives it to you. some girls are generally nice and polite and enjoy socializing with people. your conversation can be just as enjoyable if it was with one of her girlfriends. doesnt mean she's attracted. most women also fear confrontation, and dont want people thinking she's a b.itch. so its not always an IOI.

the biggest IOI to look out for is when she is going out of her way to touch you. or she's getting really close to you while your talking. another one i like is if her friends go off to the bathroom or to dance and she stays with you to talk. obviously if she asks for your phone #. if she asks if you are single. and one of my favs if she asks what are you doing later.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Jariel said:
There's also this common attitude that you should never text a girl or make conversation unless it's to set up a date. To be frank, that's total bullsh!t. I use texting, mailing or phone chats to build rapport, build interest and to raise sexual tension. What's more, it helps break the ice and makes them feel more comfortable about meeting you and a bit of sex talk can make them lust for you, so by the time your date comes around she's already ready to put out.
I agree to an extent. Though, I think two points should be made concerning texting.

One, no one should rely SOLELY on texting. It's a bad habit I've fallen into with certain chicks and I try to make a conscious effort to avoid it. Here is a good use of texting: sometimes I like to send a short, funny anecdote of something that happened to me that day. As long as it's actually funny, it always gets a good response. And it doesn't have to be entirely true... Exaggerate situations so that they appear interesting.

Two, you should have some sort of rapport with the girl before you start conversating with her through texts. I try to avoid text conversations unless I've slept with her or if I already see her regularly (i.e. I work with her). I've found it tends to make you too available.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
thevilittletroll said:
the biggest IOI to look out for is when she is going out of her way to touch you.
Exactly, and this can be as simple as her extending her hand for a handshake when you ask her name.

Never ask for numbers, simply tell them to call your phone so you have it.

Once you have it, I feel that texting is fine to get a conversation going and to ask for a date.

I try to keep it C+F by saying things like "If you play your cards right you might have a chance with me".


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
the thing about all this attraction stuff is that it is not an exact science. no matter what you do you ethier did too much or not enough. all this pick up stuff contradicts itself a lot.


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2011
Reaction score
I'm actually a fan of finding reasons for giving them my number rather than taking theirs, circumstances permitting, for example just giving them a business card if my phone's out of battery or whatever. If they call, game on. If not, me getting their number would have been pointless anyway.


Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
It's true. I just landed myself into a relationship and I intentionally never asked for the phone number. She offered it to me. (She is on my facebook and so time was on my side.) Focus on attraction, focus on sexual chemistry, ****y/funny, playful banter, kino, etc., and the unfulfilled tension will drive her to make a move. It also shows she made a choice about you.

Pickup is both a science and art.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Here's another strategy I've used with much success: Blow them off on the first planned event. It could be as simple as not calling at a specific time when they ask you to call, not texting back for a few days, sneaking out of the bar on them, or not showing up for the first plans. This moves you from potential stalker to potential player in their eyes.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
bigneil, this is something I am going to do now, but sometime it takes discipline and you feel you really blow things if you do.