Tired of getting out-alphaed by ****ing douchebags


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2009
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Alright, here's the score. I'm a good looking gentleman. I'm well built, I dress well, and I keep myself clean.

I find it easy to interact with women on a social level. I don't shy away from conversation and I'm not overtly self-conscious. Girls find me funny and interesting and fun.

That said, I find that women almost constantly go with stupid tall white guys. I don't mean this to be a race thing, but being of slightly below-average height and Japanese, I can't help but think my ethnicity is a factor. A lot of the time, girls are drawn directly to whatever guy makes the most frequent digs at my heritage.

Long story short: I'm ****ing tired of it and I think it's time for me to start getting laid. I'm obviously doing something very wrong because I'm often the guy left at the end of the night drunk and jerking off miserably.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
that's life. life is not nor is it supposed to be fair. it's only not fair becuase you can't get what you want..

conversly, I love japanese women but me being african american, while I'm sure i could (and have) nailed a few, my color makes it harder than say.. yours.

life is life. there is a quote by volitare

“Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game.”

losers complain about life. Winners gameplan around it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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look up asiaayboy and boxermack (i think he goes by muscleguy or something like that). Those are asian guys who know the game. You can win, but you have to put in the work. Are you willing to put in the work?

Have a laff and get back on the grind man.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 13, 2002
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People clown on others who they think they can clown.
Life lesson learned from my father: peck or be pecked.
I'd say you gotta learn to run your mouth back to whomever is making light of your asianness. I'd stay away from stereotypes because if you're the minority, then they're probably the majority.
Maybe you should get ripped. Are you gonna make fun of someone who can bench press you? Don't think so.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Recently, 5'8" shorty Asian me pulled a 6'2" gorgeous Swedish singer right in front of many disbelieving tall good-looking white guys. I date almost exclusively white girls with a few Asians here & there (hardly any black or Latina where I live).

I'm not gonna tell you that ethnicity doesn't matter. It does. There are few girls who dig you just because you're Asian (although I've had my share of those). You just gotta know how to sell yourself better and work around that. Stack the cards in your favour.

As for the guys who take digs at you, you'd want to learn some witty comebacks, but what's more important is that you should learn to exude a strong presence. Take up weight training, martial arts, train your voice to be strong & masculine, learn good, dominating body language, learn how to stand, to walk around like a lion. Make friends with the right people, engage & don't ignore others. I've been to all sorts of places & hardly anyone would ever give me sh!t.

Your ancestors were the indomitable Samurais. Make them proud.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2009
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Thanks for the words of wisdom, folks. I'm finished with excuses and I reckon it's time for me to man up. I'm moving on, I'm setting goals, and I'm building my repertoire of techniques. I am making this **** happen.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
I watched a documentary about dating, and one segment was about speed dating, where the men and women either make a positive or negative mark about each other on their cards after having talked for five minutes. It turned out that the tall guys always got more positives. Uneducated tall guy got more positives than uneducated short guy ... and probably more than well-to-do short guy too. Height was the biggest factor among the responses.

The documentary host was John Cleese, and his advice at the end of that segment was, "Be tall!" :D

Hey, I'm only average height, I wouldn't mind being taller either. Have to focus on being well built, well off, and well spoken instead. And of course, just plain awesome.
Sep 11, 2008
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I know many Vietnamese guys who pull nice, good looking white chicks and Asian chicks. I'm sure it's not the colour of your skin, and you seem to be a nice guy so I'm sure there is little to no prejudice involved either.

You commented that white guys can be douchebags and mock your ethnicity. When does this happen? At school? At clubs? At friend's parties?


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2008
Reaction score
Hey man, jitter got this spot on. Stop thinkin about what you don't have. Just accept for what it is. Surrender to things you can't change and concentrate on things you can change.

You know of the Blueprint's self fulfilling prophecy right? Whenever you think negative thoughts you won't act like the best you. You will subconsciously act like you are not good enough without even knowing! Watch the blueprint by RSD if you want a more indepth explanation. The point is to think positive, surrender to what you can't change, and improve to things you can change.

The next thing someone pointed out is don't make the goal to getting girls. Make the goal every night to just go out and have fun. When you are not goal orientated, you will subconsciously do a lot better game-wise.

And as someone else said, yes, have some passions in your life and strive for them. Not just getting girls, but somethings else. Pick up some new hobbies and excel in the ones you like. Don't make your only passion in life girls. There are a lot more greater things in life to experience than getting girls.

If jitterbug can do what you are trying to do, I am 100% you can too. gl!


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
YellowPeril said:
Alright, here's the score. I'm a good looking gentleman. I'm well built, I dress well, and I keep myself clean.

I find it easy to interact with women on a social level. I don't shy away from conversation and I'm not overtly self-conscious. Girls find me funny and interesting and fun.

That said, I find that women almost constantly go with stupid tall white guys. I don't mean this to be a race thing, but being of slightly below-average height and Japanese, I can't help but think my ethnicity is a factor. A lot of the time, girls are drawn directly to whatever guy makes the most frequent digs at my heritage.

Long story short: I'm ****ing tired of it and I think it's time for me to start getting laid. I'm obviously doing something very wrong because I'm often the guy left at the end of the night drunk and jerking off miserably.
Get in a fight every once in a while. Stop trying to be such a "gentleman". People will flame me with non-sense such as

"Fighting just stoops to their level"
"Fighting is primitive"..

Thats just a bunch of bs. Sometimes a guy who continues to talk crap after being asked to stfu deserves an ass whoopin. If you aren't willing to fight for your respect what are you willing to fight for? What if I just walked up and pissed on your shoe.. For no apparent reason. Just walked up to where you were standing and began to pee on your shoe. Would you fight? Or call me a alpha douchebag on the forums?


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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I was at a wedding a few weeks ago and this asian guys date/girlfriend was a slammin hot blonde. Of course he was a doctor..:rolleyes: True story.

But seriously, of course a lot of white girls just will not want to date asian guys BUT some will.

I would just reread what backbreaker wrote.

We all have our problems. I used to whine and bit*h about this and that when I was younger, I still do. Although now I catch myself and cut that s**t out quick. Just keep moving forward.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
hey bro I am a short asian too. The only thing that will work for us is a strong mind and mentality with experienced outer game. skin does matter, but not enough to become a barrier. go to gym, workout b/c you want to break away from that asian stereotype bs. don't let anybody disrespect you. take your stand and fight brother.

Jitter is right. Your ancestors were fvcking samurais man. They did do a lot of fvcked up sh!t during WWII, and before, but discard those ones.

The real samurais were ones you saw from the movie "last samurai". They value honor over death and, personally I think women were the last thing they had to care about. You're a descent of samurais. Rage and blood-lust runs through your veins. Don't let any mf spit in your face. I don't think your ancestors would succumb to that bs.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2009
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The Decay of Meaning said:
I know many Vietnamese guys who pull nice, good looking white chicks and Asian chicks. I'm sure it's not the colour of your skin, and you seem to be a nice guy so I'm sure there is little to no prejudice involved either.

You commented that white guys can be douchebags and mock your ethnicity. When does this happen? At school? At clubs? At friend's parties?
At parties, honestly. I can't go five minutes without somebody bringing up my race. It's really no big deal, it's just annoying. Haha, I'm Asian. Get over it.

Irs88 said:
Hey man, jitter got this spot on. Stop thinkin about what you don't have. Just accept for what it is. Surrender to things you can't change and concentrate on things you can change.

You know of the Blueprint's self fulfilling prophecy right? Whenever you think negative thoughts you won't act like the best you. You will subconsciously act like you are not good enough without even knowing! Watch the blueprint by RSD if you want a more indepth explanation. The point is to think positive, surrender to what you can't change, and improve to things you can change.

The next thing someone pointed out is don't make the goal to getting girls. Make the goal every night to just go out and have fun. When you are not goal orientated, you will subconsciously do a lot better game-wise.

And as someone else said, yes, have some passions in your life and strive for them. Not just getting girls, but somethings else. Pick up some new hobbies and excel in the ones you like. Don't make your only passion in life girls. There are a lot more greater things in life to experience than getting girls.

If jitterbug can do what you are trying to do, I am 100% you can too. gl!
Thanks for the wisdom, boss. To be honest, my life doesn't exactly revolve around girls. I'm all about grades, guitar, work.. That sort of thing. I just like to chill out with my friends.

This in mind, I think it's reasonable to set goals for myself as far as the opposite sex is concerned.. I just want to work on my game. Just over half of my friends are in committed relationships or at least hook up with chicks on a regular basis, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want some part of that. I don't want to be some heartless womanizing sex hound, but it'd be nice to have girls take me seriously, LOL.

@Everybody else: Keep the advice coming. I'm watching the blueprint right now and I'm finding it pretty damn helpful.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Why is that scary, fuzzx?

cola said:
Stop trying to be such a "gentleman".
Nothing wrong with being a gentleman, but there's one type that women really dig: the gentleman bandit, e.g Zorro. It's a potent mix of class & bad@ss.

The Decay said:
I know many Vietnamese guys who pull nice, good looking white chicks and Asian chicks.
Viet represent! :rockon:

YellowPeril said:
At parties, honestly. I can't go five minutes without somebody bringing up my race. It's really no big deal, it's just annoying. Haha, I'm Asian. Get over it.
I think you're giving them a vibe of insecurity of some kind. Some people sense that very well (especially wannabe-alphas) and pick on you.

I frequently go to places where I'm the only Asian around, yet that has never happened to me.

Reading some materials is useful, but reading too much & not practicing enough is the most common weakness of Asians. In the words of Pook, you gotta "let yourself fail". Make meeting & asking women out a habit and you'll get good at it.
Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah. I was bullied for 12 years, it doesn't happen again ever. There are things about me people could pick on me for, but they don't.

At school, I've had to carry one guy out of the classroom and lock the door, another time when I was bullied physically, I had to break a few fingers. But people know I am peaceful and that was some time ago. Sometimes you need to make a stand.

Martial arts will give you confidence, and people will sense it. Give it a try :)


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
Jitterbug said:
I think you're giving them a vibe of insecurity of some kind. Some people sense that very well (especially wannabe-alphas) and pick on you.

I frequently go to places where I'm the only Asian around, yet that has never happened to me.

Reading some materials is useful, but reading too much & not practicing enough is the most common weakness of Asians. In the words of Pook, you gotta "let yourself fail". Make meeting & asking women out a habit and you'll get good at it.
I really can't thank you enough for calling me out on that. Especially about the "Insecure vibe" thing. I have a bad habit of over-analyzing perceived slights, and I think I would be a lot happier and more successful if I just tried to relax. After all, everybody digs on everybody. It's just how groups work, and I'm going nowhere fast getting all worked up about nothing.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
You got it right. Don't get worked up and don't overanalyze perceived slights. They're usually harmless. Just relax, and when you've trained yourself to be comfortable with it, participate. I'm a natural teaser. I tease everyone, men, women, kids, old folks - but in good humour. Someone gives me sh!t? I give it double back.

There are always some people like me in a group situation. I have a nose for the insecure or uppity folks. I can sense them from a mile away, and enjoy riling them up a little, although I tend to balance it with some nice words (pulling) and don't push them too hard. Some aren't so nice and will really push you to the edge.

Relating this to pick-up, doing so on women is called "negging", and doing so on men is called "AMOGing", by the PUAs.

If you're not a natural at this, it'll take some time to train yourself & sharpen your wit. Eventually you'll both be solid inside (so their words don't affect you) and witty enough to throw down some verbal jiujitsu with the best of them. However, during the learning stage, if you don't have any comeback, don't do the Asian poker face and keep silent. Just grin / smile & say something like "not a bad line, buddy". The Asian poker face aka ignore-the-bully-and-he'll-go-away face is just inviting more troubles onto yourself.