TheCWord said:
What if she's not fat?
And if she is - why would you call her fat? Are you trying to shame her into shape? Someone makes a post on a self-help forum about having low self esteem and you bully her... This forum is about making yourself a better man... do you think insulting someone on their looks, be they male or female, makes you a better man?
calling someone fat is not an insult. this whole idea of fat=insult was invented by the food industry to reduce the social pressures on gluttony, this will then increase their sales.
and their tactics are working, seeing the number of fat/obese people around >______>
btw i used to be a walrus myself
ok i will assume this is not troll ...OP i know the feeling of living in a small town, everyone is watching your every move, nothing to do, same boring scenery , same restaurants, same a$$holes trying to bug you in the same effing place everyday....
also there are very few people that you can date...i know too well....
i have the same problems...worst i can't leave this place due to stuff.
but what to do? till you leave the place , try to find a hobby like idk, origami? also you can lose weight by just jogging every morning,no gym needed.
as for friends , i only had one "true friend" here and he lives 400kms away,i visited him last week.everyone else is just an "acquaintance", i know how it feels man,but i found some friends at my gym and two turned out to be quality friends
i have found one thing in life OP
"sometimes the people who seem a$$holes at first sight,have the most potential for "real friendships"my best friend s all sounded like a$$holes at first....:cheer: