Tired and Fed up but still sticking around...


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Im new to this forum, i saw a lot of good advice people are giving so i thought I'd give it a shot. I will try to make it as concise as possible. I met this girl back on october of 2010 at one of the places that i work. We started dating in January so its been about 7 months now. We hit everything off well, i noticed how considerate she was towards me and it almost felt too good to be true with how we were together. It got to the point where we were treating each other like bf and gf but we were not exclusive. And occasionally i would ask here during dinner where we stand with each other and she would reply to me saying that she isn't ready for a relationship yet, but then she said its not like its not leading there, but just that i like to take things slow. So i respected what she said and we continued. One day we were talking i asked her if she was hungry and she said she was starving, so i said ok when you get off work call me and well go eat, she then said that shes been going out a lot and she would rather go home and chill. I said ok no problem. She texts me around 9pm asking me if i ate something, i said i hadnt yet. I asked her what she ate and she said shes having tacos with the family. But i noticed her texts were just really short. Here where the craziness starts. I fell asleep, i get a call a 5am in the morning from her mother asking me if her daughter was with me, and i was like uhhh no?? Her mom said she hasnt been home since she got off work which was at 7:30pm. I was so heated... the whole next day she i dont text her because i knew i was gonna see her at work later.. So when i did i asked her what happened last night? She said " i went out with Jorge. And this guy is some 45 year old guy who is separated with 2 kids. She claims that hes a good friend from her nursing class. I told her that i wanted to talk about all this BS and she said she didnt want to talk about it that day and to talk about it tomorrow when we are more relaxed. The next day i didnt get a call from her, so i decided to call, she doesnt pick up, then texts me the next second saying that shes at the beach with the SAME GUY! I just couldnt believe it... Anyways, we didnt talk for about a week, then she texts me saying she misses me blah blah blah, we talked about everything but it just hasn't been the same. And now she tells me that this guy is always trying to invite her places, to the beach, to go riding on his motorcycle etc.. and its pissing me off... but i don't want to show it or tell her because i know its gonna lead to a huge argument. and shes told me that shes had a lot of guy friends from the get go.. etc.. .. We used to have sex all the time when we would be together, and now when i would try and initiate something, she would tell me lets just cuddle... Recently we had a talk, and she said that she needed her space etc... So i dont know... i just feel like im stuck in this shell of mine and i cant get out.. My friends tell me i should leave her and not talk to her.. but i dont know why i just cant let go..Help...


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2010
Reaction score
Ah, the AFC. I think I speak for a large number of Don Juans here when I say we've all been there bro! To get yourself started on becoming the man you want to be, and get chicks 10 times better than this one, go read The Book of Pook & the rest of the DJ Bible. You'll seriously transform.

r0cky said:
That sucks dude. Here's a tampon.
Dude, the guy just joined to get some help. You'd be lying if you said you weren't in his shoes at some stage in your life. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is a place where we help people out. Not beat them down.


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
Gdupm6 said:
56 views 2 responses?
get use to it.

dump her. she's moved on, so should you. you're not going to get back the power. sometimes you have to recognize what other people see. I see that she never wanted to take it to the next level. there's a reason why (she's a w***e). guys should never be the one to initiate the question as to the next level. a truly interested girl can't handle not being exclusive. I'm not going to be a d**k and say he's f***in her better than you can, but you did get replaced by a 45 year-old so clearly she's not into you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
oh boy, yeah, you're totally and completely afc'd out to the max. Not to worry, most of us have been there, done that.

you can't talk to this girl anymore, its too late now. Eventually you'll become the person you want to be when it comes to women.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Gdupm6 said:
56 views 2 responses?
Edit that thing and put in paragraphs and more guys will read it.

Like this.

It looks like you loaded up a shotgun with alphabet soup and shot it at the monitor. You've made it way too much work to read.


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
The funny thing is that this 45 year old guy fell in love with this other chick in their class, managed to hook up with her ( mind you this other girl is married) and she was f*****G him, until her husband found out one day and everything went crazy. Now this guy is talking to my girl inviting her places, going to the beach etc.. And she just says hes 20 years older than me, i would never do anything like that. She says that he gives her good advice since hes been through a lot.. A bunch of garbage...


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
Gdupm6 said:
The funny thing is that this 45 year old guy fell in love with this other chick in their class, managed to hook up with her ( mind you this other girl is married) and she was f*****G him, until her husband found out one day and everything went crazy. Now this guy is talking to my girl inviting her places, going to the beach etc.. And she just says hes 20 years older than me, i would never do anything like that. She says that he gives her good advice since hes been through a lot.. A bunch of garbage...
:crackup: there's your problem. you really need to read the DJ bible


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
Gdupm6 said:
What does the DJ bible talk about exactly?
Ahhh... I see.


read all of the required articles. also suggest Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Book of Pook. took me about 2 weeks to read back when I was in HS (I came on this site when I was a fresh in HS, now a senior in college). might take you longer. I suggest you read "kill that desperation", "fifteen lessons", "be a man" at the least tonight.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2011
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
you dont have to worry about dumping her, cause she's already dumped you. this is typical attractive female behavior. they have 5-10 dudes on the side that all serve a certain purpose. whether its the rich guy that is her sugar daddy, mr popular at the night club that gets her into all the hot spots for free, the guy that she talks about her problems to, the guy who has a huge c.ock, the guy guy that gives her great oral, whatever you get the point. but the one thing they all have in common is she doesnt want to be tied down cause she's still young and pretty. when one of theses guys starts acting like her bf and want to tie her down she will cut them off and replace them with someone else. thats why you should be spinning plates. if you cant tell which guy she is playing, its you.


New Member
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
move on

I agree, I think it's time you move on. you're not going to get back the power. I don't think she saw this relationship ever turning into something serious, more of just a game. Why wait around for someone, who is clearly never going to be on the same page as you.


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
What can i do to get the power back with this girl? Has there not been a situation where a guy loses his power but then gains it back?


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Date other girls because she's dating other guys obviously. Don't cry about her. She's not worthy to be your main. She is just another chick. This solves all your problems.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles CA
what i would do is quit talking to her and when she tries to call you or text you make it look like you really dont give a fvck what she is doing because your too busy trying to live by going out and doing stuff....and eventually she should come crawling back and let her in slow. like dont jump at her first invite make it look like ur busy and just give her a day and say thats the only day you got open kinda thing


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
PrettyBoyAJ said:
Date other girls because she's dating other guys obviously. Don't cry about her. She's not worthy to be your main. She is just another chick. This solves all your problems.

Not that she's dating other guys or new guys, she just always tells me that she has a lot of guy friends and she goes out with them from time to time, and whats the big deal with me going out with my guy friends?

I've told her a lot of girls text me and call me to go out, but in respect towards you i haven't gone with them (which was the biggest mistake).


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
A girl going out with a guy one on one is a date. If you don't think so then don't come on this forum complaining about it. Because you don't like it and noone else would either.

She's not giving you the same respect you give her. That's a flagrant foul to me. Do the math. Listen to what I said.

You've dated this girl for over 7 months and she doesn't want to be exclusive with you. That's horrid. Every girl I've dated for more then a month wanted to be exclusive with me. It was me who turned them down. You know why? Becuase I was messing with other broads and didn't want that stress.

Don't treat her like your girlfriend because she is not. You need to date other women as well as her. Don't give her all your attention because you are.


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Seriously.. Sometimes i just need to see it/read it, you are so right...I'm just gonna back off, not give her time of day, not respond how i used to with calls/texts, and just get busy setting up dates and having time for myself..