Well spoken bro.Babnik, I know exactly what you're talking about man. I find it extremely difficult to kino girls on dates if they don't know that I'm sexually interested in them first. I have an answer for you, that's worked for me.
First off, I disagree with delta in that you should NEVER show your feelings to a woman. This is completely ridiculous, even though I used to believe it was true. You need to let the girl know that her interactions with you are sexually interested from the very beginning, preferably even before you get her number. NO, you don't tell her "I like you" like an 8th grader would--it's best if you ask her about herself [qualify], then tell her you find it sexy how she does something unique. Make it sound genuine. Don't base it off of looks.
So here's how it works: you let a girl you're sexually interested in her, you watch how she reacts. If she takes it well, then you can get her # and set up a date--THEN on that date, she WILL EXPECT you to get physical. Why? Because by now, she knows very clearly, you want her sexually and she HAS to either choose whether she wants you also or doesn't. If she agrees to the date, then SHE HAS AGREED to let you get physical from the beginning. If she doesn't agree to the date, then congratulations--you just saved a lot of time and can move to the next girl before even wasting your time taking the girl out on a date to hear her say "I thought we're just gonna be friends."
Just asking a girl out IS NOT ENOUGH to make your intentions clear man. If it was, then why would we hear all those stories of people getting put in the friends zone after numerous expensive dates with women?? It's because they NEVER let the girl know they were sexually interested in them!! Hope this helps babnik.