Tips for big guys on how to attract women


New Member
Sep 6, 2012
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Hey guys I'm new to the forum but my biggest question is how do I attract women even though I'm a "big guy." I'm 6'6 and roughly 250 lbs. Since most women are well under 6'0 I just find it awkward to talk to them. I'm also pretty self conscious about how I look so I get pretty nervous. The thing is once I start talking to girls I usually do alright because I guess I'm pretty funny and whatnot (not trying to brag either, just what I've been told). The thing is I rarely get approached by women and I'm usually too nervous to approach them. What advice do you have for me? I've read that women like the big and strong types but to be honest I'm just big and slightly overweight. Not like beer belly fat but bigger hips and a couple extra pounds in the stomach and side. I'm also a junior in college for what it's worth.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
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Why don't you hit the gym and lose the weight or is that not the answer you're looking for?


New Member
Sep 6, 2012
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I did lose about 20 lbs this summer but I think the problem is more my mentality. But yes I am working on that right now actually.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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circuit training with machines hitting your entire body for 45 minutes and 10-15 minutes of running/stairmaster at the end of the workout, a few times a week and you will start seeing results. yes it requires a certain mentality that you can cultivate to get into working out, its really your best bet. women like big and tall men, dont let this attribute/advantage go to waste cause you let yourself go.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
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6'6 and 250 isn't too bad. Dude, youre 6 FREAKIN 6!! Do you know how much women go bat**** over tall dudes??

Listen to the other guys and do some gym work if you want to slim down.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
You lack confidence- simple as it sounds. Use the size to your advantage and get in shape because you will stand out in a very positive way. I bet women feel like little girls next to you, assuming that you exude confidence as any big guy should. See, your nervousness is killing your chances. The best way to get a confidence is to get jacked. Hit the weights. 2-3 months and you ll drop another 30lbs while gaining 30lbs of muscle.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
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Posture is huge, if you stoop at all stop immediately. Sraighten up unless the ceiling is blocking you, and even then fu@k the ceiling. Never stoop down top talk to a girl either. Let her hear your voice.

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
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There are women who are interested in your body type. But how can you tell who these women are? You NEED to look for indicators of interest! IOIs have been discussed in great length here and elsewhere.... I'm not a fan of saying "Hey, I think she likes me because she stroked her hair." But I AM a fan of "Hey, I think she likes me because she stroked her her, keeps hovering in my area and keeps stealing glances at me."

There's no need to do too many cold approaches unless the situation requires it (i.e. we're on a bus together and I'll probably never see her again when I get off in five minutes!)

The Gambler


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2012
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Your weight doesn't matter at all. The reason why alot or big (FAT) guys fail with women is lack of confidence and dressing sloppy. Go to an upscale big and tall clothing store and spend between $300 to $500 on some nice clothes. Make sure you get clothes that fit good! Then read some of the stuff in the DJ bible on attitude and confidence. Confidence in a guy to a woman is what good looks in a woman is to a guy. Work on confidence.

Yes, take the weight off and get in shape for yourself, but don't let that hold you back with women. It doesn't matter.


New Member
Sep 12, 2012
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hmm.. i want you to have self-confidence. co'z some girls like big guys :) SELF-CONFIDENCE is the key bro! See more tips here.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
If you're thinking that you need a different type of game as a "big guy" then your mindset is already f**ked.

Women are women. They flake. They f**k. They laugh. They whine. One second they're hot. Next second they're cold.

There's no "Tips for big guys on approaching women" because all of us are dealing with the same crap. So if you're already viewing yourself as "different" from the rest of us, then your confidence is f**ked. That's your issue. Not being big.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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"Heartthrob? Neva/Black and ugly as eva/howeva, I stay Coogi down to the socks/rings and watch filled with rocks..."

Biggie got ladies. Yes, he had money, fame, etc. but he also had a confident SWAG about him. Remember, he was scoring chicks BEFORE he got famous off rap.

Bottom line: big guys get hot chicks. It's all in your mind, man. Baby, bayee-bay!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2011
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Tampa, FL
you already have a lot going for you that you are big and tall. work on positive body language, and your style. if you like hip hop girls dress like biggie smalls, if you like fake blondes with fake boobs go get some taylor made suits shoes and french cuff shirts with cuff links. you dont have to spend a ton of money but make sure you get you clothes taylored to fit your body. you dont have to go out and buy a bunch of jewlrey and bling. that is weak and shows insecurity. i would however spend the money on really nice dress shoes. dress as if you were the door man at an upscale strip club.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
For any guys saying your weight doesn't affect the type of woman you attract, you're delusional

as a former non-fat guy the quality of women I use to get to now being a fat guy is different, even if I do get the same quality as when I wasnt fat I gotta bust my ass even harder, especially if you pick women up in the club/bar scene because most women based attraction of looks not your personality (in a bar/club anyway)


New Member
Sep 12, 2012
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Solomon said:
For any guys saying your weight doesn't affect the type of woman you attract, you're delusional

as a former non-fat guy the quality of women I use to get to now being a fat guy is different, even if I do get the same quality as when I wasnt fat I gotta bust my ass even harder, especially if you pick women up in the club/bar scene because most women based attraction of looks not your personality (in a bar/club anyway)
i agree :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Solomon said:
For any guys saying your weight doesn't affect the type of woman you attract, you're delusional

as a former non-fat guy the quality of women I use to get to now being a fat guy is different, even if I do get the same quality as when I wasnt fat I gotta bust my ass even harder, especially if you pick women up in the club/bar scene because most women based attraction of looks not your personality (in a bar/club anyway)
this. i'm 5'8 at a time i was bout 235. i couldn't even get fat girls to look at me. i now am about 172 ish and i am pretty ripped. a few times a month girls just come up to me now and ask if i have a girlfriend. i'm not even talking about women my age i'm talking about high school/college girls. i've had secret admirer notes left on my car window. i've walked in a store and a woman will walk by me and let me here her say "damn" or something like that. i could never approach a woman.. well i don't married but if i were single i could not approach a woman and have plenty of plates, not even from social circles i get hit on pretty often.

the thing is op, the biggest problem with people like you, no pun intended, is that you are a hypocrite.

see, i bet you aren't talking to any fat women or ugly women. you want to be able to get in with something, without being required to have the same traits, and that never works out. so my advice to you is that if you want some advice hit the gym clean your diet up if you want the really hot women to pay you any attention. or you can just go around hitting on women your size.
Your weight doesn't matter at all. The reason why alot or big (FAT) guys fail with women is lack of confidence and dressing sloppy. Go to an upscale big and tall clothing store and spend between $300 to $500 on some nice clothes. Make sure you get clothes that fit good! Then read some of the stuff in the DJ bible on attitude and confidence. Confidence in a guy to a woman is what good looks in a woman is to a guy. Work on confidence.

Yes, take the weight off and get in shape for yourself, but don't let that hold you back with women. It doesn't matter.
if me and a guy who was 6'6 260 were going after the same girl, i don't care how much game he has, the dude would not have a snow balls chance in hell of beating me out for her. none. not only do i have game i'm pretty hot.

so you can either go around and approach women who don't know other hot dudes that have game or you can get your ass in the gym.

and yeah if you are 6'6, 250 really isn't all that fat. I have a cousin who is 7'1 and he's bigger than that and he's not fat whatsoever. at 6'6 you probably need to lose 30-40 pounds to get wehre you really want to be. that's a good 3-4 months in the gym. if you aren't willing to do that you dont' deserve prime ass.