Tip to make it easier to approach


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
I discovered this by mistake, and from doing a search on the howtoga.me site it seems that this has never been discussed before.

You may have noticed that it is much easier to approach when you do it for someone else. For example if your friend likes a girl, it is much easier for you to approach those girls to tell them you want to introduce them to your friend. Why is it easier? Because you are not losing anything. There is no ego attached to it. If anything, you're doing your friend a favor. So if they say no, then you're not feeling any type of "rejection". Right or wrong?

Not only is it easier for you, but after doing this many times, I noticed that girls are more open to talk to me when I open with intention of wanting them to meet my friends. I realized that they see from the way I open that I have no expectations of hooking up with them, because I'm not expecting to strike a convo with them or to "hook the set". As soon as I say "Hi how are you", girls respond very receptively if I go with that intention, yet when I deliver the same opener because I want to hook the set, they are a little less likely to be receptive.

I'm not telling you to approach girls with the opener of you want them to meet your friend, instead feel what its like to open without the expectation factor. Fool yourself into thinking that you want to open her to introduce her to your friend. How? just pretend you're with a friend and that you wanna approach her for him. All you have to say is "hey how are you" or go with a direct opener and you'll see the difference immediately.

What you achieve by doing this is you let go of all expectations and of all ego. So you're not doing it with the expectation of making her like you, you're doing it with no type of expectation at all.

Try it, it works for daygame and night.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2013
Reaction score
This. So, so true.

While I've personally never been able to muster up the courage to approach a girl, this one time in a bar I was with a friend, and he was acting shy, but he liked this girl. I was sober, and I was able to talk to friends of the girl he liked, get into the whole group of friends, and next thing I knew I was able to get him easy access to talk to the girl. He was too beta about it even then, but the point remains - I had nothing to lose, so I went way out of my shyness/beta behaviour. It's happened on other occasions too, I just never realized it consciously.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
This works extremely well. When I was in a relationship, I would still open groups for my friends at bars.

You have to get yourself into that mindset when you are approaching girls for yourself too. You have to think "well this girl is cute but she's not in my life right now, so it will not matter at all if she rejects me".


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Interesting. Mastering that mentality is definitely key, everything else follows (confidence, content, body language)