Master Don Juan
Go get em you crazy bold brazen blue balled balletically balanced barrista banging banditos!
Good luck and s***.
Good luck and s***.
I've got a similar situation for tomorrow. I am going to be going to this coffee shop before I have class tomorrow night. There are 2 potential targets. First, I was focusing on Target A, but I haven't seen her in 2 weeks so now I'm prepared to go for Target A or B, whoever works tomorrow night. If they both work, I don't know what to do!!
The problem is I don't have any good openers for them.
Target A is a shy, cute girl who appears to be attracted to me. I haven't seen her but twice and not for a while so I think I can say something like, "Your name's not xxxxx, is it?" Then, make up some BS about she looks like a girl I used to know. See, she's unfamiliar enough with me that that line could work.
Then, there's Target B, who I'm more likely to see because I think she is there every Monday night. Now, Target B recognizes me as a sorta-regular and I have acknowledged her. Therefore, I can't all of a sudden say she reminds me of someone. Genuinely, she has a beautiful smile, very radiant. However, I am wary of opening with compliments.
Anybody have any good lines for Target B? What do you think of my line for Target A?