Well yes, having your lady sign papers saying, "I won't fvck you over when I decide to leave you or you leave me" is not going to add to a nice warm cozy cuddle session by the fire.
It is going to lace a seed of distrust into your relationship.
"Why would he have me sign this?"
It's like meeting a friend and saying, "well, gee, before we get too involved, sign this paper saying you won't backstab me".
Seems to suck the soul out of anything genuine doesn't it?
The thing is that part of letting someone into your life is not keep them exactly at arms length at all times. Now there is definitely something to be said for self-preservation. Tomassi, whom I respect a lot of your ideas, is saying look, if you invite her into your life deeply and give her legal assets, she can fvck you over in the end, turn your life upside down, and as he denoted, can make her feel some sort of ownership over your manhood.
Now this being said, a vindictive cvnt would behave in such a way. The goal I believe of this forum is to ensure you have a woman who is not a vindictive cvnt.
If you really love a woman and want to marry her, than at a certain point it is inevitable to invite her more deeply into your life. In some ways anyone who you care about, and invite in, can hurt you more than those you keep on your psychological periphery.
That is part of the sacrifice of love, so to speak in a spiritual way of thinking, that you take a risk, knowing you could be hurt or could fail. In some ways this isn't so different than other aspects of life: career success, bold moves to take our lives forwards. Any time you take a risk for something it could blow up.
Yes, I totally agree that the fact that divorce entitles women to so much is entirely unfair. And for some men this risk is reasonable. She has little to lose, as the courts are weighted in her favor. A man, especially if he has few assets as well, is taking a bigger risk financially/economically.
Perhaps a real bond is impartial of titles. If she is a respectable woman, she will not be formulating strategies to dominate your financial assets.