TieDie and Smooth Player 056 Sarge at the Mall

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New Member
Mar 20, 2006
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Lately Ive been getting in touch with a ton of DJ's and PUA's from california. I am trying to better my game.

This past weekend(after like 15 phone calls LOLZ...) I finally got Smooth to come out and sarge with me.

LOL...who is that on ur voicemail by the way...ha

Anyway...We hit up Serramonte Mall. As we walk in the mall I turn around "smooth where are you?"..I look over and he is in this 8 mixed set all of a sudden...I watch from a distance and the set looks good...hes making them laugh non stop. After about 8 min he ejects.

He tells me to energize up and get in state...lol i didnt want to but he me makes me follow him jogging throguht the mall giving random people high fives. LOL it ****in worked I get in state.

I approach this mixed set and Its going well...Im doing kino and stuff..all of a sudden these huge black alpha guys approach my set....they rag on my peackock gear...all of a sudden smooth comes in he is 6'1...but skinny as ****....he puts his arm around one black dude and says "hey little brother, whats up?...girls can you tell were brothers?"....they bust up laughing...and I noticed Smooth does this weird pat to the amog's and it looks soo cool and alpha. I proceed to iscolate and close my target.

This next set he did completely shattered my reality of what I thought was humanly possible in a pick up:
He approaches body checks a girl LOLZ she almost falls...he says something and they bust out laughing...he stays in that set for like 30 min im sitting at the table right next to where they are just recording it all (I may put it up with smooths permission) He suddenly begins making out....and tells her friend to take a picture of them making out.....THIS WAS In THE MIDDLE OF A CROWDED MALL.....this security guard comes up and tells smooth to please leave the store...too much PDA i guess LOL...it was Nordstrom by the way. He ends up taking the girl up to the bathroom of the mall....if follow them and he goes into 1 stall with the two girls...im in the next stall recording.....all i can hear is the girls giggling meekly. He says all they did was make out.....I suspected more:nono: lol

From that point on I was like FCUK IT...Im not going to approach, Im just going to analyze and watch Smooth do his thing.

Things I noticed:
- He has these mannerisms that make him look Alpha when he is feeling uncomfortable...he taught them to me...PM me if you want info.

- ll he does is talk about pick up (we all have our flaws lol)

- He is really a high value guy...you just cant help but like the dude.

- He likes bringing in random strangers into his set...prefibly males so he can blow them out and demonstrate value.

- He eats fast...like a frickin animal LOL...smooth I know u didnt eat breakfast but geeze.

- When he demonstrates value he tells the girls hes SHY...they always say "omg no way" or "omg be quiet"

Ya so with his permission I can put up the audio files of him in set up on rapidshare.



Don Juan
Jan 4, 2006
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TieDie said:
- He has these mannerisms that make him look Alpha when he is feeling uncomfortable...he taught them to me...PM me if you want info.

Just say what they are, its alot easier to type it up once in the thread then typing it for every person who pms you.


New Member
Mar 20, 2006
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You know what...Just ask him to tell you....I cant even explain it...everytime i write them i just errase what i wrote cuz it doesnt make sence. Trust me youd have to see him do it...its hard to explain.

Tie Die

Smooth Player 056

Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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TheNewGuy said:
Smooth: Could you post them in here?
Im working on an audio segment on different theory's and tactics, Ill add these specific techniques in there also....just for you man.

By the way TieDie....Fun sarging with you man...we sarged that mall out.

Mar 20, 2006
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In da hood!
i bet u all,dat me and my niggaz got da best game,we f_ck sooo many hoes,it ain't even funny,all by they way i'll be posting my myspace, url on here,u will see why i'm da sexiest nigga in da hood,holla!


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Smooth.. Why are you trying to impress people by creating an alternate user and talking yourself up. I really think you need to stop looking for approval from people over a message board. By the way, as a moderator i can check these things.

I have no problem with you kidding yourself.. it's when you kid the whole board that i begin to have my problem. I won't take any action right now (except for this post which will probably embarrase you[since it's obvious how much respect from this board means to you]), but stop the ****, realise where you are truly at in terms of skills with girls, and stop bull****ting everyone.

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