KennethJones said:
Cold approaching will not work for some people. I know it will not work for me. I know this because I have extraordinary intuition so I know what people will do before they do it most of the time.
I have never tried cold approaching and know in my heart it would not work. This method can cause more harm than good and its very dangerous and unsafe. For example what if you cold approach a woman who is in a depressed state and she lashes out at you? That could hurt your feelings and devastate you especially if you are a sensitive person. Or what if you accidentally cold approach a mother? These are very important questions you must ask yourself before using this method.
On ur in intution, its impossible for u to be 100% right of who will be receptive and who will not be. U'll never know unless u flat out go over there. At times when i was so sure that the woman i was gonna approach would give me a bad reaction, turned out to have the best reaction. I was like WTF.
This method can only do good and is def not dangerous but its only unsafe if u go about it in the worst possible manner. If she lashes out at you, which rarely happens, then as a player ur expected to not be so mentally vulnerable in a woman's reaction. U'd just smile and walking away. Wats so bad about that? If a woman takes the approach so personally and lashes out like that, she's either very weird or is psychotic. U wouldn't want her.
If u take rejection so personally, its ur fault. Not hers. She did u favor by telling u she wasn't interested which actually will help u find a girl who's right for u. I've cold approached mothers before and although afew gave weird looks cuz some find it hard to believe, while others were very flattered(the flattered ones were the better looking, the ok reaction were 7s and below)
The above about y u can't do it are limiting beliefs. The worst that happened to me was "go away"/"U need to leave"/Ignore. Thats it.