Master Don Juan
I'm curious to know what RSD cat's think of this. Since we got several members on here who co-sign this. Personally I like some of their stuff, but RSD has always gotton a bad rap, in the community and I wonder why? I got this from another forum.
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Is there anything better than Thunderblob douching on RSD? Well, not really.
This is kinda old (February 2008), but it's still some good ol' RSD bashing.
''So the other night, I’m minding my own business when I get an Instant Message from Donovan over at the Seduction Chronicles. He asks me to check out this post where someone other than me finally takes RSD to task.
Now, I know I get a lot of flack for ragging on the Real Social ****weeds over there in the magical world of PUA-land where Tyler and his minions continue to drink the cool-aid about how they rule and everyone else sucks, so I was happy to see that I’m not the only one being vocal about it anymore.
(Just to be fair, nearly every major PUA I know talks **** about Tyler and crew, but they don’t do it publicly. That distinct pleasure seems to be reserved for yours truly.)
So my first reaction to this post was - it went too easy on these guys.
Now, most of what I’m going to write here is directed primarily at Tyler and Papa, since they pretty much are RSD. All the other guys - Jlaix, Christophe, and anyone else I don’t know, I have no real problem with. They are just the most recent brainwashed minions to fall under the Tyler spell. So this in no way is meant as a criticism of them.
Getting back to it - the purpose of Donovan’s post was to talk about the mythical "Blueprint" which is now 4 years in the making. It’s basically a critique of Tyler’s teachings, and that reflects as to why the Blueprint is never coming out.
Now, RSD just released "The Blueprint Exposed," or whatever the heck their next lame product is. But make no mistake about it - it’s just the same old recycled Tyler crap you’ve always gotten from him.
The biggest complaints I hear directed towards my criticisms of the RSD boys and their teachings is that I’m "jealous" or "petty" because they "won’t hang out with me" or that we had some type of falling out because Tyler didn’t want to write articles for me any more.
Make no mistake about it - that’s not true. I used to consider these guys friends, and I kept quiet about my concerns with Tyler and crew for a long time after that relationship deteriorated (this happened around the time the boys were all ganging up against Mystery in Project Hollywood).
The thing that made me go public with my criticism of RSD was the deluge I got from people who took their workshops and felt they got scammed. Before long, I was getting too many of these emails and bad reviews to ignore.
Then came the evidence that RSD was putting inexperienced instructors into the field to teach paying customers stuff they could not even do themselves.
Finally, there was the "Deep Throat" who sent me private messages from RSD’s instructor’s message board specifically outlining how they planned to trick workshop students into thinking they improved in their workshops when really it was just a trick for inexperienced instructors to make the poor student feel good without having to actually deliver results (and therefor not deliver a refund).
All that combined, I felt the need to speak out, because my personal experiences with these guys has never been anything but bad. Papa is a sociopathic liar, and so is Tyler - Tyler is just more charismatic and better at hiding it than Papa is. And neither of them really care about anyone other than themselves - so you can add a healthy dash of narcissism in there for good measure.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: "Thundercat, what does this have to do with pickup? Why are you hating? Negativity sucks. Blah, blah, blah."
Well, this actually has a LOT to do with pick up, since these are guys that students look up to and follow. These are also guys who have the power to REALLY mess people up.
The reason I’m writing about this is really because the focus on Donovan’s post was about the teachings of RSD. Well, let me say this right now:
That is how they are able to stay in business. If you follow the instructions that these guys lay out for you, chances are you will get results.
Now, you may feel shocked that I say this, but it’s true. The teachings are good! However, the reason they are good is because - THEY DID NOT COME UP WITH THEM.
Tyler is what you get when you breed a leech with a sponge. No one freakin’ cared who Tyler was until he started hanging out with Mystery. Then, all of a sudden, Tyler starts posting about his "super
uber crazy skillz" on mASF - which is all stuff he learned from Mystery, but Mystery never bothered to post publicly about, and he starts getting props.
Then, Tyler starts learning Speed Seduction. Now he’s down with manipulation and mind control in addition to routines and peacocking. Okay, cool.
After that, he starts teaching his own workshops and gets the whole "hero worship" thing going. (Another thing he got from Mystery)
Then, he moves into Project Hollywood and studies Neil Stauss’ every move. And for those of you who pay attention, this is when RSD was in their hey-day.
He then starts taking things from gifted co-horts of his, Like PlayboyLA, Sickboy, and Twenty-Six, and passing them off as his own.
Keep in mind, this is all taking place in the 2004-2005 time frame.
Why is this relevant?
Simple - because THIS is the time when Tyler announces he is writing THE BLUEPRINT. The supposed end-all-be-all of pick up.
And then something incredible happens…
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