Thunder_god's adventure's in Europe


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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cordoncordon said:
Bro I really think you are way behind the eight ball here. With you being Asian, unless you are a 9.9/10 in looks, super wealthy, or are famous for some reason, the odds of you attracting many white Eastern European girls are not good. Not only are white girls not that attracted to Asian men in general, but I believe it is even harder with them being Eastern European. You just do not see many white Eastern Bloc women with Asian guys. They are a little more closed off as far as dating within their own race from what I understand.

I really think for your next pick up vacation you might be better off either going to an Asian country or at least somewhere where white women dating an Asian man is more prevalent.

Good luck.
Bro I'm from Toronto. It doesn't get anymore multicultural then that and even here you barely see any white Asian couples. Also while I was here in Poland I got checked a good amount of times by polish chicks. I had a cute polish girl deliberately bump into me to get my attention in my first night here at the club. I even picked up a model and went out with her. No way in hell would this even be possible in Toronto. Also I mentioned that polish cs chick I went out with right before I went out with the model. She had become westernized from staying in the UK and it completely changed her into a stuck up over entitled ***** compared to the eastern europeans raised here. Although race does have something to do with it, I think the biggest factor is myself and lack of physical aggressiveness and game.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Day 5

Today was my last night in Krakow. I got a reply back sometime in the afternoon from the model answering my text about picking a recipe that we would cook together. I texted her when she was free today but I didn't receive a reply back. I had intended to go try the segway with her since I wanted to try it and she was down but since she didn't reply back, I said fcuk it I'm just going to go myself and have some fun. So I walk around the town square looking for a tour and eventually get guided to the right place. I signed up for a 30 minute tour of the city of it was really just us following the tour guide for 30 minutes going at max speeds, which was perfectly fine by me since I just wanted to have fun on the thing. There were also 4 other dutch guys in my group. I have to admit, the segway was damn fun. I kind of want to buy one now lol. After we were done our tour, I talked to one of the guys in the group and he mentioned he was going to go to a steakhouse with several of the people from his program (they study civil engineering), I was tempted to go and join them until he told me they were going to some upscale steakhouse. Even though I could afford to eat there, I was trying to save some of my currency to pay for my transport back to the airport the next day, and wanted to have a little pillow of extra cash in case.

Didn't really do much except go have dinner and desert and walk around the city. It was my last day there so I didn't bother to do any cold approaches as I wouldn't have had time to follow up with any of the girls. I opted not to go clubbing either, as I needed to pack my things and rest up for my flight the next day. I went back to the same upscale restaurant I went to the previous day to have dinner. I had told the waiter earlier today that I would be back later for food after he helped me locate a internet cafe where I could print off my travel documents. The waiter was there when I went back. We had a little chat and he seemed like a nice guy. Also two of the waitresses who I spoke to from the day before also recognized me. There was a new waitress, who looked extremely similar to the waitress I tried to pick up the night before at the perogie place. I couldn't tell if it was her or not, because she was behine the counter the whole time in the distance and her hair looked like a light brunette color, whereas the one from last night was a blonde I think. Anyways both of the two previous waitresses that helped me the day before served me. I ordered one of the drinks, one of them suggested I try the day before and she was kind of happy I remembered the name of the drink ( I think its spelled Compote), some sort of fruity drink that was boiled from water. I crapped a joke or something about me wanting to try as much polish food as I could eat before I flew out of the country tomorrow to one of the waitresses serving me and the waitress behind the counter laughed. Its kind of a shame I didn't have at least another week of time, otherwise I'm sure I could have gotten at least one of these waitresses numbers.

At around 1am, I finally received a text back from the model. She said she couldn't today because she was busy with school. I told her I was taking off tomorrow and stuff. She was like oh no, I'm so sad I'm going to miss you blah blah blah. She is like I want to see you before you leave. Then I told her I'm only free for about an 1-1.5 hours in the morning but she said she had class and didn't think she could come say goodbye. I also got a reply back from couchsurfing from another chick who I was suppose to meet today but she flaked on me and never replied back. She said she had a little surgery and was resting at her uncles place, and for me not to be mad at her lol. What a load of crap lol. Ah well, lesson learned. Next time spend more time in one city ( at least 2 weeks minimum), and learn to physically escalate better and often.

Day 6

Today was the big day. I was finally flying out of Krakow. I wanted to grab something to eat first before my flight so I headed to the town square. The sun was shining very brightly today and the streets were swamped with babes everywhere. I couldn't believe my eyes. Oh ya sure, wait for me to leave the country and then have babes walking around everywhere. What a tease!

I didn't have time to sit down and eat something, so I opted to grab a kebab wrap (shawarma, called kebab in Poland) instead. I headed over to some restaurant and ordered myself a kebab. The owner who took my order asked me if I wanted chicken or beef. I said chicken and then immediately to my left was a chick, who laughed and repeated chicken to the owner. I think it was her daughter. I glanced over and noticed she had a huge rack, like fcuking humongous, and she also kind of looked like alexandra daddario, but not as tall or as pretty. Then as I was waiting there for my food, some old lady taps me on my right shoulder. She sticks a water bottle in my face and gestures for me to open it for her. I'm like "oh, you want me to open it for you?" then the girl beside me starts smiling and giggling. I open the bottle and hand it back to the lady as the owner gives me my food. As I sat down to eat my kebab, I quickly get the idea to use my phone to pull up a picture of alexandra daddario to use to open the girl. Only problem was she was sitting right beside her mother, and some guy cooking the food who I can only assume was her brother. I couldn't make a move on her, so I waited until I was done my food. By that time, the restaurant was getting busy and I was also thirsty and wanted to buy a bottle of water. I brought my plate up to the counter, and the girl took my plate away. I quickly opened up my phone, and when she returned I was like "hey, you look like her", she looked kind of confused, because I don't think she spoke english. I then brought the phone closer to her and was like "you guys sisters or something?" while pointing my finger between the photo and her. She laughed and said no. Unfortunately I had to be back at my place in like 10 minutes for the landlord to pick me up and drive me to the airport so I took off. What a wasted opportunity. I quickly hurried back to my apartment, grabbed my stuff and then the owner arrived and drove me to the airport.

The airport was very crowded today and also very small compared to the one in Toronto and Paris. I also noticed a lot of pretty girls at the airport as well. It was kind of distracting actually as I needed to look for the gate and terminal to my flight. When I finally arrived at the right gate for my flight, I noticed several girls walking around. I then slowly walked around the area, looking for a spot to sit where there was a pretty chick. I spotted a blonde chick seated beside some old couple, with an empty seat beside her but with a dirty empty wrapper though. There was also another empty seat beside the seat with the wrapper that some dude put his laptop bag on. I slowly walked over, but was hesitant as to which seat to take, and then suddenly the dude takes his bag off, so I couldn't even ask to sit beside the girl. So here I am sitting here, trying to figure out how to open the girl and talk to her. I quickly decide to whip out my camera and use that as an opener. I immediately start to experience anxiety about talking to her and kind of fidget with my phone pretending to want to take some selfies. After about a minute or so of this bull$hit, I said fcuk it and opened her "excuse, can you help me take a picture?", she was like "sure", I then told her to take a photo of me leaning against the seat rest and wall with my cap covering my face pretending to have passed out. She laughs and then takes some photos for me. I immediately follow that up by asking her if she's polish, where she's traveling to, etc. It turns out she is French, studying in Krakow, travelling back home alone, like me. I chat with her for maybe 10 or so minutes but had trouble hooking her. Later, when we got on the bus that drives us to our airplane, I reopened her again. I tried to crack some jokes about her being like Jean Claude Van Damme and being able to do the splits and karate because she told me she was part Belgium. It got her laughing but she was a very tough cookie to crack. When we boarded the plane, we had seat assignments on very different sections of the plane so I couldn't really do anything.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
When we arrived in Paris, I saw her get picked up by her mother so I didn't bother to try anymore with her. I made my way downtown to Paris to my apartment and just snoozed off.

Day 7 Paris

I took off early to the airport to avoid the mess I experienced 6 days ago when I tried to fly to Krakow from Paris. Absolute utter chaos at the airport. At the airport gates, I tried to locate any potential targets I could talk to, but they were either with their bf's or in large groups. There also wasn't that many good looking girls either. I think there was like 2 chicks on my flight who looked decent but they were seated far away or with some dude.

The airline I flew with was $hit (Air Transat). The seats were cramped. I got seated with two dudes wtf and couldn't even rest my arm on one of the arm rests and my neck was getting sore from lack of head support due to lack of recline on the seats. There also was no tv's on the back of the seats except for like 3 tv's in the middle sections of the plane. I got a side section. Also at about 30 minutes before I arrived back home, some kind hurled on the plane like 1 seat in front of me to my right. It stunk up the whole plane. Wtf kid, you couldn't have gone to the bathroom and done that or waited until we arrived in Canada? Luckily I didn't get any vomit on me. This was probably one of the worst flights I've been on.

So this concludes my little adventure in Europe. I probably should have stayed in one city for longer instead of doing 2 cities. It probably would have been fine for doing two cities if all I wanted was to go site seeing and do attractions but I also was looking at hooking up too so that made it really difficult to do with only 5 nights in a city, especially if your night game is $hit like mines and you have trouble physically escalating. Guess its time to return back to the land of stuck up *****y over entitled whales :(.

Summary of cities and countries:

Paris, France

Lots of brunettes

Women very slim and fit. Most girls I saw were around a 7. I don't think I even saw a 9 or 10. I also don't think I saw any 4's or lower either.

Lots of hippy looking chicks (around 40-50% wore black leather jackets, some designer t-shirt, jeans, and converse sneakers or boots)

Way overhyped fashion sense of French guys. I saw lots of dudes walking around in running shoes wearing ugly looking t-shirts and skinny jeans. Didn't see too many guys wearing blazers or suits. Saw only a handful of guys wearing dress shirts. In fact, I think guys in Toronto dress way better then French dudes.

You need to know how to speak French to have a good chance with French broads or at least meet one who speaks decent English or maybe my game is just $hit. I didn't meet many French chicks who spoke good English. Even at the party I went to on my first night, a lot of the girls didn't understand me most of the time.

The whole city smells like an ashtray or sewage dump. French people love to smoke cigarettes. I think its part of their culture or something, which is all fine and dandy except when your a tourist and from a country where most people don't smoke.

Its frigging expensive as hell here. Food is very expensive. I ordered a small bowl of pasta and a Long Island Iced Tea and it cost 27 Euros. Even eating at some low end cafe would run me about 15-20 euros. Also if you go to a fast food restaurant, the serving sizes are a lot smaller compared to North American standards. A medium drink in Paris is like a small in North America.

The city is full of pickpockets, criminals, bums, and scammers. I felt very paranoid being in Paris. I had to constantly watch my things and wouldn't take my hand off any of my luggage. On my trip back to Paris on the RER train, I saw some gypsie scum stare at me. I made eye contact with this guy, and we both had a staring contest for like 5 sec. I didn't want to get into a physical brawl with him in a country where I don't speak the language so I looked to the side. If he had done this in Canada, it would have been a different story.

People seemed kind of snobby and closed off. Everyone was most of the time in a hurry. Most people didn't want to speak English with me even if they knew how to. I think I got yelled at by one of the ticket collectors when I tried to pay by cash on the machine and it kept on returning my bill back even though it took bills.

That whole thing about French chicks secretly digging Asian dudes was total bull$hit, at least for me. I think I maybe saw 1 asian male, white female couple here. Hell even black dudes and arabs didn't do too well here. I think I only saw like 1-2 black guy/ french girl couples here. It was all mainly white and white couples.

The city of Paris, left a really bad taste in my mouth. I wanted to immediately leave the city when I had to fly back here for 1 more night to catch my flight back to Canada the next day. It definitely gave me greater appreciation for Toronto, except for the women :crackup:

Krakow, Poland

I loved it here. I actually didn't want to leave yet.

Food is cheap here. You can eat at upscale restaurants for like $15-25 CAD or like 10 euros or something. You can get a pint of beer for like $1.5 CAD lol. If your on guestlist at clubs, you can get in for free and even get a free drink.

Polish cuisine is very bland tasting. Perogies don't taste that good and are very oily. The Zapiekanka was pretty tasteless and very dry. I think the only thing I liked was the Compote drink.

Mixture of blondes and brunettes, although I think I saw more blondes in total. Something like 60/40 %.

Also a lot of slim women. The difference I noticed is that Polish women had a little bit curvier voluptuous bodies compared to Parisians. The face however was slightly uglier then the French girls. I would rate the women between 6 and 7, however they definitely had better bodies though. Also girls and people in general, especially the younger crowd seemed more friendly, with the exception of the **** blocking bouncers and bartenders. They actually seemed like they wanted to help you and listen to you instead of being in a rush. I started to get to know a few of the waiters/waitresses at one of the restaurants I visited and they seemed like nice people. Also, I got plenty of attention from females here, although I failed to capitalize on it, but that's all on me, not the polish girls. I hardly saw any asians here, and when I did, it was mostly tourists who dress like $hit and have dirty fobby habits.

Polish people speak better English then the Parisians even though they don't feel confident with their English ability.

British dudes have a very bad rep here in Poland, and you will quickly see why if you ever come here. They are fat, loud, obnoxious, dirty, and dress like $hit. They hit on anything with a set of boobs and have no respect for anyone.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this journal, and if your interested in sarging together when I visit your city let me know :up: .
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Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
zinc4 said:
Thunder must be more physically aggressive... Literally force yourself to do it until it becomes second nature..

At first it will feel weird man and you might feel creepy or just panicking heart beating out of chest what not awkward but damnit man I want to see you force yourself to make early moves often onntbese chicks with no fear of losing them just for practice vsakes...

Stop thing ng about the future outcome with them and touch them early and often...your hand across their back ...
if they complain a little about anything laugh and say oh poor girl with your hand on their shoulders look for excuses to touch and if there is no resistance literally force a kiss man early later on in the interaction I don't care how awkward it is...

If you can just get past this mental barrier your game will increase 10 fold...

Like me man...personally I suck at talking, don't like people in general nor vibe with most naturally, often dress like crap, but my kino game is at top form....I kino the **** out of women I want to bed early and often whether in public, cold approach, at my place or on a date. Get good at aggressive kino and sex will come easy with these broads. I've already read several examples on this trip from you where you failed to close the deal with kino.

That's like three missed lays at least so far man...u gotta push yourself to kino and especially kiss, or you will never be close to a natural's level. Talk and dress style only go so far.
Just for future learning purposes and to help me improve my game, can you elaborate more on the 3 missed opportunities and what you would have done instead in my shoes?

I know for sure at the bus stop I fcuked up when she was seated beside me. At the restaurant I was sitted across from her and the table was very large separating us. I don't even think I could have grabbed her hand without really stretching over. Also I think I may have fcuked up at the river when we were walking and the sun was setting.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
You are a man...embrace the male energy. You want them. They want it too. There are millions or reasons and paths as to why it might/can't/won't happen, but deep inside, in the flash, the mutual desire speaks for both if it's there.

Stay in that comfortable male zone... no thoughts ...just calm. You are in the zone, and if she responds with her energy, then you're vibing. If she herself is out of her zone, then don't bother getting her into the zone and out of her head... too much work and upkeep. Find those that are already in the zone...the simple natural attraction.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
TG. Sounds like you're having a time of it.

Good on you for travelling round on your own in countries where English-speakers are sparse. Many would not have the nuts to do that, not even guys who are 'successful'. You can take a big fish out of his small pond and he just gets eaten alive. Consider this; maybe living in a town like Toronto is actually one of your biggest issues. I certainly find the same living in LDN at times. It's not that women aren't attracted to you, it's just the market is saturated and there is no element of mystery in the social scene.

The second point is this; look at what happened when you left Krakow - you basically decided that you would not bother approaching women in the last few hours of being there, and all'a sudden, they started approaching you. This is a key element because the vibe is easily picked up. It's translated from your accounts in your journal too.

With the physicality, just go for it, in the same sense that you don't really want a gf, not one who live on the other side of the world anyway. That won't work out and you'll end up in a worse place than where you started.

In summary, if you have your game/radar on 24/7, people can feel that vibe from the start. Go about your business, have fun and know that opportunities will come your way because of your mindset, not really because of much you are doing physically. You then also have the mental energy to escalate when the opportunity presents because your mind is not so drained and fixated upon outcome.

All the best,



Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Eye of the storm

" You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TheMonkeyKing again. "

Super Solid Summary . Spot on.