Thrown off by this girl


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
I just met a girl off of the other day, she was surprisingly better looking in person than her pic, and we hit it off, she's definately interested.

The weird thing tho is that on our date she was saying how she hates when guys play games. And we went on to talk bout our exes and exachanged a few stories about how much they sucked. And when i told her about a couple of my exes, she was like its girls like that that give all girls a bad name i swear we're not all needy headcases. I'm like im not so sure bout that. So then she's like "well wat about guys, u think were all needy headcases, but i think all guys r game players. She's like i bet ur gonna do the whole not callin for 3 days and all that. So im like well if a guy calls a girl the next day he looks needy and she will turn him down, so u girls r the reason why we play those kinda games.

So we went on with this for a while, i was impressed to be having a conversation with such a rational female, that never seems to happen. She brought all this up to which i found impressive.

The thing is tho, now im thrown off my game. With a girl like this i guess playing the "aloof" game wont work right? I normally dont call a girl for at least 2 days after a date. But this time i felt i should so I called her the next nite and she seemed very happy to hear from me. Do u guys think she is really that rare girl who is cute,smart, and rational? Or this all talk and in actuality she will reject me if im honest and dont play games. I have a feeling she says this stuff but is really no different than every other girl who gets attracted to a guy who plays push pull kinda games, and will eventually be bored with a guy who really likes her.

Whatya think?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Durham Cali
"With a girl like this i guess playing the "aloof" game wont work right? I normally dont call a girl for at least 2 days after a date. But this time i felt i should so I called her the next nite and she seemed very happy to hear from me."

Then she won; at least this battle. All girls are needy headcases, no exception. Don't say that you are not calling her because of some rule, say that you didnt call her because you were busy doing all the important things in your life.

"I have a feeling she says this stuff but is really no different than every other girl who gets attracted to a guy who plays push pull kinda games, and will eventually be bored with a guy who really likes her."



Don Juan
Mar 24, 2006
Reaction score
here is what i would have done.

i wouldn't talk about my exes and even if i did, i would talk nice about them...i don't know thats just me.

secondly, i wouldn't care about how i should act...i mean, it's great that you ''think'' she is a rational and what not, but this shouldn't change your attitude.

my humble opinion is that even with different players...the game is the same.